Nintendo Super Smash Brothers Brawl

Nah. It's the same his regular B, too, where he does the whole flaming sword bit. If he gets hit while slamming the sword down, he doesn't flinch from it.
I really really can't wait for the UK to get this game now, since me and my friends spent like, 4 hours playing Melee round my friends house, and it was amazing, it's definately more fun than playing on your own.

I think that Zelda/Sheik, Marth, Pikachu and Mario were the best characters in Melee, so I really hope they haven't been messed with for Brawl.
sadly, mario has been slightly changed, but not enough to make a real difference for anyone that uses him. He's still pretty good.

When I play I prefer to use what I call the misfits. but everyonce in a while like to use toon link. He is just easier to control compared to regular link.
I really really can't wait for the UK to get this game now, since me and my friends spent like, 4 hours playing Melee round my friends house, and it was amazing, it's definately more fun than playing on your own.

I think that Zelda/Sheik, Marth, Pikachu and Mario were the best characters in Melee, so I really hope they haven't been messed with for Brawl.

Zelda/Shiek seem a tad stronger in Brawl than they did in Melee. Marth is still a dominant force. Pikachu is probably a tad stronger since his downward smash attack got a slight upgrade. Mario's basically the same in terms of usefulness.

I'd say most every character returning from Melee is more or less the same.
actually the weakened jigglypuff big time. the rollout attack hit much harder in melee than it does in brawl, and her sleeping has less of a chance to knock someone off the screen than it did before. And regular Link is a bit more difficult to control(at least for me), but he is stronger. And of course samus can go Zero suit samus.
Well, they aren't carbon copies. If you got used to the characters from Melee, you won't have any trouble continuing where you left off when you play Brawl.

And I consider Jigglypuff to be better in Brawl than Melee. While Rollout is a smidge weaker, it's still extremely powerful. Rollout compensates for that loss in attack power by being far more easy to control. In Melee, it was easy to accidentally launch yourself off the stage's edge with Rollout. With Brawl, accidents like that rarely occur.
This game is still not out in the UK, I'm gutted. Although I have got Mario Kart to pass the time away.
I just got this game last week and I love it. :D I think my favorite character to use is Kirby only because it pisses people off when I use the special move. ;) And I love being able to fly, even if it is for a short amount of time.
If you wanna use Snake, you're going to have to adjust to his style. Unlike the others, there's multiple ways to play him, and his B attacks and non-smash attacks are absolutely devastating. If you use Snake, a good second character would be Link.

And, oddly enough, I have the easiest time controlling Link in Brawl. I mained him back in Melee, so after getting used to Brawl's pacing and less "uberadvancedtech" gameplay, he feels pretty quick. In fact, he's probably the fastest character I use (The other being King Dedede and Ike, who I'm probably going to change out for Falco). >_>
Mr Game and Watch would be my main with Link as my second.

Anyway I've made a topic on ZP which appears to have died so I'll stick Yahtzee's review of Smash Bros review of SSBB here.

As usual as long as you don't take it too seriously it's usually always enjoyable. Makes a couple of decent points I feel with some things like the unlockables and the single-player from what I've heard from others. Also it has a dig at the Fire Emblem series which probably would make Tedius die a little inside.
Tedius is already dead inside anyway.

Actually, I agree with pretty much everything that dude said. Hard not to, really. However, unlike him, I like the game. He really didn't spend much time reviewing the game itself. He'd make a point and go off on some tangent.
Well it'll hollow out more of his dark interior.

It's arguable to whether it's a review or not sometimes with him, if he gets told to do a game on something he doesn't like then of course he isn't going to start liking it for the sake of it. The great thing is that several forums I've been to have exploded because of the review.

Anyway more importantly about something Sephirothalpha asks every 2 posts. UK SSBB release date pencilled in for June 27th.
Haha, that part about Fire Emblem was funny. Most of us (Fire Emblem fans) know no one else knows about it or cares.

Also, the part about "that guy" made me crack up laughing. He had to throw in the Guitar Hero reference, didn't he?
On a few games I'm very close to being 'that guy'.

I'm fine with the inclusion of FE characters. I just hope that the inclusion of 3 Starfox characters means that a new game is in the works.

Is there any customisation allowed for online games?
Is there any customisation allowed for online games?

After choosing between either Brawl or Team Brawl, the ONLY thing you can pick for certain is your character. That's it.

Each of the four players picks a map, but the selection is randomized between the four chosen maps. I've played for hours without getting to play the map I chose. The same goes for items. If you choose to play with no items, you'll still play with 'em if the three other players have items selected for use.

You can't increase the match time. It's 2 minutes EVERY time you play. You can't change the game mode. It's brawl or team brawl no matter what. No stock, coin or special brawl matches.

It's pretty disappointing. Can't even coordinate the matches to end up a certain way since you can't communicate with other players.
Ike is my favorite character ^^
After him I use Lucario. He's way better than Mewtwo in my opinion. He's a lot easier to control (if that makes any sense) and his down b saved me many times.

This game is one of the reasons I'm sad I sold my Wii. Its the first Smash Bros that I liked. I might just steal my friend's when he isn't paying attention :monster:
you sold your Wii? XD

but I don't care about the limits created by the online play. it's the same rules as when I play with friends. plus My levels get chosen often no matter how terrible they are, like that leaf music level.
you sold your Wii? XD

Hellz yeah. $400 :neomon:

Thats some profit. But back on topic:

The online play wasn't too bad when I played it, though it was annoying not being able to talk to my friends when I was playing with them. The punching bag was kinda cool though.:D
Online play is fun, but it's disappointing in the fact that it could easily be WAY better. Add some small features that most people have come to expect in any multiplayer game, and SSBB would stand on top of 'em all. Easy.

Great game, though. Judging it based on what it has rather than what it doesn't have, it's terrific.