Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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Well, it's funny you posted that, considering that you just joined a club.

You said that what was the need in discussing a fictional character when you just joined a club with one in it! So therefore, you're the one with no education because you just contradicted yourself.
Cloud and Tifa holding hands would be great!but I doubt we`ll see that.
Maybe a subtle hint at something romantic at most.
I've been thinking about it for a long time - how on earth can Cloud and Tifa pretend they don't like each other when they're living in the same house and raising a family together? Wouldn't you find it a little odd that nothing was going on whatsoever?
it is odd,but we know that things happen between them.
Us as viewers don`t get to see those moments though.But I am sure we will soon,I doubt Square is as afraid as it was before to show them together.
Which is only why I propose we march together as worldwide CloTi fans to the Square headquarters in Japan, ranting and raving in different languages to demand that CloTi be made official. :wacky:
I ran into a acquaintance of mine today while I was at the mall and of course we started to talk about gaming since that's the main thing we have in common. Anyways, he started complaining about Cloud not having a larger role in DoC despite it being the "Vincent game" (pfft, fanboy :P) to which he concluded he was "too busy getting busy with Tifa" during that time xD
Pssh. That's ridiculous. What could a son be busy about with his mother?

Oh darn, thinking of that whole "mother" concept makes me :S *dizzy* Can't believe there are ppl who believe in that...

I do agree with Cloti and hope that Square's not afraid to make further confirmations. I mean, believe it or not, sometimes I actually find that I don't care about the pairings, but this whole battle of the canon needs to stop, as my mind is too easily boggled :S. On my less humorous days at least. The things that result from it. *shakes head* Pure stupidity. Square, do us a favor and end it, PLEASE...Gawd, I sound desperate.

But it's just so unfair. No other FF pairings need official declarations, why should CloTi?


I'm just gonna look forward to more CloTi fan-made MVs. Awesome. ;D
Well, it's funny you posted that, considering that you just joined a club.

You said that what was the need in discussing a fictional character when you just joined a club with one in it! So therefore, you're the one with no education because you just contradicted yourself.

That is a false notion. I never said anything about fictional characters or clubs. I had a problem with people arguing. Go and read what I posted if you still don't understand.

Please, if you're going to pick a fight with me, please don't look like a fool in my presence.
Still, choosing to post in a fanclub isn't exactly the best place to make your opinions known. And by only posting in a specific fanclub (unless you have made a similar post in the other fanclubs pertaining to the subject that you're talking about), members of it will become hostile against you.

If you really want people to know your opinion on this, make a thread in the appropriate forum or something. 'Cause as a member of this fanclub, I honestly don't wanna have to see posts like that here :/

Anyways, another Cloud/Tifa pic:


It's so purty :3
That is a false notion. I never said anything about fictional characters or clubs. I had a problem with people arguing. Go and read what I posted if you still don't understand.

The child said, arguing with people.

Please, if you're going to pick a fight with me, please don't look like a fool in my presence.

We just didn't want you to feel out of place, fool.
Still, choosing to post in a fanclub isn't exactly the best place to make your opinions known. And by only posting in a specific fanclub (unless you have made a similar post in the other fanclubs pertaining to the subject that you're talking about), members of it will become hostile against you.

If you really want people to know your opinion on this, make a thread in the appropriate forum or something. 'Cause as a member of this fanclub, I honestly don't wanna have to see posts like that here :/

Anyways, another Cloud/Tifa pic:


It's so purty :3

This is the first topic I found. I was strolling on by, reading up on new posts and interesting topics. I saw this topic so I went inside. I had a clear mind and I don't really care for Cloud being with anyone so I kept reading. Things got out of hand when I saw the hostility of some people. That is what made me lash out. Still, there will always be haters and bigots who get irritated at what I say. And I laugh at what they say because they hope to accomplish an unsatisfying mission.

Generally, I hate "disturbing the peace" and I dislike getting called out. I am starting to get on people's nerves so I'll stay low for now. 3 infractions is one too many, even if it's just the internet.
That is a false notion. I never said anything about fictional characters or clubs. I had a problem with people arguing. Go and read what I posted if you still don't understand.

Please, if you're going to pick a fight with me, please don't look like a fool in my presence.
I wasn't picking a fight with you. Your posts aren't necessary in this. As other members have clearly pointed out, make another thread.

Honestly, I don't see the need for people to argue over such crass materials. Why can we not discuss like real men and not giggle like ladies? There is really no need for people to actually engage in fruitless squabbles. What will you attain from knowing that a fictional character has a romantic life with somebody else? Nothing.... Nothing but a pat on the shoulder; an irascible mentality with the inability to secede from fantasy. You're just wallowing in a never-ending progression of solitude and indifference. Truly I say, nobody really cares. This doesn't help anyone in the world. There are still people in need and nobody is making an effort in the earth. This is a waste of time, but most importantly, it's ludicrous. Maybe my post will deliver some of the wiser folks to justice. The world must learn to unite their cultures and stand up!
So you said you said absolutely NOTHING about fictional characters, hmm?

Don't post in here again or you'll receive another infraction. This thread is merely to discuss the possibility of CloTi and the other factors involved, not to slate someone for being a fan of CloTi because it "is a waste of time, but most importantly, it's ludicruous."
I wasn't picking a fight with you. Your posts aren't necessary in this. As other members have clearly pointed out, make another thread.

So you said you said absolutely NOTHING about fictional characters, hmm?

Don't post in here again or you'll receive another infraction. This thread is merely to discuss the possibility of CloTi and the other factors involved, not to slate someone for being a fan of CloTi because it "is a waste of time, but most importantly, it's ludicruous."

Like I said, I have no problem with that. The arguments is what I have a problem with. I don't think you read my post well enough. I have nothing against fictional characters. If you could understand well enough you'll realize I used that sentence in conjunction with the argument. You can believe what you want but don't argue with something so senseless. Give me how many infractions you want, I don't give a damn. And it is a damn waste to give up on it already.
I don't even get why we're paying attention by this guy's posts.They're pointless anyway so just ignore them,it's the best to do.

I watched the new ACC trailer too,it was good indeed and satisfying seeing Tifa fight more than in the original.
Atma, please stay out of the thread in future. You're doing nothing but causing trouble, so, don't do it again please. If people got hostile, you don't join in the arguement, you get a moderator to deal with the situation, understood? So post here again with an attitude like you do have, then you will possibly get warned for trolling.
Thank you, Lisa. That was the solution I was trying to achieve. I infracted him again, but if he posts again, I'll keep doing that. There's no point arguing with someone who will only continue to spam, anyways.

Now let's get back on topic with CloTi. :wacky:
what's going on here? :s ugh.. don't replay this guy's messages. let's continue to talk about that stuff that this thread is about: CloTi. :D
Well said.

What do you think of Aerith's whole point of view of the whole Cloud and Tifa awkwardness? It's funny, considering she assumes them to be a couple and they're not at first.
Well, I think her profile said she took interest in the love triangle. I think it's nothing more than that. I think she was simply amused about their relationship and meant no harm. *shrug* I mean, she may perhaps enjoy flirting with Cloud but I think if she were to live till the end of FF7, she would've understood that the real Cloud loved Tifa and would have stepped aside. Especially knowing that Cloud was zackzified and stuff.
Oh yeah, I forgot about the love triangle thing. She merely found it fascinating because she was a part of it. I suppose that she decided that Cloud liked Tifa, even after her death.
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