Random Facts About Yourself

I find the sound of a turned on computer annoying.
I laugh a lot when I watch videos of people falling on youtube(am I a bad person? :P)
I like the feeling of watching horror movies and hate it at the same time xP
I spend too much money on games
I like the feeling of being tired after I work out
I like to sneeze, it's annoying when I almost Sneeze, but don't
I love a shower in the morning
I never want to wake up in the morning, want to sleep all day long :D

I want to travel somewhere, not just travel, but travel on foot somewhere and climb mountains, with a girlfriend that would love to do that as well.(something I've wanted since I was 10 or something)
1. I like to fart a lot
2. I'm known as the toilet stalker
3. Made my cousin cry at his birthday party because I told him he only had a day to live
4. third runner up as hottest female in my school's mock elections
5. Had a sexual dream that involved Nephany
6. Pulled over 3 times by the same cop in 2 days for speeding
7. Went a whole week without showering
8. Failed my drivers test twice, barely passed on the third try
9. Haven't had my natural hair color in over 3 years
10. I like porn
11. Flashed the drive through at Mcdonalds... twice
12. Was once the only one to show up in a costume at a halloween party
13. Cried during Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
14. Went sky diving for my 18th birthday
15. Stayed up 24 hours studying for a final exam, and ended up missing it
16. Have watched "The Goonies" over 100 times
17. Spent about 20 min trying to unlock my car door until I realized it wasn't my car
18. Got down on my hands and knees at walmart and acted like a dog
19. Got kicked out of Toys R Us for playing with the toys
20. Wear men's boxers because they're comfy
1. I hate couples in FF games. (stick to the fighting!)
2. I never sleep more than 5 hours a night.
3. I am 6 months behind on my Graphics work and it's due in tomorrow :(
4. I got my PS1 when I was 4 and have been playing video games ever since.
5. No matter how important homework is I will always procrasinate (see no. 3)
6. I have no social life (Damn you video games)
7. My ambition in life is to design video games for SE.
8. I have just started learning programing and hacking.
9. If it weren't for video games i would probably be doing better in school.
10. My first rule in life: porn is good.
11. I wish i had the ultimate sig pic ever.
12. I would give up my legs to be able to fly.
13. I have a small collection of swords.
14. I don't like alcohol.
15. I always need someone who loves me.
16. I used to leave my DVD on repeat and listen to Advent Children as i slept.
17. I should be doing my homework right now instead of this.
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Bei, we have so much in common, it's orgasmic. XD

1.) "Fart" is the only word that can keep me laughing for over 20 minutes straight.
2.) Longest I've gone without showering was 6 days, but that was back in the day. ^___^
3.) Took a dump in my neighbor's yard and threw toilet paper all over his bushes.
4.) I talk like a redneck, and Bei would love it. <3
5.) Sometimes when I'm too lazy to blow my nose, I pick my boogers and wipe them on things.
6.) I only wipe with Charmin Ultra.
7.) Got caught trying to steal a kiddie pool from wal mart.
8.) Peed my pants while I was sleeping...recently.
9.) My best friend and I glued our feet together once with nail glue and had to cut them apart with scissors. =\

More later. =]
1. I prefer dr. pepper over pepsi.
2. Have the tendancy to laugh at the most inappropriate situations.
3. Can't stand someone who chews with their mouth open.
4. I broke 2 cell phones in 1 month.
5. I ran over a dog which turned out to mine.
6. Currently in college
7. I actually like Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within.:O
8. Can't stand my current job.
9. I believe that there is no such thing as a bad pizza.
2.I sleep in till like 12:00
3.i drink
5.not a virgin
6.love ice cream
7.mii fave fast food mcdonalds (call mii crazy)
8. have a myspace
9.love ff!!!
10. new here anywazz
1.Half Irish
2.Parents are Divorced
3.I have a fairly good social life
4.Love FF
5.I love Pizza, cookies, and ice cream (not all at the same time)
6. I love sport
7.I play football, rugby
8. I dont smoke or drink
9.I have broken my arm, wrist and 2 toes before
10.I dont like chavs
1. I have fallen down the stairs on every new years eve just before midnight for the past 7 years.
2. I electrocute myself every time i unplug something.
3. My friends all call me Sparky because of that.
4. I have a broken tooth, which can be quite painful at times, but i refuse to go to the dentists.
5. I'm a very bad loser. Best me at a game and i'll throw the controller on the floor and sulk for hours.
6. Brag about beating me at a game and i'll throw the controller at your head.
7. I have a damaged muscle in my left arm caused by a football injury when i should have been studying for an important exam.
8. Whenever i'm drunk i tell everyone that i love them, including random strangers.
9. I found it very easy to give up smoking.
10. My social life has been practically non-existant since my best friend moved away last summer (damn him!)
11. I believe that cheese is the best thing in the world.
12. I'm half scottish, but i cannae do a scottish accent.
13. I cannot eat anything without bbq sauce.
14. I don't eat anything that doesn't go with bbq sauce (except chocolate)
15. I've lived in the same town all my life.
16. I believe that George Bush will be responsible for the end of the world.
17. I can be incredibly random at times.
18. I find even the most immature words and actions hilarious.
19. I have a crush on my girlfriend's brother.
20. I once shouted fuck in class and got away with it by blaming it on someone else.
1. I like manga/anime/games
2. Guys were like games to me, i play them.
3. I can multitask!
4. i have a secret passion for Halfcast asians.
1. I am allergic to the metal known as nickel, yet I work in a shop which produces almost exclusively metal tooling.
2. I've never liked being dirty, even as a young child.
3. One of my pet peeves is when people leave the caps off of pens.
4. I can easily manipulate clearly false statements to seem true, simply by using proper grammar and a little common sense. Harvard graduates have fallen for my bullshit.
5. I once used the ability I mentioned in 4 to write an essay in an American history class about world war II. Instead, I essentially wrote about cheese. My teacher was so impressed with my paper that he offered to admit it into some scholarship fund where the best WWII essay won the money. I obviously declined, though I secretly believed he sent it in anyways, just to try and be nice for me.
6. Despite numbers 4 and 5 being about my ability to mislead people with false claims that seem true, they, themselves, are completely true. (Hard to believe it now though, isn't it?)
7. In elementary school I broke the playground record for the farthest jump off a moving swing. Unfortunately the jump was not only not on purpose, but also not in the proper direction (ie - I went under the swing, flew backwards, and landed on my face, which resulted in a broken wrist)
8. I have never gotten lower than a B on a book report or a test about a book, yet have never actually read a book that the school assigned (prior to the test or report that is)
9. I try my best to be humble, but often still come off as a wannabe know-it-all.
10. I have no real friends to speak of because I'm too shy.
11. I once had a friend say "Furman is like Silent Bob, he doesn't speak often, but when he does... man, you better shut the fuck up and listen because you know it's going to be something important."
12. I've been grounded for 9 months straight from just about everything outside, and everything electronic inside, including the microwave.
13. I was basically a good kid, but when it came to my parents, I was an instigator.
14. I always find out a girl liked/likes me when it is far too late to do anything about it.
15. I worry too much about the future.
16. I learn best when I'm given too much information to handle, and am then left alone to sort through the mess on my own, hoping to recollect something I was told in the first place.
17. I love playing video games against cheaters because I feel that the harder the opponent, the faster I'll become better.
18. I have no idea what a pronoun is, or what it means to conjugate a verb, yet I can fluently, and properly use grammar.
19. Things always sound better in my head than when they come out of my mouth.
20. I re-read, edit, re-read, edit everything I put down on paper or on the computer to death.
21. I trip over my own tongue when I try and speak.
22. I'm not all that big a fan of chocolate.
23. I'll type your ear off on the computer, but rarely speak in person.
24. I do my best thinking in the wee hours of the morning.
25. An empty 2 liter bottle of Coca~Cola once saved my life (lets just say that there were stairs involved), yet I still prefer Pepsi.
26. I like Pepsi better because of the acidic burning feeling it has when it is flowing through your mouth and down your esophagus like Drain-O.
27. I'd be thoroughly surprised if you're still reading this. Even more so if you don't think of me as an arrogant and pompous ass. I really don't try to be, but I know I manage to come off that way.
28. I miss a girl I met almost four years ago and think about her everyday. We only knew each other for a week, but she just meant so damn much to me. Her name was Nikki Bryant. If you know her, tell her to get a hold of me.
29. I recently discovered that it's spelled "vacuum".
30. I could go on for awhile longer, but I think this is good enough.
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1. I'm extremely paranoid
2. Constantly stressed
3. Robots and Pac-Man make me happy
4. I'm gay
5. I hate stereotypes
6. I'm quite misanthropic
7. I'm a Final Fantasy VII fan
8. I hate the term fanboy
9. Racism is a pet peeve of mine
10. I am very self conscious
11. I'm weird
12. I question my existence
13. I used to love anime, but now it pisses me off slightly
14. My favorite band is Radiohead, but I like most types of music
15. Country and Rap are poor excuses for music
16. I am tense 97% of the time
17. I'm quite shy
18. I procrastinate too often
19. I'm a hypocrite(in some ways)
20. I fell in love with someone who is the epitome of everything I hate
21. The only anime I love is Neon Genesis Evangelion
22. I'm random at times
23. I try too hard to make people laugh
24. I am a poor excuse for a human
25. People suck

Oh, boy that feels somewhat good...
This should be fun. lol

Hmm, let's see. Not much to say about myself except that:

1. I'm Hyper to the point of illness :P
2. I rarelly get bored
3. When, by any case, I get bored it only lasts for a really short while but it kills me.
4. I laugh all the time
5. It's pretty difficult to get me mad
6. Run if you get me mad cuz I might become dangerous, LOL.
7. I'm extremily friendly and I get along with everyone
8. I love music with a burning passion
9. I always try to help everyone even when they don't want help
10. I'm a compulsive AMV maker. lol

Wheee *vanishes*
1. I love Domino's pizza.
2. I am a yaoi fan. (Cloud x Kadaj 4eva!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
3. I am a fanartist and fanfiction writer.
4. I am an artist on Dragonlance Nexus.
5. I am a woman! (You'd be surprised how many people think I'm a guy)
6. I *heart* a sickly young mage with gold skin, hourglass eyes, and white hair, and who has an ego the size of Meteor, can't walk far without coughing to death, and who had a lifelong tantrum until his death at 28.
7. I get high off caffeine. Long live caffeine highs!
1: I can be very arrogant.
2: I dont consider chocolate cereal to be actual chocolate!
3: Im a mad Muse fan
4: Shortest job I had was 2 weeks in a computer game shop.
5: I refused to watch Serenity because that was the whole of the Firefly universe over for me.
6: Im an emo in denial.
7: Im mad on Father Ted series ^^
8: I may be a massive fan of Muse, but I still ned to see them live.
9: I have a horrid short temper.
10: I get upset easily.
11: I love friendship and hate it when it isnt returned.
mmm o.k. lets see
1. I dislike KH mermaid world
2. I'm probaly too old to be on FFF (30)
3. I dislike the term fanboy
4. I like skulls and my collection of them (fake ones)
5. I only live to care for my children, and for my mom. Without them i would end it all
6. I love FF and have since i was young
7. I run a bodyshop and enjoy customizing cars
8. I like comic books,, always have
9. Most of my friends are dead or moved away :(
10. I still don't have one friend on FFF
11. I used to be a roll kid and still like techno
12. I like ANY hard music my favorite is industrial
13. I raised my daughter by myself till 5 years ago
thats all for now :cool:
im in a wheelchair
i write poems
sometimes i feel like dr phil
i work at walmart(always low prices, always)
i want to go to japan
i have many many nns
6. I *heart* a sickly young mage with gold skin, hourglass eyes, and white hair, and who has an ego the size of Meteor, can't walk far without coughing to death, and who had a lifelong tantrum until his death at 28.

I have a serious man-crush on Raistlin!

4. I am an artist on Dragonlance Nexus.

Unfortunately I don't have too much time to keep up with all of the dragonlance books. Is Nexus a site, or a series, or what? If you art is on some of the books, I'd love to see them!

I guess to stay on topic I should post a few more random facts about myself.

31. As stated above, I have a man-crush on Raistlin Majere!
32. I love the Dragonlance Chronicles (the kender folk are pretty annoying though).
33. My favorite book is "The Paradise War". I've never read the other two in the series though...
34. I generally dislike books about the recent past, or about the present, but I loved "A Prayer for Owen Meany".
35. I dislike Stephen Kings writing, but loved "Carrie".
36. I am looking into getting a FFVII related tattoo.
1. Purple Rocks my socks
2. I am addicted to neopets
3. I wear black constantly
4. which is why im glad my school uniform is black
5. My friends tend to all hate each other in some shape or form
6. i won a stewie plushie - it pwns
7. 7 is my lucky number
8. on the history essay which i wrote 777 words in i got an A*
9. My friend appears to have stolen my copy of FFX
10. i stay on the pc till 4am on weekends talking to FFF people - Lady Aerith mainly XD
11. Desperate housewives rocks my socks
12. i went as darth vader to my friends halloween party last year
13. i have triskadekaphobia - fear of the number 13 XD
14. I once made an 18 year old cry over MSN
15. I drink vodka on weekends
16. Blue wikid is my favourite vodka
17. i wrote a 136 page novel 3 years ago
18. I still listen to abba
19. i hate how i look
20. i would have cut myself before had i not seen what it did to my friend
21. me and my friend lucy are the cruelest people one earth.
22. were cruel because we spent all of chemistry laughing about chav Orphans
23. I hate my french teacher
24. i often have no idea what the bloody hell she's saying in french
25. i still wish id took IT instead of French
26. im averaging an A in history and English
27. I also hate media studies - it should be burnt
28. i used to do latin before the teacher retired
29. I spend most of my free time on my laptop
30. i get that Deja Vu feeling a lot.

Well thats enough about me.......for now

*cackles manically*