Nintendo Super Smash Brothers Brawl

The lack of online options is a bit of a bugger although that's to be expected from Nintendo I suppose. Another thing I'm interested in is do people tend to play every (or most) characters or are we slowly seeing a small selection of 4/5 pretty much making up the matches?
Well, it seems like the most popular characters (in no particular order) are:

Zero Suit Samus

There's quite a bit of them out there, and I'm even guilty of maining Snake, though I like to think that subbing Link makes me a tad bit unique. I need more people to play, though, before I start getting rusty.
The lack of online options is a bit of a bugger although that's to be expected from Nintendo I suppose. Another thing I'm interested in is do people tend to play every (or most) characters or are we slowly seeing a small selection of 4/5 pretty much making up the matches?

Unfortunately, most of the players I've encountered online seem to choose from only a few characters.

Marth, Ike, Sonic and Snake seem most popular judging from the matches I've played. I swear, it's been an age since I've been in a match free of Ike.
I have been lucky enough to play with others that enjoy the capabilities of the misfits. But I do believe I've been the only one that has played as the Ice Climbers in any of the online matches that I have been in.
I'd have to say though, that the character I see most often is probably Wario followed closely by Ike.
So online play has been generally dirtied by 'Top Tier' characters then? Guess it'll make winning with G&W all the more rewarding then.
With the exception of his choke slam move, Ganondorf is pretty much the same.

Julius A. said:
He is a great character, at least for me. Also Bowser is good as well, and King Dee Dee Dee is funny :wacky:
Bowser seems better than he was in Melee. His smash attacks are all devastating and he seems to have a little extra speed. Dedede is pretty good as well. Donkey Kong's still the best "big" character, I say. =D
Bowser has had sort of a boost in stregth and ability. But if some are like me, they don't play as him, because he is not as fun to use as G&W or some of the others.
Yeah, Bowser isn't the most enjoyable character to play as. You may dish out a ton of damage, but the chances are good that you'll take quite a bit yourself.

I enjoy playing as Princess Peach. I love her hovering ability. Combined with her umbrella, she can get just about anywhere safely. Her taunts can be frustrating for other players...which makes her all the more fun to use. haha
The big characters in general bore me, they just don't seem fun at all for me personally.

The other character I'm thinking of using is the Pokemon Trainer but not sure how he works. Does he select a random Pokmon for each life or do you have complete control?
pokemon trainer is prety good. he switches between squirtle, ivysaur, and charizard by using the down B move. the other moves vary between the three. I like using squirtle and ivysaur.
You have complete control over which pokemon you use. I believe the rotation is Squirtle followed by Ivysaur and Charizard. I might be wrong.

Your pokemon switches automatically if you're KOed. As Dknight said, you can also switch using the down B move. It might take time to switch out until you reach your desired pokemon, but you control which you use.

And for the record. Squirtle > Charizard > Ivysaur, in my opinion.
hes ok but i like sonic so i dont have to memorise all the different attacks
all of sonics attacks are pretty simular with on small variance between them. The only reason why I like using him sometimes is because his regular attacks are fast and easy to control.
As good as any character is though, I have to say that Mr. Game and Watch is the best character with the exception of his final smash and regular special. the rest of his abilities more than make up for them
i c where ur headed but i cant relie on luck to win matches so its either sonic lucario or pit for me
I never used G&W, but I do know his final smash annoys the hell outta me on smaller maps.
So does Jigglypuff's for that matter, but on large maps its useless. Captain Falcon's final smash makes me lol everytime I see it XD