Nintendo Super Smash Brothers Brawl

You know it. :giggle: J/k. Well, I think I've also mentioned I'm good with Wolf, too, haven't I?

I'm not sure about having mentioned Fox yet though, I'm pretty good with him too, he has a lot of pretty quick attacks, I make the most out of this, I like to short hop, then Dair, then either Dsmash, or hold A to continue the rapid hitting to rack up the damage. :D
I've noticed you doing that a lot more when you've been using him lately, you're also pretty handy with the reflector... >_<

Best bet is to hit you only with attacks that you can't reflect, when you're playing as Fox or any other character with the ability to reflect projectiles, at least. :P
And you know my answer to that: Dodge. :P But I don't always succeed in escaping trouble, since no one is perfect.

I'm not even that close to perfect... Anyways, another character I'm good with is Marth, the other Fire Emblem character.

Mostly because of his good sword attacks, and the powerful attacks you can land when the tip of it connects with the foe, that, and his side B, down B is also useful from time to time, I don't use his new standard B special, oddly enough, even though it is powerful and doesn't take too long to charge fully.
When I use Marth, I have trouble executing 4 consecutive attacks with his side special, but you do it every time, I guess you've just got good timing with it.

He's a pretty good character, doesn't have as much range as Ike, or as much power, but has a lot quicker attacks, and they still has decent power, so he packs a decent punch...with his sword. :P
You and your clever humor... >.> Not that clever actually, it's just like saying a sword gets to the point very well. :P

Anyway, moving on. This is fun, and as long as we stay on topic, it's good, it contributes to the activity here. ^_^

What was your favourite video in the Subspace Emissary? Mine was that Fallen Arwing one, lol'ed when Peach came with cups of tea for everyone. XD
We share the same answer, I also thought that was pretty funny. Fox and Sheik dash at each other, clash, immediately interrupted by Peach's "Hi!", and enough tea for both of them. :lol:
I figured you'd agree. I'm sure a lot of people would give that answer. :lol:

My favourite non Pokémon character would be Wolf, and I don't have to ask what your's is, I know it is Snake. XD
Obviously. :P I always start with using Snake, but you are random about it, sometimes you start with Fox, sometime Link or Ike, once in a while you're Snake as well to start off.

When you pick Samus, you always play as Zero Suit Samus, and you do exceptionally as her a lot of the time, but I wonder whether it's more for the move set, or for the appearance. :P
I have enjoyed Super Smash Bros Brawl.

Completed Subspace Emissary, it was okay, the levels dragged on a tad, I mainly played for the scenes, plus, it was the best way to unlock new characters.

As for Classic and All Star...I can't be bothered to complete it with all characters...I'm just on Brawl all the time >_<
I enjoyed playing Subspace Emissary itself quite a lot, just for the gameplay, I found that to be quite fun by itself, and the cut scenes are a nice touch as well, I enjoyed it a lot both times I played through it. ^_^

I did better solo, I held my brother back when I played with him, he rushed through stages at quite a pace. >_>
meh brawl's ok. It's just that with all the new stuff they put into the game they took out the fun in the game. No wavedashing or glitches that give the game much needed balance are absent in place of superior new characters (Meta Noob and Snake for top tier anyone?) anyways I still play it for fun though.
It was with a limited amount of time in each session, just trying to get as far into it as possible with each time we played, what's wrong with that? :P
I never cared for wavedashing or silly glitches, I certainly wouldn't let it ruin my experience much if I did care about them at all either, I couldn't even wavedash any good anyways...

And I unlocked most of the characters through vs. mode matches because I didn't have the patience to unlock them all other ways. <.< I unlocked a handful of them through classic mode though, and Lucario through Target Smash.
Getting disappointing over a game not having some wavedash technique and...glitches? Sorry, but that's kind of silly. >.>

Brawl is a blast to play, and is a great game to turn on when you have a group of people around that would like to play, since it's up to 4 players, and you can alternate. :)
Yeah, I've never been able to take advantage of that, since there's never been more than 3 players, but for a lot of people that would be very handy, making Brawl an excellent party game, being one of the best multiplayer games of all time, and in my opinion, the best. ^_^
It's certainly one of the most enjoyable multiplayer games I've played, it can be completely random and unpredictable, and always a lot of fun to be had in any session of Brawl matches.
Undoubtedly. Anyways, Brawl's goodness has been elaborated on quite enough for a time, it's time for an actual subject. XD

Who here has beaten Boss Battles with all characters? I have, actually did it quite recently, didn't feel like being bothered with it before now, I figured it's about time I got a new notice. :lol:
Well, I just play multiplayer matches with you and dad, so of course I haven't beaten boss battles with all 35 characters. :P

I found it to be quite a feat when you clearing all 5 Target Smash levels with all 35 characters, that's 180 different successful Target Smashing sessions. :gasp:
I can see that. :P But easy enough if you went over the top and along the right side, and drop under the ice and mid air jump to hit it right? >_>