Role-Playing Tournament 2008 Discussion

Oh, my apologies in my delay, but I had some unfinished business that required attention since I have left them abandoned for some time. If the time arrives, I would like to be notified in a PM when I get another match, if possible.
Any responses to our questions?

From what little I've heard the Judges have scored our fights but don't know what their supposed to do. I recommend that they post their thoughts in the actual battles.

I just want to get things underway...
The Rosters will be updated once all the judgements are complete. As is, the judges still need to come to a decision on the last battle.

And aye, the battles will be getting underway soon. The judges have two matters to discuss first, so we'll have to wait until then.
Soooo... this means I'm going up against the beastly brawler, huh? Hee hee, Fair_Game and I share so many ideals and tendencies in RPing, I'm really looking forward to this match! Of course, I will be more responsible than I was with our other RPB :D
Hmm. I'm thinking that, instead, it will be Julius vs. professor13. The only reason is because NEITHER of them have seen any action, and prof's been waiting very patiently for his match.

So yeah, the battle will start tomorrow. The winner of the match will face Fair_Game. For now, this battle will be the ONLY battle until the official semi-finals.

So, basically, only Julius and prof are fighting. Nobody else.


The battles have been moved to the Legendary Battles section and closed.

To all those who fought, great job! Despite scoring, everybody did a fantastic job.

To those which victory slipped away from, there's always next time, and you can take away from this experience! You did a superb job.

To the victors, congratulations! But, don't get cocky; the further you go in the tournament, the stronger the opponents, the more challenging the scenarios. Don't give up!
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Prof vs. Julius, so I get to beef up my writing skills for one week before I square off against the winner of that match.

Combatants, good luck. I'm going to be studying up on your style and following your matches very closely, I'm excited to see how you two do!

Throttle, care to place a non-monetary bet on the winner? Unless that's not allowed...

Anyway, good luck!
Julius, hmm? :D:D:D:D:D:D
I remember my first ever RP was a two person one with him. That time I also used Wylliam. Now, I'd like to think my style's gotten even better, and Wylliam's been revamped for the tourney.

You want a safe bet Fair_Game? BET ON ME!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

...just kidding. I'm as nervous as crap right now... Julius, an RP legend...I, the unorthodox newcomer... THE WINNER TAKES IT ALL!!! ...unless, of course, the winner loses in a later match...*ahem.* NARCISSISM FTW!!! :gasp:
Since when am I a Role Playing Legend? :math:

Anyhow, I am quite rejoiced to see that I am facing such a fine and skilled role player on my very first match. More precisely, I am also quite anxious to see what "fate" has in store for the two of us. Will we entangle ourselves in a vicious vendetta? Or will we set a side any arousing vindictiveness and claim victory leaving aside vanity and villainy, vanishing our egos and letting valor determine our vivid wills?

To answer all these questions....wait for the battle :)

Well I guess it will be Julius Vs William. I wonder what attire my character should use.

PS: This might be the less-intelligent question (while being a necessity nonetheless) I might ever make so far but...

Where's the battle thread? :gasp:

I said it was going to start today :gasp:

I'm making the battle as we speak :monster:

So be patient :gasp:

*slaps Mandi's li'l bro* -__-
...I will never forgive that blatant V referrence. :D

As for 'vanishing egos,' I'm afraid that would simply make Wylliam disappear.

Now then, Vividly the Vision of Victory is Veiled no more! My Vain Visage, though not Vindictive, Verliy shall Vex and Vehemently eViscerate the Valiant Venture of your Vogue Vagrant!


*ahem* good fortunes in the tourney!

And I thought I was crazy :gasp:

Don't make me do a T-speech for Throttle ;D I will, you know!
DO IT!! I am eager to see what Throtle can do...

But thinking about it, if you do the t-word thingy....I guess we would end up calling you... Mr T?

As for Proffessor13.....ah you did watch the movie more times...I just couldn't memorize all those words xD

Next time I'll use my extensive knowledge in LOK and pawn you in a good o'l KAIN (or Raziel) style :monster:
Pfft, Raziel would pwn Kain any day.

Your battle is up! I was hoping to use the Castle arena for my battle, though ;_;

Ah well. Kudos to Julius for designing the arena! I did a bit of rewording, but it was his idea!


olol, prof's post was epic lulz :neomon:

Sorry, but Wylliam's ego always makes me laugh xD
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I am having way too much fun with Wylliam's narcissism. I think it's because, deep down, we all have a little Wylliam... in... us... GASP!!! I just realized! If Wylliam were a captain... HE'D BE CAPTAIN MORGAN!!! BWAHAHA!!! Got a little Captain in you? (please drink responsibly)
Somebody's been hitting the booze hard :neomon:

I'm really enjoying your battle guys; you two are taking it to another level!
Hey! Don't forget, I'm an American, and a goody-goody, so until I'm the big 21, I'm just gonna have to make lame carribean rum jokes based on what I see on TV.


I'm glad you're enjoying the fight. What is the point of RPing if it's boring to the third-party reader? Just because this stuff isn't bound in a book doesn't mean we're allowed to slack off in our duty to provide quality and entertaining reading material to the masses. This is writing! RPers must recognize themselves as authors with a duty to the public! (That is, the public that goes to FFF in any case...) That's why I like this site so much better than some other RP sites I've been to. Y'all take this stuff seriously!

...Holy crap! :gasp: I just had a serious moment! NO!!! Something wierd... something goofy... QUICKLY! a-HA!


The Bucket
From Nobuhiro Watsuki's Rurouni Kenshin

There once was a travelling monk,
Who, while travelling, worked up a funk.
When he went to the well,
His high spirits fell,
For, oh no, The bucket was sunk!

Ah... I always did love poetry...​
Yes, I have also taken in consideration that, although I could be victorious, this RP battle could also be my downfall. If I am meant to fall then by heavens let my fall be glorious!!! If Wylliam is to go on, then he will have to get pass me and I want to make sure he is ready to take this to the next level.

Honestly, I've been thinking a lot these days, and to see that some consider me an RP "legend" here somehow puts my soul at ease. It sends a warm feeling to my heart, seriously, I am glad to know I can help somehow. My grammar might not be the best, but at least I put my soul in what I write.
Well, may the best RPer win. This is the last day for you two to make your battle posts, so here's hoping it's good!