GFX Shop Suki's Graphic Emporium

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It was a bit hard since it was such a small signature and you can barely see the characters, but there ya' go. If you need anything changed, let me know. ^^

Chax, I'll get to your request asap. =]
Well, you typed Shenshi instead of Senshi >_> not a big mistake but hey, it's easy to correct it. (Except if the .psd file is gone)


I never delete my .psd for a good reason.
Heh, neither do I :ryan:
Thanks a lot, it looks really awesome!
Here it is, Chax. I went for a lighter look. Let me know if you want anything changed.


Oh wow, that's brilliant, it'll definitely be one of the better sets I use. I'll have it up tomorrow.
Okay so basically you want an avatar if you want 150x150. I'll see what I can do.

You're sure it's not for a signature...? Because you said "make it smaller thanks but not to small it is for my sig"

Signature size is a lot bigger than 150x150...
Would it be possible to get 2 signitures created for myself?

I would like them to be 500 wide by 200 high.

I would like one to have the bahamut clan info ( dragoon of earth and Life Dragoon)

And the other to be more red like Vincent Valentine style with the last knight of the order of the rose embossed onto it?

Many Thanks.

Please reply via private messenger.
Hi there Mitsuki :D

I just finished browsing your art thread watching as you gradually improve and i must say im very impressed.

Id like to request a set if i may.

The size doesn't bother me, whatever you can work with, with the image.


Either one of those for the sig would be nice, but id prefer if you could make something out of the first pic.

I would like that to be used for my avatar, id actually prefer it as my sig but seeing as its so small....=(

For the text just put a sATIVO or a Sativo in there somewhere, i quite like the looks of the small unreadable text underneath the main text aswell. So id like that in there also please. ^__^

Im not fussed with the theme or colours either, just do something you think looks nice and you enjoy making. :D

Thanks, looking forward to seeing your work. :awesome:

Btw, buttsex is sexy! :gasp:
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Sativo, I should have your request done by tonight. =] do know that the signature limit for this site is 500x200, right? But if you're using it on another site, then 600x157 is fine. Just making sure that you're aware. ;)
Sativo, I should have your request done by tonight. =] do know that the signature limit for this site is 500x200, right? But if you're using it on another site, then 600x157 is fine. Just making sure that you're aware. ;)

Oh yes, I just wanted it to be bigger so I could use it in more places :)
Sorry it's late, Sativo.



Verlust1, I am having a hard time with the stock you provided, reason being because it does not fit quite well with the signature size you want. The width is too long and the height too small, so when I reduce the image a bit, you can't even see the text anymore and part of the image is cut off. I tried different ways of doing it but it's just not working. =/
Hal Octacon


Couldn't do really do much with it since the stock choice was different...but I applied a few filter effects.

This IS the image you wanted right? =/


Anyway, I can't do the Vincent Valentine one due to the poor quality of the image. That and I only do one request at a time, sorry. >.>
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