Nintendo Super Smash Brothers Brawl

Tedius said:
Super Smash Bros. Brawl has been declared my least favorite Wii game ever.

I think you enjoy being the target of negative comments. Can't think of another reason to explain that post.

Your loss.

Takeru said:
Why in god's name isn't Roy in the game? URghhhh!

Boy...Fire Emblem fans sure can't catch a break. No Ayra...and now no Roy.

I'm not missing Roy. He's too similar to Marth. Two Fire Emblem characters are more than enough as it is, I say.
Well to be fair having a character similar to Marth won't be such a bad thing with Fox and two clones in the game, at least he made an appearance in a previous game.

Of course someone might look upon all this as a conspiracy aimed to personally offend the touchy Fire Emblem players.
Like. Anyone. Gives. A shit. Seriously, nobody here gives a flying fuck that it's your least favorite game, or for that matter, what you think of anything else. I'm getting my dad to buy a Wii soon and this is the first game I'm going to buy for it. Smash Bros. is made to appeal to ALL Nintendo fans, not just a small segment of fanfags dedicated to a fail series. Nintendo has to consider ALL its fans, not just you, and there are NOT that many Americans who care about Fire Emblem. Grow a pair and stop crying.

Let's tone it down a smidge, shall we?
I do not even have a Wii. I would rather buy a PS3 than a Wii. If I were to buy a Wii, I would get Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn not Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
I do not even have a Wii. I would rather buy a PS3 than a Wii. If I were to buy a Wii, I would get Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn not Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Off-Topic: We still don't care. No one does. Honestly, if you're just going to complain, then there's no reason for you to post in this thread. Now do everyone a favor and quit spamming this thread.
On-Topic: Who are everyone's top 5 mains in Brawl? Mine are:
1. King Dedede
2. Marth
3. Meta Knight
4. Wario
5. Bowser
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Since we don't have the game in Europe yet I can't say for sure who my mains will be but G&W, ROB, Pokemon Trainer, Snake and Sonic are who I'm most look forward to playing with.
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Let's tone it down a smidge, shall we?

Sorry :wacky: I get tired of him acting like he's the most important thing evar.

I do not even have a Wii. I would rather buy a PS3 than a Wii. If I were to buy a Wii, I would get Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn not Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Wait...WUT? You don't even HAVE a Wii and you declare it your least favorite? need help.

So anyway, back on, question: why IS Wolf in the game? We already have Fox and Falco, and all three of them use the LandMaster in their final smash. Just seems kinda...lazy?
Sorry :wacky: I get tired of him acting like he's the most important thing evar.

Wait...WUT? You don't even HAVE a Wii and you declare it your least favorite? need help.

So anyway, back on, question: why IS Wolf in the game? We already have Fox and Falco, and all three of them use the LandMaster in their final smash. Just seems kinda...lazy?
Wolf is a playable character in Super Smash Bros Brawl, and he has a super attack similar to Fox's or Falco's landmaster attack.
Wait...WUT? You don't even HAVE a Wii and you declare it your least favorite? need help.

The below pic says it all about him.


So anyway, back on, question: why IS Wolf in the game? We already have Fox and Falco, and all three of them use the LandMaster in their final smash. Just seems kinda...lazy?

Tbh, I have no idea to why they included him. Starfox isn't exactly one of the big franchises anymore. However it might lead to a new StarFox game which hopefully would be more LylatWars/Starfox 64 than Starfox Assault.
Wolf is a playable character in Super Smash Bros Brawl, and he has a super attack similar to Fox's or Falco's landmaster attack.

Um...thanks for totally not answering my question. You just reiterated what I said in my own post -__-;

What Scrutator said a few posts made me wonder just what the purpose of having Wolf in the game is, when it already has Fox and Falco who are pretty much clones.

The below pic says it all about him.


I lol'd :wacky:
Um...thanks for totally not answering my question. You just reiterated what I said in my own post -__-;

What Scrutator said a few posts made me wonder just what the purpose of having Wolf in the game is, when it already has Fox and Falco who are pretty much clones.

I lol'd :wacky:

Due to the same reason for why they added R.O.B., just to add another option to the selection. Oh and there's no big difference between Falco, Fox and Wolf, but I guess Wolf was added to make one of the antagonists from the Star Fox series a playable character.
Due to the same reason for why they added R.O.B., just to add another option to the selection. Oh and there's no big difference between Falco, Fox and Wolf, but I guess Wolf was added to make one of the antagonists from the Star Fox series a playable character.

R.O.B. is kinda funny though xD

Meh, I don't want to be nitpicky or anything, I love the Smash Bros. series...just seems kind of silly to throw in a ton of characters similar to each other.

I remember on GT's review of Brawl they briefly mentioned how it was a shame Mega Man wasn't in the game...and while I love Mega and would love to see him in the game...he would probably play alot like Samus.

Random note: Luigi is one doped up hippie O_O His final smash is trippy.
I don't even get luigi's final smash, when I first saw it I was like "WTF?" They probably added Wolf cuz they probably wanted to incorporate more bad guys into SSBB??
Luigi's Final Smash pwns olol, he goes hi on shrums and tries to offer it to others around him. Hes like a drug dealer in the game.

I have to agree with Necron about why the added Wolf in. Simply why they added other random characters. More variety.

Oh and Snake pwns u.
If I were to play Brawl, my mains would have been:

1. Marth
2. Ike
3. Luigi
4. Lucario
5. Link

For the rejected characters, here are the characters that are most anticipated to be in Brawl but did not make it in as playable characters:

King K. Rool
Bowser Jr.
Samurai Goroh

Here are the characters that some would like playable in Brawl, but were not really expected to be playable in the game:

Simon Belmont
Black Shadow
Jody Summer
Little Mac
Tom Nook
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How can you even bitch, complain and moan about a game you've never even played!? You sit there and say that it's your least favorite game on the Wii and that you've confirmed, yet you've never actually even sat down and gave it a chance!? Dude, you make no freaking sense AT ALL. :oy:

I'm so jealous D= I want a Wii so badly! I wanna play this game!!
I don't even get luigi's final smash, when I first saw it I was like "WTF?" They probably added Wolf cuz they probably wanted to incorporate more bad guys into SSBB??

Luigi's final smash is just one giant trip xD

As for more villains...if that really is Nintendo's reason, I can think of way better -__-;

If I were to play Brawl, my mains would have been:

1. Marth
2. Ike
3. Luigi
4. Lucario
5. Link

That's nice.

For the rejected characters, here are the characters that are most anticipated to be in Brawl but did not make it in as playable characters:

King K. Rool
Bowser Jr.
Samurai Goroh

Most anticipated by whom? You? At least they got into the game. I do have to admit though, having King K. Rool as a playable character would be pretty sweet.

Here are the characters that some would like playable in Brawl, but were not really expected to be playable in the game:

Simon Belmont
Black Shadow
Jody Summer
Little Mac
Tom Nook

Damn, you are REALLY stuck on these stupid Fire Emblem characters aren't you?

Again though, gotta admit Bomberman would make a pretty nifty character. I'm still waiting for them to put Alucard or someone else (Simon) from Castlevania into Smash Bros...I really don't know why they won't, it's such a popular series and most of the games have been for Nintendo, methinks. But uh, as for Tom Just no.
I have to say, this game is pretty amazing. I love the new maps and characters, and especially Solid Snake. He's my guy. :)