To anyone who thinks there should be a sequal to 8, game or movie

Do you think that Square should make a FFVII sequal?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 26 33.8%
  • I couldn't care less

    Votes: 4 5.2%

  • Total voters
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I think a anime series should be made insted of a movie as you can fit more of the story in. You have to explain SeeD, Seifer, Edea, Griever, Ultimica etc.

I totally agree, a Movie would be cool, but it would end up missing out loads of bits out of the story line (like they have done with all the Harry Potter Films), with an Anime series, they could fit everything into it, and also maybe fit more about the other characters lives into it, like
Shalua_Rui said.
A movie, not really, the story was ok, but I really don't think it was as intresting as FF7. But if one did come out, I'd probably watch it.
I think that they should make a sequel because FFVII is the greatest game ever. But they would have to work hard at it to make it better than FFVII!
I personally don't see the point in any sequel at all. I'm all for a remake w/ new graphics and what not, mayhaps voice-overs in there, but please no sequel it will be criticed too much and compared to much to the original in regards to its value, and thusly downplay the sequel game, not too mention the original game would get depreciated in value as well. I wouldn't mind however seeing a novel made from FF7 :)
you know that if they even fathom of doing a sequel to ff7, it will never be as good as the hype, and they have another sequel as a basis, x-2 which only about half the fans liked so it would be even harder for them to appeal to the eyes fo the fan. and as far as seeing the end of DoC and thusly needing a sequel, why not just a sequel to DoC. i will still stand ground in my opnion of no sequel needed or wanted. the only thing i would possibly allow is like what they did w/ tactics and 12, just ame locale different time frame
AGREED^^^...i would watch any FF movie except Spirits Within. I think that they finished FF8 pretty well and it was an obvious Love story towards the end of the game though. 8/10 for the game!
I think a movie should be made! It could be made in CGI or anime-style,and it should focus on all the characters,not just Squall and Rinoa.They could skip boring parts like the Laguna dreams(which I don't think were really necessary to the story).

You know those Laguna side-stories were really interesting in my opinion. If they do a movie, it could be about Laguna. I'm sure it'll be interesting in itself. Laguna's life is open to interpretations. I just find his life so interesting. That or 10 years of Ellone riding in the white SeeD ship. Then again, a behind the scenes of Julia Heartilly-Caraway would be interesting also. Or how about a Zell Dincht movie? Better yet, a life story of Ultimecia!

As for the Squall and Rinoa love story, FF8 did a great job wrapping it up. You can't do very much with it.
A movie about the main story would be good, but a Laguna side might not be so good, because there isn't enough information.
I wouldn't mind seeing a movie of the after affects of FFVIII but I think a movie made of the actual game would be awesome as well ^_^
A movie about the main story would be good, but a Laguna side might not be so good, because there isn't enough information.

Well have you ever thought much about Laguna's past life and tried to make some sense in it?

When Laguna was called off to the Presidential Estate, did he leave immediately the next day? When was Julia's and Laguna's last night together? Was it truly that night when they finally got a chance to talk privately in her hotel room? It could be right, right? I dunno. Laguna might've been given at most 24 hours to do some few last things before Kiros, Ward and him were sent off to Centra.

Also, how long were Kiros, Ward and Laguna in Centra? How long exactly did Julia waited for Laguna to return back to her? She waited for a long time didn't she? It could've been months or even years. We all know she waited for a long time for Laguna.

We know for sure that after escaping Centra and the Estharian forces, Laguna spent six months recuperating in Winhill while Raine took care of his needs. He spent an additional six months protecting Winhill when Kiros met up with Laguna. Now Julia was also recently married around the same time Kiros and Laguna reunited. I'm sure Julia was still waiting for Laguna and probably went along with the marriage to Gen. Caraway. (You go along with anything when you're down.)

Another question is how long did Laguna spent staying in Winhill? He must've stayed there long to have married Raine right? It's not like any woman in their right mind would marry a guy after getting to know them for a year or so right? Right? It was only after Ellone was kidnapped by Esthar that Laguna set out.

Another thing to point out is that we all know pregnancy takes about 9 months correct? So within a nine months time period, Laguna was writing articles, doing odd-jobs so that he could stay at hotels, searching valiantly for Ellone and finding a way into Esthar, getting into Esthar and successfully taking out Adel, becoming President of Esthar and finally being able to send Ellone back to Raine in Winhill. Now the weird thing was that Laguna was injured while he was traveling and spent time recuperating in the Shumi Village. This part don't make much sense to me at all! How did that man do that around a nine months period? Wait, more like a three month period because six of those nine months he was recuperating in the Shumi Village. I dunno and try not to think too hard on this part.

The thing I want to know would be how did Caraway manage to woo Julia? How did Raine exactly die? It was never specifically mentioned in the game but most people thought it she died while in labor. Oh yea, one last thing. We all know that Laguna wrote articles for the Timber Maniacs magazine right? By chance, could Julia might've happen upon one of those Timber Maniacs with an article written by Laguna, himself? And if so, what could she be thinking?

The reason why I think it would be interesting to have a movie of Laguna's past is exactly that Whitescaver. Not enough information yet a wide varieties of things could've happened. The other characters weren't as appealing except for maybe the sorceresses.
Yeah if anything should be done it's gotta be sommit about Laguna. Twould be a nice prequal. DS game that shows Lagunas travels and whatnot, abit more story development for Squalls origins and little things that tie in with other characters from FF VIII that wern't previously known.

A sequal wouldnt be good tho. I think the story has been pretty much wraped up. could do a short movie about the characters after time-compression but bout it really.
Well I would watch it no matter what.
I love FF8 it's the best FF in my Opinion, but I guess SE will never do a FF8 Movie, I'm pretty sure about it.
hey if they can make a sequel to ffx and a movie to ff7 the can and should make a movie for ff8,. i mean squall is cool and i say somehow the sorceress's power somehow finds its way to seifer and the gang has to fight Warlord Seifer for the last fight.

Yea but the sequel to FFX was a flop, FF7 AC was alright, the voice overs really sucked though.
I dont think they should make a movie. VIII is my fav FF of all time but I think that would spoil it to make a movie. I'm also against a sequel. I mean look at FFX-2 (soz if ur a fan) but I couldnt stand it.
I still play FFX-2 if i hav nothing better to do so I'd probably still watch the movie if they made one. Not likely though.
I Love FF8 it is my fav game and if there were to be a movie made i would love that they base it around all charcters in the game not just the love story, i love squall and rinoa but zell, quistis, selphie, irvine, fujin, rajin seifer and edea are all great as well. :lol:
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