Nintendo Super Smash Brothers Brawl

If you're talking about raw power, Try Ike. He is basically one of my very best characters i use in brawl. the second being marth, then Olimar.
Well it is easier for me to knock people of the edge with Ganondorf, since having 45% of damage is enough to allow him to send a character flying away, and fast. Ike is good, but I prefer Marth since he is a faster fighter.
I just can't even use ganondorf, for I can't land any of his attacks, as well as the fact that I suicide with him all the time. As for marth, he is a faster fighter compared to ike. as for Ike though, for what he lacks in speed is basically what he makes up for power.
Well it must be that I got use to his slow fighting style ever since he was added in SSBMeele. I can't say that I accurately land most attempts. The weakest attack he has deals almost 13% of damage, and his Smash Attack deals 25%, even with minimum charging, and it sends players flying engulfed in dark flames. His warlock kick (or whatever is called now) is faster now, and his Dark Choke has a more rate of success of landing than his former Gerudo Dragon.

If I get a Smash Ball and acquire the ability to perform a Super Smash Attack, I usually perform Dark Choke to leave my opponent vulnerable to his beast form, Ganon. Since Dark Choke leaves my opponent slammed against the floor, "Ganon" paralyzes them, then sends them flying away as it charges against them.

Dark Choke + Ganon Beast = One of my "No Miss Killer" moves.

I was even able to pull out a victory from a 3 lives disadvantage against Kirby against one of my friends, who is one of the fastest characters. Technically, I beat my friends in their own game because I don't have a Wii. Once I get one, it's Training Time :monster:
When I play online with the group of friends who have the game, we have an Ike player that's so good that often, no one else in the match wants to go after him. Ike is a good character, but for as much strength as he has, some people think he's too fast.

I never see anyone complaining or whining about Snake. What people don't seem to realize is that his forward smash does just as much damage and has as much launch power as Ike's f+smash. And his ftilt is just plain murder.

It's kinda saddening to see that a majority of the Snake players online are horrible, or have no clue what they're doing. None of them seem to take advantage of the invincibility frames in the middle of his recovery, and very few use his C4 effectively. Plus, they're too obvious. >_>
I don't encounter many players online who use Snake. He's somewhat underappreciated despite being a pretty damn good character.

I see tons of Marth/Ike/Metaknight players, though. Marth and Ike are among the best in the game, but Metaknight doesn't impress me much. His smash attacks are lacking.
Cavallone said:
It's kinda saddening to see that a majority of the Snake players online are horrible, or have no clue what they're doing. None of them seem to take advantage of the invincibility frames in the middle of his recovery, and very few use his C4 effectively. Plus, they're too obvious. >_>

It seems like no one's taking the time to learn how to use Snake. While pretty much anyone can use Ike for about five seconds and learn to rack up nine KOs per match (myself included), Snake takes longer to master because of the nature of his moves. I'm convinced a veteran player could become unstoppable with Snake.
Well the reason why people suck with snake is that he is unique compared to the rest. Most players are used to the controls of all the other characters, but if they fight in the same manner using snake, then they make themselves vulnerable to attacks. I have seen someone use Snake effectively. I was only able to beat him when I used G&W.

In order to be good with snake, he has to be the main character that you use.
I don't think Snake is so much different that you can only use him effectively if you dedicate yourself to him fully. It just takes some getting used to.

His special moves are tricky, but his smash attacks work in the same manner as the other characters...for the most part.

But I agree with pretty much everything you've said.
I'll admit, using Snake as a main gets me horribly messed up when I use anyone else but Link. I need more people to play online so I can get better with him, though.


So if anyone from the topic is interested, I'll just go ahead and list mah FC.


If you wanna play, just post in the topic or hit me up with a PM.

But anyway; Snake is a tricky character to use. His special moves and smashes are unconventional for the most part. The only straight forward Smash he has is his Fsmash, but even that has a bit of lag time in setting up. Snake isn't so much as a cat & mouse character as he is a mind-game character, honestly.
Sweeeet. I need more people to play with as well. I'll add you. My SSBB friend code is 4081-5156-6550.

I've been enjoying Princess Peach lately. I like running away from other players and taunting the entire time. lololol
Alright. I'll add you as well; if you get a registration request from "livid", that's me. I'm doing horrible now that I haven't played for a few days, and the online delay is murdering me. ._.
Yeah, the lag can be a real problem sometimes. My matches have been moving pretty smoothly as of late, though.

I wouldn't worry much about doing poorly. There's no ranking or anything. Win or lose, you leave the same way you went in. I wish the game at least kept stats.
Yeah, that's true. Sometimes, if I'm just messing around with friends, I'll just pick a character and go around doing stupid stuff. I have no idea how many times I've abused Dedede's down taunt. >_>
well since we are adding friend codes now, here's mine if anyone ever feel like playing

just to tell you though, I haven't played much recently, so I might be a little rusty.
Added you, sir. =D

I've been fighting the damn bag in the Wifi pre-game lobby more than anything else today. haha
Today I saw invincible frames in use for the first time. Or rather, I noticed them for the first time. My friend was doing some Lucario move. Caught me off guard.
Probably his DownB. If it's an attack where he does some pose and looks like he's gettin' all teleporty, then it's his counter attack, and he doesn't take damage.

Invincible frames are where, like.. Ike's Up+B, for example. While he's in the animation of doing it, he takes damage, but doesn't flinch from it, basically.
I didn't know he still takes damage. We thought Ike was just invincible during that part of the attack. Learn something knew everyday.