Nintendo Super Smash Brothers Brawl

Sonic was originally from Sega, then it was passed to XBox though some versions were playable in Nintendo Consoles. .
Actually I think you got it backwards there. Sonic was first sent to the game cube, and then some later games were realeased for all three systems at the time. Sega is basically part of nintendo now, making some games for other systems but saving the rest for for the WII now.
And on that, I think the guy from Knights would be interesting to have in another SSB game. I could imaging what some of his abilities would be

The Subspace Emissary is poop. 8 hours of boredom.

The cutscenes are awesome, at least.
I searched Wikipedia for information on her. Couldn't tell yah what she looked like. Judging from the Wiki article I read, she isn't even one of the most significant characters from the game. lolz
There was once significant information on Ayra at Wikipedia, but that was taken down by those deletionists. She has been way overlooked in terms of significance. Wikipedia relies mainly on real-world significance. She is not in any way one of the most insignificant characters from the game. She does have moderate direct significance.

I will not be playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl anyway. Ayra may still get in a chance to appear in the Super Smash Bros. series one of those days, possibly Super Smash Bros. 4, which could be ten years from now.
There was once significant information on Ayra at Wikipedia, but that was taken down by those deletionists. She has been way overlooked in terms of significance. Wikipedia relies mainly on real-world significance. She is not in any way one of the most insignificant characters from the game. She does have moderate direct significance.

I will not be playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl anyway. Ayra may still get in a chance to appear in the Super Smash Bros. series one of those days, possibly Super Smash Bros. 4, which could be ten years from now.

Boycotting a game just because your favorite character didn't make the cut? That just proves how childish you really are. And even if she somehow manages to get in the next game (Honestly, I would only use her as a punching bag), I'm sure you'll find something else to bitch about. Someone like you doesn't deserve to play the awesomeness that is Smash Bros.
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There was once significant information on Ayra at Wikipedia, but that was taken down by those deletionists. She has been way overlooked in terms of significance. Wikipedia relies mainly on real-world significance. She is not in any way one of the most insignificant characters from the game. She does have moderate direct significance.

I will not be playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl anyway. Ayra may still get in a chance to appear in the Super Smash Bros. series one of those days, possibly Super Smash Bros. 4, which could be ten years from now.

Deletionists? Pfft. She's from a bloody import of a series that no one cares about, I doubt they deemed it important information.

Oh boo hoo, she's not in Brawl, you poor baby. If they're not putting her in the game NOW, what makes you think they'll put her in a Smash. Bros 10 years from now? She'll have faded into obscurity by then, if that's at all possible considering she's an obscure character to begin with. But as I've said before, if you wanna be a child and pout over that and refuse to play Brawl, go ahead. You're the one missing out on a great gaming experience, and Nintendo couldn't give a shit about you and your little tantrum. I'm just glad their entire fanbase isn't as whiny as you, else they would have been sunk years ago.
I've looked at your other posts from various other forums and I have to say, you are indeed a sad and pathetic loser. How the hell would Ayra not being in the game change your life (Assuming you had one to begin with)? It's a. Freakin. Video. Game!
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The Subspace Emissary is poop. 8 hours of boredom.

The cutscenes are awesome, at least.
The one before enters the Subspace it's amazing; i save it in another slot to show my friends.

However i agree that some levels are really boring.
The one before enters the Subspace it's amazing; i save it in another slot to show my friends.

However i agree that some levels are really boring.

Agreed. Also, has anyone tried to trophify
I have, it ended in complete failure. The fact that there's never a Trophy Stand when you need one and the fact that
Tabuu can OHKO anyone with his full-screen wave attack
makes it an extremely frustrating thing to do. And that's just on Normal, although Trophy Stands are more common on the difficulties, I'm too much of a wimp to try it though.
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Cess said:
The one before enters the Subspace it's amazing; i save it in another slot to show my friends.

However i agree that some levels are really boring.

It's all the same crap. Running along a linear path from point A to point B. I felt like I was gonna fall asleep several times while playing. The boss fights are passable, but nothing to write home about.

And I've never attempted to trophify
. I just assumed it was impossible...with him being the
final boss
and all.
His OHKO move pissed me off.
It was the only way they could make the fight semi-challenging...

Spoiler tags are cool.
i almost turned
into a trophy.....i think my brother did it already though....i just wanted to try it.....if you're problem is the Trophy Stands, they come more often on Intense difficulty...
and his OHKO move is easy to dodge
In response to that last bit in your post: mind telling me how?

Maybe my timing was off, but I couldn't seem to dodge it using the dodge roll or midair dodge. The shield is ineffective and the attack envelopes the entire area.

With 6 characters to use, that move doesn't amount to much in the end, though. He still loses.
In response to that last bit in your post: mind telling me how?

Maybe my timing was off, but I couldn't seem to dodge it using the dodge roll or midair dodge. The shield is ineffective and the attack envelopes the entire area.

With 6 characters to use, that move doesn't amount to much in the end, though. He still loses.

you mean
Tabuu's OHKO move?
if you pay attention he does three pulses, all you have to do is time you're dodges right, it's easiest just to do the R+down dodge
Oh, so all three pulses can damage you? I was probably only dodging one of 'em while neglecting to avoid the others.

Got'cha. Thanks! :]
Oh, so all three pulses can damage you? I was probably only dodging one of 'em while neglecting to avoid the others.

Got'cha. Thanks! :]

yup ya gotta dodge all three, it takes some practice to be able to do it correctly, but once you get the hang of it it'll be easy.....

oh and your welcome!:D
Super Smash Bros. Brawl has been declared my least favorite Wii game ever.

That's nice, no one cares. :monster: On topic, how does everyone think about the nerfing and buffing of some characters? I'm personally glad they nerfed Fox, he was so damn broken in Melee (Marth was even more so and may still be).
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Tedius, you really should put more effort into your posts instead of posting a one liner. That is considered spam.

Although I'm not surprised to see you say that...
Super Smash Bros. Brawl has been declared my least favorite Wii game ever.

Like. Anyone. Gives. A shit. Seriously, nobody here gives a flying fuck that it's your least favorite game, or for that matter, what you think of anything else. I'm getting my dad to buy a Wii soon and this is the first game I'm going to buy for it. Smash Bros. is made to appeal to ALL Nintendo fans, not just a small segment of fanfags dedicated to a fail series. Nintendo has to consider ALL its fans, not just you, and there are NOT that many Americans who care about Fire Emblem. Grow a pair and stop crying.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl has been declared my least favorite Wii game ever.

go have a cry.

Here, I'll give you a knife, black pen, and a notepad, so you can write a bad poem about how much you hate this game, and how it doesn't understand your 'complex' life.

I mean, really :whogives:

anywho, on a nicer note, yeah, really looking foward to this game, looks great, but, all I need is a wii

Although I'm not surprised to see you say that...

tee hee hee, I lol'd
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