Nintendo Super Smash Brothers Brawl

Olimar is a very powerful character. If it is a small arena then his final smash will knock everyone off the screen, if not it does a good amount of damage to everyone. I say just don't use the throw pikmin ability with him. they latch on the the character you hit. It does more damage throwing them in a regular strong attack. The best pikmin to use are yellow red and purple. I say go ahead and get rid of any white and blue that come out. And Olimar also has amazing recovery abilities. I've been knocked off screne with over 200% damage, and was still able to recover just fine.
Olimar is a very powerful character. If it is a small arena then his final smash will knock everyone off the screen, if not it does a good amount of damage to everyone. I say just don't use the throw pikmin ability with him. they latch on the the character you hit. It does more damage throwing them in a regular strong attack. The best pikmin to use are yellow red and purple. I say go ahead and get rid of any white and blue that come out. And Olimar also has amazing recovery abilities. I've been knocked off screne with over 200% damage, and was still able to recover just fine.

I accomplished the same with Ganondorf (actually 234% is my highest record in SMBB, and 354% was my highest record in SMBMelee), though his recovery abilities might not be the best, he is a strong character who can easily send others off-screen. The other character I use is Link, he is balanced between long range and short range attacks, and he has average recovery abilities and is not easily sent off-screen.

Among the others I like, we have Meta Knight. The problem with him is that, since he is much like a Kirby with a sword, he can be easily kicked off the stage.
Well, i just bought this game today and play it for a while with my cousin before come to the work.

It was extremely fun!! Although the pace is very obviously slower (and you need time to get used if you played a lot Melee), the game is as fun as their previous Smash!

Hopefully, tonight i will play a lot more (and unlock C. Falcon xD); and try more the 'Story' mode which to be honesto doesn't seems so diferent from the "Adventure" mode from the Melee.
Well, i just bought this game today and play it for a while with my cousin before come to the work.

It was extremely fun!! Although the pace is very obviously slower (and you need time to get used if you played a lot Melee), the game is as fun as their previous Smash!

Hopefully, tonight i will play a lot more (and unlock C. Falcon xD); and try more the 'Story' mode which to be honesto doesn't seems so diferent from the "Adventure" mode from the Melee.
Well I have no complains on what they did with Ganondorf. He is even better than SSBM version, and I consider him to be faster than the previous Ganondorf.
Well I have no complains on what they did with Ganondorf. He is even better than SSBM version, and I consider him to be faster than the previous Ganondorf.

I don't see how.

Ganondorf is significantly slower than he was in Melee. He's like a tank. Good character, but I'd say he's slightly weaker than the Melee version.
Well since the Final Fantasy Shrine forums are back up, I've now found links to the Brawl OST. So far I only have about a third of it downloaded (A through H, or Mario through Pokemon worlds).

The Mario tracks I can't stand, so I'm gonna baleet those...but then I really don't like the Mario games and their original music either. However, the Metroid and Zelda tracks....oh god, I'd secks iTunes right now if it was possible.
I will not play Super Smash Bros. Brawl because:

  • There are no female newcomers on the playable roster. (Zero Suit Samus does not count.) The only female members of Brawl's roster (Samus, Peach, and Zelda) are veterans. Brawl is the first and only installment of the series to lack female newcomers.
  • Lyndis appeared as an Assist Trophy instead of a playable character.
  • Three of the Assist Trophies are main characters of their original games; they are Little Mac, Isaac, Saki Amamiya.
  • There were not enough Fire Emblem characters in the playable roster.
  • My favorite Nintendo game Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu, where my favorite Nintendo character Ayra originated from, was virtually unrepresented. The same goes for Fire Emblem: Thracia 776.
I will not play Super Smash Bros. Brawl because:
  • There are no female newcomers on the playable roster. (Zero Suit Samus does not count.) The only female members of Brawl's roster (Samus, Peach, and Zelda) are veterans. Brawl is the first and only installment of the series to lack female newcomers.
  • Lyndis appeared as an Assist Trophy instead of a playable character.
  • Three of the Assist Trophies are main characters of their original games; they are Little Mac, Isaac, Saki Amamiya.
  • There were not enough Fire Emblem characters in the playable roster.
  • My favorite Nintendo game Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu, where my favorite Nintendo character Ayra originated from, was virtually unrepresented. The same goes for Fire Emblem: Thracia 776.

Aww booooo hoooo, you poor thing! Are there not enough new CGI girls for you to look at? D'awww, I'm sowwy *pat pat*

You should be grateful that they even bothered to put your precious characters in the game as assists in the first place. So what your favorite Fire Emblem isn't being represented? At least they put the series in at all. They haven't bothered to throw in Contra or Castlevania, and those series are a helluva lot more deserving than Fire Emblem.

Brawl is not Fire Emblem, much as you probably want it to be. And I can guarantee you that it would be boring having even more swordfighters thrown into the game. I'd tell you to stop acting like a spoiled brat and grow up, only I'd rather just let you sulk and miss out on the game. Your petty refusal to buy the game isn't going to hurt Nintendo's feelings (or sales) :neomon:
Incredibly pathetic Tedius. Heck, I don't really like Balthier, and I could have easily not bought FFXII:RW because Balthier was in it, and there was no Judge Ghis and Bergan, but no, I bought it. Because I did, and didn't want to seem a fool for not buying it. So far, it's alright.

I'm so going to get SSMB when it comes out. Enjoyed Melee, definitely going to get this.
I will not play Super Smash Bros. Brawl because:

  • There are no female newcomers on the playable roster. (Zero Suit Samus does not count.) The only female members of Brawl's roster (Samus, Peach, and Zelda) are veterans. Brawl is the first and only installment of the series to lack female newcomers.
  • Lyndis appeared as an Assist Trophy instead of a playable character.
  • Three of the Assist Trophies are main characters of their original games; they are Little Mac, Isaac, Saki Amamiya.
  • There were not enough Fire Emblem characters in the playable roster.
  • My favorite Nintendo game Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu, where my favorite Nintendo character Ayra originated from, was virtually unrepresented. The same goes for Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Does the gender of the characters really matter? Half of the characters aren't even human--they're animals and random creatures. Just pretend Kirby has a vagina somewhere. The second Ice Climber is technically female. :monster:

As far as Fire Emblem goes, I'm surprised it got as much representation as it did, to be honest. If I were you, I'd be pleased with what attention it did receive.
Jeeze some of the pokemons abilities are really strange. I just had one that switches the characters you control with the opponent's. I was completely confused until the control switched back to normal.
[/list]Does the gender of the characters really matter? Half of the characters aren't even human--they're animals and random creatures. Just pretend Kirby has a vagina somewhere. The second Ice Climber is technically female. :monster:

Fukkin lawl :wacky:

As far as Fire Emblem goes, I'm surprised it got as much representation as it did, to be honest. If I were you, I'd be pleased with what attention it did receive.
Same here. Like I said, there are better series out there and ones more deserving of being in Brawl. Why not throw some Castlevania or Contra in it? Or for that matter, it'd be kinda cool to see some old Dragon Quest or even Chrono Trigger. Then I could beat the shit out of Luca for being such an annoying character :gmonster:

Jeeze some of the pokemons abilities are really strange. I just had one that switches the characters you control with the opponent's. I was completely confused until the control switched back to normal.

That sounds useful, actually. Couldn't you just make the opponent's characters jump off the platforms and kill themselves?
it counts them as your guy. you would have to time it just right or you will still get the loss for falling off. damage stays with the player also.
The only thing I found disappointing was not being able to use that Sage Sword that Ganondorf carries all the time in Twilight Princess.
That sword was the one used by the sages when they attempted to kill him, the one that left that glowing scar on his chest

Hehehe, every character has at least three taunts, that's also cool. They changed some of Marth's moves, but he is still a fast and powerful character. I don't like Lucario that much, aside from its special smash attach. Link has a great super smash attack, the one using the triforce which is cool when you are fighting someone who uses Ganondorf. I would have loved to see more characters like Alucard from "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night", since I bet his attacks would be similar to that of Marth's.

Meta Knight pawns. He is among the fastest characters, and most of his attacks deal a good amount of hits, which allows to add more damage per attack on your opponent. Wario is too damn funny XD

Aside from all of that, Mario is still the KING! His special attack is among the coolest in the game.

If I were to rank their attacks, here are my top five:
Hehehe, every character has at least three taunts, that's also cool. They changed some of Marth's moves, but he is still a fast and powerful character. I don't like Lucario that much, aside from its special smash attach. Link has a great super smash attack, the one using the triforce which is cool when you are fighting someone who uses Ganondorf. I would have loved to see more characters like Alucard from "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night", since I bet his attacks would be similar to that of Marth's.

IMO they coulda picked a better psychic Pokemans than Lucario...maybe Gardevoir, Celebi or Deoxys.

They could probably do alot of cool things with Alucard's whip, especially with a Wiimote.
IMO they coulda picked a better psychic Pokemans than Lucario...maybe Gardevoir, Celebi or Deoxys.

They could probably do alot of cool things with Alucard's whip, especially with a Wiimote.
Well Alucard tends to use more rapiers and other swords than whips, but we could pray for them to include in the next Smash Bros game both Alucard and Richter :neomon:

Alucard could have his usual "Alucard Sword and Shield", as well as some of his coolest vampiric abilities like casting huge fire consecutive fireballs, transformations, super kicks, etc, etc, etc.

Richter, well he could have all of his cool attacks, like his Giant Holy Cross attack (the one with all the giant crosses spinning around him as he is surrounded by a blinding light), his axe, throwing knives, and holy water attacks.

Yeah, now THAT would be cool :neomon:

I still want a Ganondorf with a cool sword. :cool:
Carnage said:
Same here. Like I said, there are better series out there and ones more deserving of being in Brawl. Why not throw some Castlevania or Contra in it? Or for that matter, it'd be kinda cool to see some old Dragon Quest or even Chrono Trigger. Then I could beat the shit out of Luca for being such an annoying character :gmonster:

Duuude, it would have been kickass if they included someone from Castlevania. But yeah, that's definitely true. There are plenty of better options than Fire Emblem.

Vegnagun said:
The only thing I found disappointing was not being able to use that Sage Sword that Ganondorf carries all the time in Twilight Princess.

Yeah, I was hoping they'd give Ganondorf a completely new set of moves. His move set is essentially the same as it was in Melee...but with some minor tweeks.
Duuude, it would have been kickass if they included someone from Castlevania. But yeah, that's definitely true. There are plenty of better options than Fire Emblem.

Yeah, I was hoping they'd give Ganondorf a completely new set of moves. His move set is essentially the same as it was in Melee...but with some minor tweeks.
At least Ganondorf is more playable than the awfully slower version back from Super Smash Bros Melee. His design are great, but I still want to use that "shiny" sword :elmo:

Is so much to ask for them to keep at least two of his current attacks and give him a sword and two new moves? The answer is: No ;)