Tales of Avlear

OOC: the guy after Bon-Bon is Gyki.

Bon-Bon quickly looked back at Aiden as he charged at her, "Aid-kun!" Called out Bon-Bon as she looked at Aiden. Aiden began to change right before her eyes.

Then she heard that voice, that voice witch broght back so many painful memories and made her blood boil. It was Gyki. "Gyki, give me back Aid-kun!" Growled Bon-Bon as she glared at what used to be her good friend Aiden.
Josh rushed towards Bon-Bon and stood by her side. "I'm sorry Bon-Bon, but he is Aiden no more......our friend is lost. Gyki is the one inside his body now, Aiden's soul was consumed by the dark mana...." Josh unsheathed his sword and pointed it at Aiden, who was approaching them, slowly, with the blade of dark mana in his right hand. "I will do what I must, I will release him from his suffering...." Josh said while looking at the man who was his best friend, now consumed by the power of Gyki's hatred.

"Hahahahaha....this pitiful man sacrificed his own soul so that he could save his loved one. This noble act amuses me to the point of making me dying from laughter. Ahh I so enjoy destroying the souls of your friends..." Dark Aiden said while pointing his sword at Bon-Bon. "It brings me such a satisfaction to see that sad look on your face....." He then stopped in front of them, grinning as the dark energy surrounding him began to intensify. "Your friend's soul is mine......it is the small price he paid for your safety.....unfortunately for poor Aiden I am a man that never keeps his word. In the end, his noble yet foolish sacrifice was in vain..........I told you that he was already mine.....it was only a matter of time......" Dark Aiden laughed evilly as he stared at Bon-Bon and Josh, his eyes glowing red with hatred.

Appearance of Dark Aiden, fully consumed by Gyki's power:
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Bon-Bon eye showed nothing but sadness, but then a thoguth popped into her head. "You are a fool Gyki, all I have to do is sing my song of heart and Aid-kun's soul will be purfided. We voices of Mana has the voice that can purfied the body, heart and soul." Siad Bon-Bon as she looked into the eyes of Aiden.

"I know there is a small fragminte of him that is still in there, all I have to do is sing my song and he will be back. So let my friend go Gyki!" Yelled out Bon-Bon. Bon-Bon took a deep breath and was about to sing.
Aiden's face showed Gyki's hatred towards Bon-Bon, and how he enjoyed her suffering. "If you use your powers here, you will weaken yourself because of the lack of Mana Flow on this planet and thus giving me the opportunity to capture you....Do you want to risk it all for sake of this man? I don't think you would be such a fool to do that." Dark Aiden grinned as he looked straightly at Bon-Bon's eyes.

Josh saw what Bon-Bon was about to do and tried to stop her. He came close to her and whispered "Let's wait......he might end up revealing his true location and what his plans are..." Josh then went a few steps further and stopped between Bon-Bon and Aiden. "So Lord Gyki; what if we stop you here and now? What will you do if we defeat you?" Josh yelled as if he were defying Gyki's power.
Bon-Bon eyes widen and she stopped her self, "D..don't call him Lord!" Yelled Bon-Bon in anger. Bon-Bon felt helpless as if she couldn't do nothing to save one of her friends.

Maybe if he follows us back to Avlear, I can do it there. Bon-Bon looked at the Man she once knew at her friends and tears started to run down her cheeks. Bon-Bon wiped away her tears and looked away from Dark Aiden.
Josh approached Bon-Bon and he gently grabbed Bon-Bon's hand. "Don't be sad, we will save him once we reach Avlear. If we fight him here Gyki will surely win....he is too powerful for us." Josh whispered as he looked straightly at Bon-Bon's eyes.

Dark Aiden laughed as he saw Bon-Bon' bursting into tears. He then grinned and stared at her, his cruel sight filled with darkness. "Ahhh that's better, surrender now......you know that you can't defeat me....watch helplessly as your friend's soul is consumed by my power.....hate me all you want..... you are powerless....I know how much it hurts you to see him like this....a mere puppet of my will." Aiden said while smirking, his voice sounded like a nobleman with a fake gentle manner of speaking, the voice of a man whose heart became consumed by evil.
"Right." Siad Bon-Bon as she nodded. "And as for you Gyki I know that Aid-kun is in there, I know it with my heart. And you will never brake me." SIad Bon-Bon as she glared at Aid-kun.

"We have to get out of here, before he attacks. I don't think I can hurt a friend." Siad Bon-Bon to Josh.
"You can't but hurt a friend, but because I made a promise to Aiden, I can hurt him....badly without killing him!!!" Josh raised his sword as he ran towards Dark Aiden. The expression of Dark Aiden's face showed how angry he became when he saw Josh running towards him. "You are such a fool......Out of my sight!!!" Dark Aiden said while grinning. He then extended his arm, pointing with the palm of his hand straightly at Josh. After that, beam of dark aura was shoot from the palm of his hand, striking Josh and sending him crashing against one of the trees next to where Bon-Bon was standing.

"Ok, plan B, we must get out of here....." Josh said while standing up, a little confused by Dark Aiden's attack. "Bon-Bon do you have any ideas?" Josh said while protecting Bon-Bon from any possible attack.
"Yeah, I got this one!" Siad Bon-Bon as she held her hands out. "Sun's blind!" Called out Bon-Bon as her hands flashed out a blinding bright light. Bon-Bon quickly grabed Josh and ran off to the wood.

"That was my plain, blind him and run like hell." Siad Bon-Bon as she ran with great speed.
Dark Aiden/Gyki:

"Cursed witch, she did it again!!! ARghhhhh.....well it doesn't matter.....as long as I have her friend under my control, she will fell drawn to rescue him.....now my next objective would be to find her stupid boyfriend....." Dark Aiden said as he noticed that Bon-Bon and Josh were nowhere to be seen. He then opened a dark portal and went through it, disappearing in its shadows.

"Ok, I think we lost him....I can't feel his evil presence." Josh then sheathed his sword and approached Bon-Bon. "Now we must go and seek for the Mana Spirit, but first we must return to Avlear.....don't worry Aiden, we will save you....." Josh said while looking at the sky, with a worried look on his face. "Now it would be good to know were Dracus might be..." Josh said while leaning his back against a tree, with a hand on his chin as if he were thinking were he could find Dracus.
Bon-Bon heard some of Josh's words but she was too worried about Lanheart. I don't know why but, I feeling so worry about Lanheart right now. Even though he tried to kill me I still love him. Last time we were both facing each other he said he was going to join the Human Plant. Lanheart please becarful.

Bon-Bon snapped out of her trail of thought. "Ummm, yeah..uh..Hey what about the others, KG and RF." Siad Bon-Bon still a little stuck on her thoughts.
Josh nooded his head and smiled. He then walked towards the river and stared at the water. "We shall await for their arrival if you want...." Suddenly he remembered what Aiden said about that small jewelry box. He knew that Aiden asked him to give her the box, but he wasn't sure if it would be the best thing to do, after all Aiden was now their enemy. Josh searched his pocket and pulled out the small box. When he opened it, a small piece of paper fell from it. He picked it up and putted it back inside the box. "Alright, if this is what Aiden wanted me to give her I'll have no other choice than to keep my promise." Josh said to himself after staring at the water for sometime.

He then stood up and approached Bon-Bon. "Bon-Bon.....Aiden asked me to give you this....I don't know what it is so you will have to find out by yourself." Josh said as he extended his arm and opened his hand revealing a beautifully decorated jewelry box. "There's also a letter inside of the box....I think is for you....well I'll leave you alone for now, if you need something I'll be nearby." Josh nooded his head and left, he was heading towards the river again.

The letter said:

Dear Lady Bon-Bon;

If you are reading this, then that means that I'm already under the control of the dark mana. I feared that one day this might happen so I tried to make you happy while I still retained my own free will. I remember the first time we met, I was a royal knight commanding the troops of my father, and you were a lost traveler trying to find her way to the Mana Shrine. At first I was a selfish arrogant man that whose thoughts were nothing more than fighting for glory. But, since I met you, I have changed, now I see life a different way than before. Then we traveled together, we fought alongside each other, and you even saved me. Now it's time for me to repay that debt. Unfortunately I can't stay by yourside for I am now tainted by Gyki's dark will. I wish I could here your gentle voice once again, to feel the warm aura of light surrrounding your pure soul. Sadly I know that this is will no longer be, for I have sold my soul to the darkness, trying to buy your safety at the cost of my miserable existance. I hope that you can live happily alongside Lanheart, I really wish you do so. As my last request I want you to avoid geting near Gyki and I don't want you to rescue me for any reason whatsoever, please it's for your own safety. Well it seems it's time to bid farewell to you, Sorry for not keeping my promise to stay at your side forever. Ohh and by the way, Josh and Dracus will take good care of you, so you won't be needing me after all.

Forever and ever your loyal friend
Aiden Silverlake

*Bon-Bon has obtained the Legendary Angel Necklace Of Mana. Her offensive, defensive, and magical power has increased.*
Bon-Bon looked at the Necklace, "Oh wow, its so pretty. I nevered seen a jewel like this before. So this is what he had gotten from TWF." Siad Bon-Bon as she put the necklace around her neck. Bon-Bon then looked at the letter. As she read it tears weld up in her eyes and she fell to her knees.

Bon-Bon began to cry, "That idoit, he still called me lady Bon-Bon, but...he was the second one....to say that my arua wasn't cold like ice." Cried Bon-Bon. Tears were flowing from her eyes as she tired to wipe them away. "Why...Why do my friedns have to suffer because of me...why?" Cried Bon-Bon. Bon-Bon slipped the letter she gotten in her pokect.

Bon-Bon sat there cring for her friend.
Josh noticed the sad look on Bon-Bon's face, as tears flowed from her eyes. "Aiden knows what you have inside your heart and that's why he sacrificed himself for you. Don't worry, I won't let that Gyki get away with this and with our friend. Aiden can be an idiot, self centered moron but, he is still our idiot and friend." Josh then gave a confident laughed as he pointed to an unknown destination. "Come one BB, adventure awaits us and we must not let sorrow break our will. From the vast seas of Avlear to its beautiful mountains, we shall travel like the wind, great warriors that fear nothing." Josh then remembered that KG, RF, and Dracus were still nowhere to be seen. "Oh, I forgot that we must wait....." Josh sat down, staring at the ground.
Bon-Bon listened to Josh's words and then stopped cring. "Wow, you are a really good friend to Aiden."Said Bon-Bon with a little smile. "But he is not the first one to scacrfice him shelf for me." Siad Bon-Bon with a sad sigh. "I keep on telling my self, I need to get stronger, I need to be able to save myself. When I finally thought that I was strong enough to protect every one around me including myself...Gyki with his smuggness came and did this." Siad Bon-Bon as she looked at a blade of grass.

"Gyki doesn't want to kill me, he wants to do something worser than that, he wants to brake me. Thats why I travel by myslef most of the times, I don't want to see my friends hurt like this. I know it I can feel it, some where deep inside his soul, he's cring out. That is why I cried when I looked at Aid-kun, when I saw him that way." Siad Bon-Bon as she took a little of a deep breath.

Bon-Bon then stood up, "But you are right, I will not be able to keep my promise to not save him, I'm gonna try no matter what." Siad Bon-Bon confadently.
"What I am going to reveal to you is something that Aiden himself asked me to keep it secret." Josh stood up and walked towards Bon-Bon. Then he leaned his back at the tree and began to speak. "Aiden revealed to me that the source of Gyki's power was the souls of those who fell under his control. Right now his triumph card is Aiden's soul. Aiden's body was infused with Dark Mana, thus becoming Gyki's most powerful puppet. Gyki uses his powers to torture Aiden's mind, weakening his strenght and braking his will. As each day passes, Aiden's mind is forced to endure torture, pain and suffering. Yes it is cruelty beyond belief but it's the price that Aiden payed for your safety. We must seek the Mana Shrines and unleash their power. Gyki fears the power of the Demon Seed because of its potential. Only you can break the seal of the Demon Seed and release the Power of Mana." Josh then remained silent for few moments, thinking about a how to get to Avlear. "Bon-Bon, our first objective must first be our return to Avlear. We must go back to your world as soon as possible."
"I know, but what about the shrines here?" Asked Bon-Bon. "And also about my seed, I don't think its a good Idea for the seal to be broken...it was put up there for a reason." Siad Bon-Bon sadly.

A memory of Bon-Bon fusing with the seed popped into her mind. There it is again...why are my supresed memories coming back?
"Hmm I remember that the only shrine that was established at this planet is on the top of the Forgotten Mountain." Josh said as he stared at the road that lead towards the dangerous mountain path. The Forgotten Mountains is the place were the Mana Guardians established the Holy Shrine and therefore, it is protected by unknown beasts. In order to reach that place, Bon-Bon and Josh will need to use all their power to face the Great Trials of the Forgotten Mountain.
"Moutain....Earth....its the Earth Mana shrine." Siad Bon-Bon with a smile as she turned to Josh. At that moment Bon-Bon heard a russle in the bushes behind them, Bon-Bon quickly turned back.

A blonde fured fox walked out of the bushes. "Oh!" Said Bon-Bon as she walked over to the Fox. The Fox sat down and was breathing havely. "Hmmm, It's RPGirl. and it looks like her Mana is low. She's in here weak form to save Mana." Siad Bon-Bon as she lefrted the Fox into her arms. The Fox fell right to sleep as she was held by Bon-Bon.

"Okay, we have to tell the others about this." Siad Bon-Bon as she walked back over to Josh.
"Well...as a Guardian of Mana I am not allowed to do this but.....ohh who cares!!!!" Josh extended his arm and touched the head of RPGirl. Using his own mana aura, he tried to give her enough strenght to mantain her human form. Josh then stepped back and fell on his knees. He coughed a little and then he said "I wasn't supposed to do that, and because of the lack of Mana in this planet, I was weakened....just a little..." After that Josh stood up and smiled. "Ha!! Nothing is Impossible for a Mana....." Then he fell again on his knees. "Just give me sometime in order to replenish some of the energy I lost..." Then he said to himself *"Dracus is going to kill me for breaking the rules, again...."*