Nintendo Super Smash Brothers Brawl

Eh...ROB is oooookay. I think they could have given us a better surprise character, but he's alright.

I'd like him more if I could get use to his midair attacks.
ROB is pretty good, i can use him very well. my brothers great with him and can use his Final Smash good, which is only good for giving high damage.....
Well, at least R.O.B. is more useful than Jigglypuff. Man I have never found any usefulness in that little pink Pokemon aside from serving as a punching bag.
o_O you can't be serious.....Jiggles is awesome.....they made him so much weaker in this game...his down B move is pathetic compared to melee...and his Final Smash is so should see my Brother play him, cheapest thing ever!
o_O you can't be serious.....Jiggles is awesome.....they made him so much weaker in this game...his down B move is pathetic compared to melee...and his Final Smash is so should see my Brother play him, cheapest thing ever!

Yes I am serious, it only takes 5 strong attacks of almost any character to pawn Jigglypuff. At least in Melee, Jiggly was fairly pathetic, now in Brawl Jiggly is highly pathetic. :neomon:
ROB is so disappointing. If our surprise character in the first game was Ness, and our surprise characters in the second game were Marth and Roy... then ROB?! Please. However, once again, everyone who uses ROB seems to be annoyingly good.

Marth's final smash can be dangerous if the stage has walk-off voids and you miss everyone. (The basement of Castle Siege is an example.) As long as it's a floating platform, you should be fine, because he stops at edges.
ROB is so disappointing. If our surprise character in the first game was Ness, and our surprise characters in the second game were Marth and Roy... then ROB?! Please. However, once again, everyone who uses ROB seems to be annoyingly good.

Marth's final smash can be dangerous if the stage has walk-off voids and you miss everyone. (The basement of Castle Siege is an example.) As long as it's a floating platform, you should be fine, because he stops at edges.
Yes, too bad I realized a little too late. Also if you use Ganondorf's Dark Choke while in Mid Air, Ganondorf slams his opponent onto the ground. If made out of a plataform, it becomes what some call "Ganoncide", a suicidal attack in which Ganondorf takes his opponent with him.

I was like "wtf" the first time I pulled out a "Ganoncide":P
Well, at least R.O.B. is more useful than Jigglypuff. Man I have never found any usefulness in that little pink Pokemon aside from serving as a punching bag.

I think Jigglypuff is rather good, myself. Solid smash attacks, a great finishing move in Rollout, and strong aerial attacks. It's easy to float past the stage's edge to finish off rebounding enemies without risking falling yourself.

I don't care much for Jigglypuff's Rest or Sing ability, as it leaves Jigglypuff open to attack, but that's about as far as my complaints with Jigglypuff go.
Julius Argexis said:
Also if you use Ganondorf's Dark Choke while in Mid Air, Ganondorf slams his opponent onto the ground. If made out of a plataform, it becomes what some call "Ganoncide", a suicidal attack in which Ganondorf takes his opponent with him.

I hope none of my friends figure this out. I play with enough "Kirbyciders" already. The last thing I need is more suicide attacks.

I just found out a few days ago that Snake can drop his C4 (down special) bomb on an opponent, not just the ground. I did a match with my friend in which we tried to see who could get the most KOs just by detonating C4s dropped on each other.
I hope none of my friends figure this out. I play with enough "Kirbyciders" already. The last thing I need is more suicide attacks.

I just found out a few days ago that Snake can drop his C4 (down special) bomb on an opponent, not just the ground. I did a match with my friend in which we tried to see who could get the most KOs just by detonating C4s dropped on each other.

Oh, and since Meta Knight has most of Kirby's grapple moves, this makes him a possible suicidal fighter. Far worse, Meta Knight's recovery abilities are very useful even if can be easily sent off screen due to his low weight. Now back to Ganondorf, a "Ganoncide" is a no escape attack if made while in mid air and away from the platform. If there's nowhere to crash, Ganondorf takes you to hell with him :devil2:
Loved the older versions of the game, but I haven't tried this one out yet. I'm guessing though it's great multi-player like usual. The only thing I didn't like about SSB games is when you'd play them solo. It just wasn't as fun as a room full of friends bashing each other away while your buddy's mom downstairs is cooking pizza for everyone!!! WooHoo!!

Go Luigi!
Loved the older versions of the game, but I haven't tried this one out yet. I'm guessing though it's great multi-player like usual. The only thing I didn't like about SSB games is when you'd play them solo. It just wasn't as fun as a room full of friends bashing each other away while your buddy's mom downstairs is cooking pizza for everyone!!! WooHoo!!

Go Luigi!

It is a must play game, possibly one of the best multiplayer games made for the Wii so far. It is curious noticing that the feature of "special smash attack" was delayed until SSBBrawl, seeing that some of the developers had it originally in mind for the first SSB game. Well I guess they were just waiting for more powerful gaming consoles, which is quite understandable.
Yeah, don't buy SSBB for the single player modes. Single player is crap.


If I'm gonna pull suicide moves on my opponents, I prefer using Donkey Kong. I love grabbing an enemy and jumping off the edge with him. It's riskier with DK since foes can break the grab. Can't do that with Kirby or Ganondorf.
Snake is a pretty strong character. Sonic is not as strong as I had hoped he would be (either that or I just suck at using him). I'd have to say Link is still my favorite character.
SSB Brawl's the main reason I'm getting a Wii!

The other SSB titles didn't disappoint either. It's rare to have a game where different characters from other games take turns in pwning each other.

Whoa, about time I found the topic. I've only had Brawl for about a week now, but I've already decided to use Snake as my main for tournaments and multi-player gaming.

The one thing I can't stand about Brawl, though, is all the horrible Ike players online. I've seen everything from Aether spam to people complaining on message boards that he's broken, which he kind've is. >_>
I don't play as Ike, so I wouldn't know. Ike's so damn slow. I have little difficulty beating players who use him online...if I'm using a speedy character, anyway.

Again, my main complaint with Brawl is the lack of customizable options when it comes to online play. The game could have been a WAY better online experience. It's a shame...
I've always had an affinity for the slower kinds of characters, so playing Ike isn't too hard for me. He's not too hard to play, but Aether can be kind've hard to time right as a recovery. Though, I have to say, it's one hell of an anti-edgeguarding tool. Just let go, aether, and there you go. Gotz ta take advantage of those invincibility frames. >_>

And the lack of options didn't really bother me too much. I'm not sure why, though..