Nintendo Super Smash Brothers Brawl

Ganondorf's one taunt (he pulls out his sword) tricked me into thinking that he had an attack or two that utilized his sword.

Lazy buggers. They could have easily given him a few new moves.
Yeah, it tricked me too. I was amazed for a few seconds until I realized that, sadly, it was just a taunt :sad:

They shouldn't toy with our minds like that :brooding: Lazy bastards not making Ganondorf a new set of moves :mad2:
Yeah, it tricked me too. I was amazed for a few seconds until I realized that, sadly, it was just a taunt :sad:

They shouldn't toy with our minds like that :brooding: Lazy bastards not making Ganondorf a new set of moves :mad2:
It was one of the few things that i found (still) disappointing. Several characters are still clones from others. It would be amazing that every one has his own set of moves and special attacks.

(That and the fact that some 'Final Smash' moves are really poor, simple or useless)
At least there seems to be less of a clone problem with Brawl than there was with Melee.

I still don't see why they included Wolf. =\
It was one of the few things that i found (still) disappointing. Several characters are still clones from others. It would be amazing that every one has his own set of moves and special attacks.

(That and the fact that some 'Final Smash' moves are really poor, simple or useless)
Yeah *cough*Jigglypuff's *cough*special *cough*move*cough*

Which was quite disappointing. Both Wario's and King Dee Dee's Final Smash moves are weak, but they are fun to use if you want to annoy you friends in battle.
You should be grateful that they even bothered to put your precious characters in the game as assists in the first place. So what your favorite Fire Emblem isn't being represented? At least they put the series in at all.
My favorite Nintendo character Ayra is not an Assist Trophy, and if she was, I would leave Nintendo for good. Krystal is not an Assist Trophy either, but she appears in the game as through a Star Fox communicator. It was a stupid decision to have Lyndis as an Assist Trophy, and that Assist Trophy is lame. However, Fire Emblem got much music representation. I am disappointed that there is no Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu content on the soundtrack.
My favorite Nintendo character Ayra is not an Assist Trophy, and if she was, I would leave Nintendo for good. Krystal is not an Assist Trophy either, but she appears in the game as through a Star Fox communicator. It was a stupid decision to have Lyndis as an Assist Trophy, and that Assist Trophy is lame. However, Fire Emblem got much music representation. I am disappointed that there is no Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu content on the soundtrack.

You would leave Nintendo for good? You make it sound like you're in a relationship with them or something. And no Krystal as an assist trophy? *sniff sniff* Hrmm...I smell the odor of furry.

And there's already 11 Fire Emblem tracks on the OST, you should be happy they didn't put a measly 6 tracks on there like they did from Mother 3.
My favorite Nintendo character Ayra is not an Assist Trophy, and if she was, I would leave Nintendo for good. Krystal is not an Assist Trophy either, but she appears in the game as through a Star Fox communicator. It was a stupid decision to have Lyndis as an Assist Trophy, and that Assist Trophy is lame. However, Fire Emblem got much music representation. I am disappointed that there is no Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu content on the soundtrack.

We get the hint, you're seriously unhappy with some aspects of the game. Now grow some balls, accept it and move on. Most people here would rather talk about the game rather than bitch constantly about something we've already said we're not getting for whatever pathetic reason we're doing so.

And in case it's not been answered already, a release date for the game in Europe hasn't been announced as far as I know. There was rumours of a June 6 release but Nintendo denied that.
I've heard late May to early June for the UK release date.

Tedius said:
My favorite Nintendo character Ayra is not an Assist Trophy, and if she was, I would leave Nintendo for good.'s better that Nintendo completely ignored her?

Kyra, is it? Seriously, Smash Bros is supposed to consist of Nintendo's "all-stars."

We have Mario, Link, Samus...and...Kyra! Oh, wait...wrong name. Ayra, I mean! Honest mistake! You know her, right? Ayra from FE: Seisen no Keifu! Wait...the game doesn't even sound familiar? Oh. Well, you should play it. can even find it. It's a SNES game from the mid 90s! Yeeeeah.

I sure know I was surprised when she didn't make the cut. lololol
But still, turning your back on Nintendo over a single character's absence is ridiculous.'s better that Nintendo completely ignored her?

Kyra, is it? Seriously, Smash Bros is supposed to consist of Nintendo's "all-stars."

We have Mario, Link, Samus...and...Kyra! Oh, wait...wrong name. Ayra, I mean! Honest mistake! You know her, right? Ayra from FE: Seisen no Keifu! Wait...the game doesn't even sound familiar? Oh. Well, you should play it. can even find it. It's a SNES game from the mid 90s! Yeeeeah.

I sure know I was surprised when she didn't make the cut. lololol
But still, turning your back on Nintendo over a single character's absence is ridiculous.

lawl'd all through that :neomon:
That's quite a good point, the game is supposed to be for all stars...big names, in other words. I'm fairly certain Tedius and only a handful of hardcore Fire Emblem fans even know who the hell Ayra is, I sure as hell don't, I had to google her just to see what she looked like.

I think in the end, if Nintendo threw some obscure characters in the game, people would probably be frustrated. The game is full of iconic characters, and I know I'd be going "wtfh?" if it was full of characters I didn't recognize.

And Nintendo would probably be ashamed if they knew they had fans like him anyway, so it's probably for the better.
I searched Wikipedia for information on her. Couldn't tell yah what she looked like. Judging from the Wiki article I read, she isn't even one of the most significant characters from the game. lolz

Equally amusing is how I stumbled across Tedius' posts regarding this game on different forums like Gamespot while I was looking for info on Ayra. He got the same reactions there as he's getting here.

Carnage said:
I think in the end, if Nintendo threw some obscure characters in the game, people would probably be frustrated. The game is full of iconic characters, and I know I'd be going "wtfh?" if it was full of characters I didn't recognize.

And Nintendo would probably be ashamed if they knew they had fans like him anyway, so it's probably for the better.

True all around!

Maybe Kyra'll be in SSB4, Tedius.
I searched Wikipedia for information on her. Couldn't tell yah what she looked like. Judging from the Wiki article I read, she isn't even one of the most significant characters from the game. lolz

And see, that's why we don't need characters like her in Smash Bros. Being able to instantly recognize characters from series is what makes it cool. Seeing the Ice Climbers or Mr. Game and Watch gives you a nice nostalgia when you see them, like "ZOMG! I REMEMBER THAT GAME!" Having a bunch of randomass characers from Fire Emblem games that US gamers can only play if they import or dl ROMs would just be stupid on Nintendo's part.

Equally amusing is how I stumbled across Tedius' posts regarding this game on different forums like Gamespot while I was looking for info on Ayra. He got the same reactions there as he's getting here.

He LIKES those reactions though. He claims to be a "cyber-martyr" and likes to think of himself as some valiant hero or victim or god-knows-what. You should see his own forums, everyone there who joined did so to bash him :wacky:
True all around!

Maybe Kyra'll be in SSB4, Tedius.
Erm, no, I am looking forward to seeing cooler characters in SSB 4, like maybe Alucard (Castlevania: Symphony of Night) and Richter Belmont. The Castlevania franchise had a few games on nintendo consoles, so they can be added. Well if they added Solid Snake, which was cool, who knows.

Maybe they could add Kingdom Heart characters like Sora, Riku and Ansem, and who knows if Squall and Cloud. Maybe that's too much to ask. (maybe no KH-FF characters....:sad:)
Erm, no, I am looking forward to seeing cooler characters in SSB 4, like maybe Alucard (Castlevania: Symphony of Night) and Richter Belmont. The Castlevania franchise had a few games on nintendo consoles, so they can be added. Well if they added Solid Snake, which was cool, who knows.

Maybe they could add Kingdom Heart characters like Sora, Riku and Ansem, and who knows if Squall and Cloud. Maybe that's too much to ask. (maybe no KH-FF characters....:sad:)

I highly doubt they will bring the FF characters that are Playstations based, like Cloud or Squall. And im doubting kingdom hearts characters too, even thought it would be so awesome! All the characters in Super Smash Bros have been or are from the nintendo system (I believe. It its not please name the ones)

Who knows. maybe they will add final fantasy characters from Crystal Chronicle games or other Final Fantasy games that are played on the nintendo systems :P
I highly doubt they will bring the FF characters that are Playstations based, like Cloud or Squall. And im doubting kingdom hearts characters too, even thought it would be so awesome! All the characters in Super Smash Bros have been or are from the nintendo system (I believe. It its not please name the ones)

Who knows. maybe they will add final fantasy characters from Crystal Chronicle games or other Final Fantasy games that are played on the nintendo systems :P
Sonic was originally from Sega, then it was passed to XBox though some versions were playable in Nintendo Consoles. Kingdom Hearts-Chain of Memories, is from the Nintendo DS, and well some of the really old FF games, if I am correct, were originally played in the NES and maybe the Super Nintendo.

Solid Snake is from the Play Station console, though the first Metal Gear was played with Nintendo.
Places for characters outside of the Nintendo games would be limited, for Brawl for example they wanted to limit them to 2-3 max so I'd imagine any future games would be the same. I can't see SE using any of their characters unless they really wanted them to appear in it and no offence to the series but I don't see Castlevania making an appearance either.
Places for characters outside of the Nintendo games would be limited, for Brawl for example they wanted to limit them to 2-3 max so I'd imagine any future games would be the same. I can't see SE using any of their characters unless they really wanted them to appear in it and no offence to the series but I don't see Castlevania making an appearance either.

They keep adding the good-for-nothing Jigglypuff....Anything is possible, besides I see them adding more characters from non-nintendo games. So..:neomon:
I highly doubt they will bring the FF characters that are Playstations based, like Cloud or Squall. And im doubting kingdom hearts characters too, even thought it would be so awesome! All the characters in Super Smash Bros have been or are from the nintendo system (I believe. It its not please name the ones)

Who knows. maybe they will add final fantasy characters from Crystal Chronicle games or other Final Fantasy games that are played on the nintendo systems :P

No way, thats what games like Dissidia are for. Final Fantasy or KKH characters would just be so out of place in Brawl.

Sonic was originally from Sega, then it was passed to XBox though some versions were playable in Nintendo Consoles. Kingdom Hearts-Chain of Memories, is from the Nintendo DS, and well some of the really old FF games, if I am correct, were originally played in the NES and maybe the Super Nintendo.

Solid Snake is from the Play Station console, though the first Metal Gear was played with Nintendo.

Chain of Memories is from GBA actually, although KH: 358/2 will be on the DS. Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (a remake of the PSone game) was also released on the Game Cube, and there's also been a couple Metal Gear games on the GBC. So it never really switched sides completely to Sony.