Most Useless Character?

Most Useless Character?

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I chose Amarant because, although I liked him and used him (occaisionally) he was well and truly pointless to the story.
If he hadn't of joined, someone else in my party (probably Steiner) would have been a lot more superpowered when it came to the last few bosses.
Ah well...
Personally, I hated Eiko though
Eiko was soooo pointless. I mean, her magic was a bit better than Dagger/Garnet's was but, meh, Eiko was still kinda useless to me.

I actually thought Steiner was lame. He was never in my party really and I used Amarant alot more.
Either Cinna or Quina... seriously.x.x I couldn't stand Quina when I played the game years ago, and now as I replay the game I hate Cinna.x.x lol
*oh come now friends :) your too harcsh :) i cant say a character from IX is useless cause everyone of them has flaws too :)

*lets just say whose the weakest of them all :) right!? :)

*lets see although Quina has powerful blue magic and has many uses like healing and changing status i find him weak because of his limitations :)

*his blue magic cant have effect on all monsters and sometimes theyre useless against boss monsters :) so i would say Quina to be the weakest character in final fantasy IX :)

*Weeeeeeeeee :D :D
I always struggled over my favourite party because they all had uses and could be used effectivly.

Zidane - The thief and best trance

Garnet - Summoner and healer

Steiner - General ass kicker

Vivi - The black mage...

Quina - Blue magics like mighty guard and frog drop were priceless in a difficult battle.

Freya - Jump and Dragon Quest were vital to some battles. The ability to remove your character from harms way could save your ass on many an occasion if an attack could kill all your team.

Amarant - His throw skill was LETHAL and his abilities were generally useful.

Eiko - Healer and mediocre summoner but could use holy.

I don't think there was a useless character in ff9 but you could pick your team according to your playing style.
quina ! the most pointless main char ever ! i still have no idea wot it was there for ! just looking at it makes me want to scream !!
The most useless character in Final Fantasy IX is Quina. The character wasn't needed in the story, and Quina was a very ugly character, I'm still trying to figure out if Quina is a male or female. Quina has to be the worst character and the weakest in any Final Fantasy game besides Final Fantasy IX.
This thread is still alive? o _ O

Anyway, I voted Amarant. I think Quina was there for a comic relief of sorts, and Eiko was important for the quasi-love triangle between her, Zidane, and Garnet. Amarant was kind of just there, and lost all importance after like, 15 minutes.

And he's ugleh, too. :D
I voted for Eiko. Quina's Blue Magic always amused me, and I don't see how its gender effects its importance in the game. Eiko, however, was a second magic user, which means if she hadn't been there, Dagger would've likely had all of the magic and summons, as it should have been. Not to mention, Eiko didn't look anything fierce, and I really just wanted to let the monsters take away the infant.
I think Amarant in the choice betweeen him and Steiner he just isn't as strong, there was no need to have both of them in my party.
Quina's blue magic is very effective later on in the game especially frog drop does alot of damage
I went for Amarant myself. Would the story have been critically different without him? Did we need him to fight? Did we like him? My answer to each of these questions is a solid 'No'.

Without him, you would never have gotten Leviathan, as it was not only his idea, but he carried most of the characters up the Iifa Tree.

He also scared away Lani and played everything perfectly fair, thus making it just a little easier to get Eiko and the Pendant in which Lani stole, back (though Lani would have been easy too, but she may have lied and ran away with the Pendant, which Amarant would have never done).

Though they probably wouldn't have fought Kuja until the end anyways, he's the one who convinced Zidane and company that they would be no match for Kuja at the time (this was in Disc 3). He likely knew just a little bit more about Kuja than the rest of the guys (at the time he told them about Kuja's power), due to the fact that both he and Kuja were associated in some way, shape, and/or form with Queen Brahne.

He also contributes his power/energy at the end when you have to fight Kuja (this is assuming you don't have Amarant as a part of your party at the time).

Anyways, as for who I voted for, it would have to be Quina. The only thing he's ever really useful for (that I can recall anyways) is at the end where he also contributes his power/energy when you have to fight Kuja (once again, this is assuming you don't have Quina as a part of your party at the time).
it has to be eiko
shes annoying
she thinks shes good anough for zidane
and for cring out loud she uses a flute as a weapon
I don't even remeber voting here but apparently I have :wacky:

I'm torn between Eiko and Quina, altho I think i actually used Quina more than Eiko....she was just so pointless with taht daft little flute thing, and she just annoyed me in general. I liked her moogle though. 'Bout the only thing she had going for her really
Amarant and eiko you don't need to summoners dey should've given all of eiko stuff to garnet. And amarant was just lame.
Well I think Eiko had better White magic that Dagger did. But, Not having Quina in the story wouldn't have changed it much. S/He was more of an Add-On.
I would say either Eiko and Quina. I voted Quina as I just don't believe the character contributed to the story enough and was more optional than anything really, Eiko on the other hand was just plain annoying, never used used her anyway, why do you need two summoners? I would much have preferred just Dagger as the only summoner with all magic and summons...
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it has to be, the most useless, the least important, her trance was to eat things and her weapons were forks.
IT didnt look good it looked stupid it had nothing in the story line apart from finding ur way of the first continent, which ws stupid to put into the storyline in the first place, plus its like the only (sort of) optional character, which furthers its uselessness.