Nintendo Super Smash Brothers Brawl


Kirby used to be my favourite in SSB and SSBM... but in SSBB he gets overplayed constantly, people keep doing some form of Kirby "super move" or some crap...
Luckily my current favourite (Lucario) has a very simple way to pwn Kirby...

I remember how good Kirby used to be in the first game, especially with his down B move. is it just me or did they make it a lot weaker in this game. Not that it bothers me too much cuz I don't use him, I just want to make sure I'm not the only one to think this.

His down B move? Or the character overall?

I think the down B move is pretty much unchanged from Melee. If it is weaker, then it's difficult to notice.
I hate that little pink ball of fluff. I've recently switched mains from Snake to Ike and Zamus, since everybody seems to be jumping that bandwagon rather quickly. I need to start playing my Metroid games, though. ._.
I am pretty good at the game. My friend is way better tho he can kill me within minutes. So you can see on how good I am lol.
I need to play this game some more. I guess as soon as the semester is over and I start my new job, I'll play more, and practice with Ice climbers. the only misfits I'm not good with yet
I have the game. Fox has these like leg extensions. He can kick further. But its a very fun game.
I've had the game right from March 9th. Yep, could hardly wait for it, got it right on launch day, I was so pleased. ^_^

I thought I had almost 500 hours of power time, but when I checked before I shut it down this morning, I had 459:30, I could've sworn I had around 494 hours...

Anyways, my best (and favourite) character is Charizard, I wasn't very good with him at first, but put great effort into getting good at using him, and saw good results, fast.

I can spike good with him, time his Fair right, and overall just use his moves better in general, he's a character that really has some great potential, that is a tank you can use one of multiple different, effective ways.

I've made about 150 stages (maybe a bit less), love Stage Builder mode, out of all the stages I've made, I couldn't possibly choose a favourite.

And I enjoyed SSE a lot, I thought it presented a good challenge, and was very well done, I had a blast playing through it, both solo and co-operatively with my brother.
I have the game. Fox has these like leg extensions. He can kick further. But its a very fun game.

wow all u guys can talk about this stuff and im confused

you aint the only one

Guys, try to lengthen up your posts a bit and keep them on topic. The reason that we have a strict policy on posting short messages with hardly any content and keeping posts on topic is because it contributes nothing to the growth of the site nor does it contribute to the discussion you're taking part in if you're just posting 'wtf?' and a few short setnences.

I'd recommend reading over Example number 13 in this thread:
ok ill try but typing realy long paraghs isnt realy my thing but ill try now to get back on topic..... can any 1 here answer the questoin i asked witch asked wut dose SSE mean
I had never really been a fan of the series. But I got the recent one because of Solid Snake. And I must say, I really like the game. Snake of course is my favorite, but after him I think I pick Wolf. Overall he is better, but I always pick Snake for the sake of fandome.
The UK had finally gotten the game yesterday and we've only got Wolf to unlock character wise. After that I'll look into finding out which ones I'll main.

Snake is pretty sweet to use although I'm favouring slightly to Lucario atm. His Final Smash (AKA Beam Cannon of Doom) is pretty fun to use.
I'm loving the game, they definitely improved it from Melee, I love the story mode and the gameplay is as fun as ever. I'm annoyed at the online mode though, it sucks! It lags so badly ><
i don't play online anymore except with friends because of the goddamn lag. brawl is an awesome game. i favor only 4 people when i get right down to it: lucas for bosses, ike for multiman brawl, sonic for everything else besides brawling, and C falcon for brawling.
It's still a laggy mess? I thought they'd have fixed some of the lag issues by now. Online matches feel like Slow-Mo matches. Even so, it's gotta be a little better than it was when the game first released. The lag was bad to the point that 2-minute matches took roughly 10 minutes to complete (assuming no one quit out, that is).
The lag is quite bad sometimes but not to the extent that matches last ten minutes. What's pissing me off is the amount of time that it takes to get to from match to the next, I'd imagine that it might be because not as many play online as they do on Mario Kart but I've waited almost 5 minutes at times.
If the developers would implement a system where players (not necessarily friends) could join each other's party, then the matches would start much more quickly. I hate not being able to join up with other people. If you can get with a bunch of players who don't quit out after the match is over (long shot), things move nicely. Once they start quitting, it takes an eternity to play.

I don't even play online anymore with Brawl. It's terrible. Intense lag, long waits, no communication between players and virtually no customization.
Actually scratch all that, had a terribly laggy game yesterday which lasted close to the 7/8 min mark. I know that fighters have a bad rep for being laggy online but Jesus Christ that was especially bad. It's a shame since when it does go well for once it's quite cool but offline will do since it is a pretty sweet game.

Does Ike have any moves that help him jump up to save him falling off the edge? Everyone Up+B move usually does this but Ike doesn't seem to have one.