Nintendo Super Smash Brothers Brawl

You serious? O_O Geez, I guess I should use him in the training mode and get used to him.

Ugh, and I'm stuck in the Emissary right now. I'm at the spot where the Ancient Minister unveils himself and you have that fight right after, I keep getting killed when those giant tank things show up. I can't deal damage fast enough and half the time I get stuck in between them and they smash me -__-
I've still never completed the Space Emissary, not seen any reason to do so. It's so bloody dull, the cutscenes are the only redeemable things about it.

Apart from the lack of a good recovery move and the slowness of most of his attacks I don't have much issues with Ike, I prefer him to Marth tbh. In 1v1 matches his weaknesses are far more apparent (and I use Toon Link in those situations) but in FFA or Team Matches it's really easy to kill steal or at least cause some major damage. Was involved in some 2v2s with another Ike and we destroyed everyone we played.
Subspace Emissary was pretty fun, played through it co-operatively with my brother, he seemed to fall behind often though, thank goodness for the Start button. :P
Hey! I wasn't that bad! XD I may have fallen back at times, but you just were blowing through the stages, while I tried to break open any of the green or yellow boxes I could find. >.>
I don't see what would be the big deal about skipping some of them, you've already opened almost every one of them on your file.
Well, the green ones may contain health recovery items to help us through the stage, and the yellow ones hold a trophy, which I don't want to pass up. :P
I really don't understand why everyone says Ike is bad.

I'm nearly unstoppable when I've got that badass sword at my disposal, and that near inhuman strength.

He's really the only char I even use.

I don't even think the others compare.

Ike FTW.
I've never really bothered with trophies, I just enjoy playing the game, but sure I suppose a health recovery item is handy once in a while, alright so I understand why you were set on breaking open every green or yellow box you layed eyes on. :P

Well, ssbmaster is pretty good as Ike, that being said, I don't think Ike could be a very bad character, but a pretty good one.
Well, ssbmaster is pretty good as Ike, that being said, I don't think Ike could be a very bad character, but a pretty good one.

Lul is that a bash on your brother? :P

And yeah, I never really paid much attention to trophies.

I'd get them and wouldn't even know why.
I've still never completed the Space Emissary, not seen any reason to do so. It's so bloody dull, the cutscenes are the only redeemable things about it.

I like it, plus I'd rather unlock characters this way than by playing a bajillion classic modes over and over. To each his own though, there are certainly enough play styles on Brawl to keep people happy.

Also, I beat the crap out of those two tank things (still forgetting their name) on the ship since I practiced a little more with Pikachu and Diddy Kong (one of my favorites now). So now I'm in the subspace, just beat Bowser. I so lol'd when Dedede smacked him on the nose to get him to shut up :neomon:

Hey! I wasn't that bad! XD I may have fallen back at times, but you just were blowing through the stages, while I tried to break open any of the green or yellow boxes I could find. >.>

I do that too actually, I compulsively try to grab as many stickers as I can xD

I really don't understand why everyone says Ike is bad.

He's not bad per say...he's just alot slower than Marth, and I really don't the slower characters. I'd rather just attack fast without giving the enemy much chance for attack (playing as Dedede in the Emissary...ugh).
Lul is that a bash on your brother? :P

It doesn't bother me, all I know is, whenever I choose Ike, I beat him. XD But yeah, he makes it interesting, it isn't often too one sided, and I like that, he's impressively close to my skill level, actually. ^_^

My father is even closer to my skill level, though he doesn't really do any button mashing, so I don't grab him very much, it just gets annoying for him. >.>

This is how we unlocked all the characters, it's a very tedious process but we had everyone unlocked in a few hours.

That's awesome. hahaha

I didn't know special brawls counted towards the number of matches needed to unlock characters.

I used a similar method for unlocking my characters. I played stock matches, set the number of lives to 1, and jumped off the ledge the second the match started. Slower than your method, but not by much.
It doesn't bother me, all I know is, whenever I choose Ike, I beat him. XD But yeah, he makes it interesting, it isn't often too one sided, and I like that, he's impressively close to my skill level, actually. ^_^

My father is even closer to my skill level, though he doesn't really do any button mashing, so I don't grab him very much, it just gets annoying for him. >.>

Thanks for the compliment, be regardless of how much I'd like it to be the case, to be honest, you are a lot better than I am, you've played it like crazy and practiced it. :P

Hate it when you pick Lucario though, you'll get furious if you're about to lose as him in a vs. match. -_-
...I do get carried away about it, but I really like the character, and I take battle records seriously, especially when it comes to Super Smash Bros., losses a permanently added to a player and character's statistics, I like to remain with having very few of those, and I don't want them to make a character look bad.

Yes, I am addicted to Brawl... >.> It's been out for less than half a year and I've played it for over 540 hours, think of how much I'll have played it a few years from now. :gasp:
I can only guess...over 2000? XD I almost said over 9000!, but I thought that would be lame, and a completely unrealistically high number. :P
Yes, that would have been lame, and you did sort of say it, afterwards, and that was lame. :lol:

But yeah, I could have around 2000 hours of Power Time by then... <.<
That'd probably be pretty accurate...

Anyways, moving on from that boring subject. My favourite character by far is Snake, definitely my most used character, my second most used is Samus, I don't play the Metroid games, but I like the character.

I find Snake to be a pretty good character, he certainly has projectiles covered, and he can be sneaky with C4s, and also being able to place a second bomb with his down smash is good too.
Yeah, but I just can't use him right, though...I'm better with close range fighting, I can deal with projectile users in the distance with simple air dodges or rolling dodges, it's simple really, then when I get close, beat the crap out of my opponent. XD

At that, I'm particularly good with Lucario, but I can't do serious damage with any one blow until he has taken some pretty heavy damage, so overall, I'm better with Charizard (pretty good at spiking. ^_^), but am still quite good as Lucario as well.

I should probably talk about other characters some soon, shouldn't I...? <_<
Yeah, it's pretty much just been Charizard and Lucario for you. :lol: You also brought up Ike briefly, but not much. >.>

I got a pretty good example of this good spiking skill of yours, it was a good interception of recovery, sent plummeting down pretty fast...