The RPG Status

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... Runescape... That's pretty distant now.. (Dragon Sword does rock a hell lot in comparison to others, for newcomers to the dragon equipments)
So it seems thats the reason for the sudden stop in progress uh..
No worries, we can still wait.
Lol I highly doubt that Runescape is the reason why. Whatever issues you gaiz are having I hope it works out well for ya. We've waited this long, I'm sure we can wait a little longer. I know I sure as hell can :D
Yeah, you're not even level 18... I know it's annoying, but if you fight some Cockatrice, you can, slowly, get exp until you level up two more times, that would pass some of the time.
It's okay, the good news is that it seems like the next areas are almost ready to be opened, if I'm not mistaken. ^_^

So don't let it get to you, just next weekend, and then before another weekend comes around, it'll be July.
And then July 5 is my B-Day! I'M 15 (then)!!!

I'm not even 18 yet but apparently it has already been awhile that people have had to wait? How long has it been?
Meh, schools bug me, I'm going to start mine on July 20th D:
Anyway we're not rushing you guys >.> and we've been waiting around two weeks
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Well, I'd answer your question if I could, but I wasn't here right from the beginning of this waiting period, I just registered here a little over 3 weeks ago.

I don't mind waiting though, it's good to know that at least it might be getting close to the time that the next areas will be accessible, that much is reassuring. ^_^
Next area will be done when it's done, no way to tell when. Problem could come up and it could take months or things could go great and only take a week, can't be sure.

And stay on topic people.
Well, let's all just hope no big problem comes up making it take months...k?

Not saying there won't be, just hope for the best. There is no way of telling if something will come up or not, and when the areas will be ready to be made available to everyone, so just wait patiently until then.

Meanwhile, I'll just keep training, and become a master combatant (Combat skill level is over 140!).

But yeah, staying on topic, hopefully progression of the RPG will go smoothly, and even possibly, best case scenario, have the next areas opened by the end of the month, or not far into July.

I'll just keep my fingers crossed for that, and please accept my wishes of good luck to you with the RPG, all of you RPG staff members. :)
Well, if it's okay to ask (not really sure, though, but I'd really like to), then I could lend a helping hand, if necessary.

This isn't a matter of impatience that I say this, but to help out, be of assistance.

I was once made into an RPG staff member of another RPG Inferno at others forums, and everyone was very pleased with the job I did there, so if I were ever a member of the RPG staff here, I believe I could be of much assistance to you all. ^_^
Umm..... No, to put it simply. Us 3 has worked in the past and when there was 4 too much wrong happened.

All in all, you just joined, you can't jump on and try and nudge your way to the top in a instant. Trust is hard earned.

Want to talk about it more, send me a PM.

(EDIT: this is why we don't let people ask to join, it lets other think they can join and that will not happen, this isn't some kind of club.)

Now, again, keep this thread on the topic of the RPG status, this isn't a recruitment drive or a chat thread.
...sorry about that, I understand it's more of a "Don't ask us, we'll ask you" thing, I just jumped at the opening, I know, I shouldn't have, but it means a lot to me.

Anyways, getting back on topic, that much I should at least do.

So I believe the Warrior areas are prepared, if I'm not mistaken, it seems like we must be getting pretty close, as long as something does go wrong.
How much of the RPG is going to be in this chunk? Is my idea being taken seriously and this is update going to take a very long time to complete.
I will say this, this is a decent sized chunk and should keep ya busy for a while. By a while i mean it will take some time to those who don't stay up all night long just to get through this new section. You whore yourself out to the end of it and whine about the next part not being done, tough shit :P
That's exactly what I do. Now that I think about it's pretty dumb....

I'm still gonna do it though :wacky:

Thanks for tellin me though, is the mage and warrior area going to be there and is there going to be some assassins area I keep hearing about?
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