Fox Of Chaos
OOC: the guy after Bon-Bon is Gyki.
Bon-Bon quickly looked back at Aiden as he charged at her, "Aid-kun!" Called out Bon-Bon as she looked at Aiden. Aiden began to change right before her eyes.
Then she heard that voice, that voice witch broght back so many painful memories and made her blood boil. It was Gyki. "Gyki, give me back Aid-kun!" Growled Bon-Bon as she glared at what used to be her good friend Aiden.
Bon-Bon quickly looked back at Aiden as he charged at her, "Aid-kun!" Called out Bon-Bon as she looked at Aiden. Aiden began to change right before her eyes.
Then she heard that voice, that voice witch broght back so many painful memories and made her blood boil. It was Gyki. "Gyki, give me back Aid-kun!" Growled Bon-Bon as she glared at what used to be her good friend Aiden.