The most hated Fiends/Bosses

Marlboros! Damn status inflicting hedge-bush looking, octopus freak flipping Marlboros! Hey, let's give this thing the first attack so he confuses everyone, and they all bumrush the love'n outta each other. "First Attack". Works wonders after that initial learning experience of Marlboro annihilation. :dry:
yeah if your tidus used provoke on defender x then he will only use stone punch on tidus which ALWAYS halfs his hp
so if you keep using it whilst attacking with the others then youll win :)

Uh, halves your maximum HP. So unless you had one character constantly healing him, that strategy isn't worth a dime.

Personally? I found Machea to be quite irritating. Could be easily killed with the use of Valefor, but... ugh.
i hated seymour he wouldn't just stay dead :mad:
Thats funny you would say neice kept killing Seymour and i kept telling her she finally killed him for the last time(Knowing full well he would come back time after time) and it was funny to see the expression on her face when she realized she had to fight him again....she was really getting sick of him lol:P

Damn status inflicting hedge-bush looking, octopus freak flipping Marlboros!


Oh yeah! I hated those things, I mean who doesn't.
They've stuck around in all the final fantasys I played and heck they always beat the hell out of me!:dry: I can't say I've had a 'close call' with one since I always managed to succumb to its horrible bad breath.
I really hated the stupid fire balls that self destruct when you hit them four time grrr they get on my nerves so much and then you have to wait after each time you hit them to get bigger
Slater, please expand on your points of view please. I've seen a few of your one word answers in other topics. I'd appreciate it if you would explain your position a little better. We just want to hear what you think :D
He's just a straigh forward kinda guy ;) I've noticed it too though. Espada was easy for me not alot of strategy needed, Evil Eye now that's a Fiend, never underestimate three of these together! Confusion is a killer!
The stronger Malboro. Great Malboro, is it? The ones in the Omega Ruins, anyway. They tend to get the first attack in; but the ones inside Sin are a bit slower so I can take them out. Damn bad breath.
Great Malboros in Omega Ruins, he always strikes first, with bad breath.
Boss before Yunalesca, I couldn't beat him, I tried dozens of time and couldn't beat him, so went for easy way: summoned Yojimbo in overdrive paid him
10 000 gil and I won.
I couldn't beat Yunalesca either so I defeated her first two forms then summoned Yojimbo in overdrive, paid him 10 000 gil so that he casts Zanmato.
Zanmato is useful against those pesky Dark Aeons also ;) if you want to stop Great Malboro getting in the first attack, equip a weapon to one of your characters with First Strike ability on it
Shinryu is pretty hard since you use wakka rikku and tidus who i only ever used tidus. when ever i attacked i got the eraser which is instant petrification and shattering in one. paired with his speed shinryu is the killing machine
dark anima was the most annoying boss for me and the most annoying fiends were the elemental fiends because i never have lulu or kimahri in my party