The Three to BE

So far it's Cloud, Red XIII, and Barret. Barret would have been replaced with Vincent...but...well..I never found him. (I know where he is now, just gotta start a new game lol)
I couldn't find Vincent my first couple times playing through the game and when I did I thought he was a badass. Especially his limit breaks and how his HP doubled when you changed in the 2nd form. But as I kept playing he seemed to get weaker to me so I changed him out.
My party (as soon as I got the members)
ALWAYS consisted of Cloud (of course), Yuffie (Yes ...) and Vincent (YAY he's so cool) or if I wanted to lvl up materia Cid with triple weapon

I found vincent my first time through but missed Yuffie....
I've just finished Sephy with that party, it was pretty good he only got to use
once and he was dead the move after. Yuffie's 4th limit is pretty good.
Ok, I try to use all my characters equally, but there are some that I use more than others.

Cloud, because you have to use him.

Before Disk 1 ends:

Aerith- Seriously, towards the end of disk one, if you put her in the front row she'll be the most powerful attacker. That's because you can get her strongest weapons before any other character. The only problem is is that her defense isn't that great, so long reach is always good to equip her with.

After disk 1
Yuffie: Cause she's my favorite character :D

Cid: Cid is an awesome attacker and his limit breaks are very powerful.

Sometimes I'll switch Cid for Red XIII because I like him a lot.
My best party is Cloud, Aerith and Vincent:P Cloud can kill with his blade, Aerith heals and Vince shoots
My party is often cloud (of course), aeris and cait sith/tifa/red xiii
2CD I use Cloud, Cait sith and tifa/red xiii

because you have to use him and he is the strongest character.

Aeris: She is strong and best magic user. And her´s limit breaks are most useful as others characters.

Cait Sith: He is very good magic user too and he is strong :D And he is a cat <3

Tifa: Hmm... she is a weakest character and limit breaks are OK (but weak), I only use her a healer xD

Red XIII: He is strong and good magician. Hi´s limit breaks are OK too :D
To be honest, I prefer the Cloud/Vincent/Nanaki party.

Cloud - ...he's always there. Don't have much of a choice.
Vincent - favorite character

Haha...seriously, though. Nanaki is routinely switched out for Cid or Yuffie at times. Cid has a pretty cool final limit. Yuffie (strangely enough) turns out to be my best Morpher.

Although...the next game I start, I may end up having just Vincent and Yuffie, then equip Cloud with the Long Range materia and toss everyone in the back row.
I usually always ran with Cloud, Barret, and my 3rd would either be Cid or Red XIII. Red XIII was my favorite character in the game but I had Cid and Barret already leveled up very high so I kept them in there to pummel enemies and finish off the main story.
I changed, I use Cloud, Tifa and Vincent, I don't swap them anymore...
First Disc was Cloud, Aeris, and Red XIII. After Aeris died I switched over to Cloud, Red XIII, and Cid.
I mainly used...
Cloud (Well Durr)
& Vincent.

Then they got about 10 lvls above everyone else & kept using them.

Then i got to last battle & all 3 of them were lvl 65-70 & everybody else was lvl 40-50 XD
I regret that as i relised vincents limits sucked for long battles.
Let's see when I was in disc one my party always was Cloud/Aeris/RedXIII, they were the ones that were always in my party and obviously the strongest, then obviously Aeris died and I had to modify my party >>.

In Disc two/Three my party most of the times consisted in Cloud/Tifa/Vincent and in the rare times that I changed them it was Cloud/RedXII/Cid or Yuffie.

Also on the moments where Tifa was the leader after the weapons incident the ones in my party were Vincent and RedXII and when Cid became the leader the ones in my party were Yuffie and Caith Sid.

So practically the one that I barely never used only when I had too and to get all of the limits was Barret >>
I used everyone equally for the most part, but my favorite party was probably either Yuffie/Cloud/Tifa or Yuffie/Cloud/Cait Sith. All of my friends hate Cait Sith, but I think he has class. :P

And of course, I just love Yuffie 'cause she's the quirky ninja girl with an unhealthy obsession. It makes for a good story. ^ _ ^

I never used Aeris when I played, because I knew she was going to die. The last time I played through, I got her fourth limit really early though... she's amazing. :O