[V1] What are you currently playing?

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Resonance of Fate

I've been looking at this game for quite a while now but I finally decided to give it a rent. While I've only gotten up to chapter 3 thus far I have to say that once you get passed the initial complexity of the battle system, it's pretty fun. Though thus far I have to admit that this game has made me rage the most compared to any other game I've ever played within it's first 2 chapters but I think it's getting easier as I understand more and more about it's battle system.
Skyrim! :D

I have only played a few minutes and reached the first town - off to thrash some thieves in the nearby cave - so I can't judge it fully yet, but I'm so excited! :D I'm a dark elf. It was a good decision to make the intro simple and to cut out early decisions. Moulding the game to each player sounds perfect! =)

I'm not too fond of the hand-to-hand combat, so I've just started to use magic. Crossed fingers this goes well. :wacky:
I am playing several:

This game is one of the most....freelanced games ever. You get no tutorial, you're not told what to do, where to go or anything. You're thrown in there with only a slight idea of what you have to do. I got to the first gate and now I am guessing I have to go find others, but man...I have no type of clue where to start at all.

Shadow of the Colossus:
This game is the sequel to Ico and it's a masterpiece! Granted I have beta it ebfore but it's not the point. Point is that it has fantastic re-play value for me! I love it. I am curently going for the fifth colossus and after that, eleven more to go.

Mario Galaxy:
This one is one that I have been meaning to get for a long while but I dunno why I never got around to doing it. I finally got it and I fucking love it. The game is a bit easy but eh...I guess it's because I'm still at the start sorta..but at the same time, I dunno...the controls could be a bit better I think and the game it self sometimes makes me dizzy. The game is addicting to me and yeah I am guessing I will be going back for it when I am done through the first time.

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker:
I better keep this brief because Zelda games are something I can talk about non-stop! I love this game, it's so fluent and there's a lot of places to explore. besides, I'm so fucking exited for Skyward Sword which is coming out tomorrow. :3
Still Uncharted 2

I beat the game once already so now all I have to do is get the platinum, which will probably make me hate the game for a while. Some seem like they will be a pain to get, but nothing too horrible. I think the game will be very difficult on crushing, so I hope I don't bite my controller in rage
Dragon Age: Origins.

I am enjoying it, because it is a good game. But this is about the fourth game that I have started on it, so I am not enjoying anywhere near as much as when I first played it.
I decided I'd try and platinum it, as there's not much that I need to do.
I am currently Playing through two games.

Uncharted 1.
I am enjoying this game more than I thought I would. I hated it at first because I had watched a friend play it which made it boring but actually playing it myself is quite fun. I am really loving the characters a lot, I think they were really well done. Nathan Drake is cool. I am not sure about the story yet, I haven't played enough to know what is going on. The shooting is a bit much and it grows tiresome because enemies do not fuck off but I will play through the whole thing anyway so I can start number 2.

This is fun, it's almost exactly the same as blops but it does have a few changes, I seem to be a little bit better at MW3 than blops though (not much) I am only playing through multiplayer, I have no interest in the campaign.
Infinite Undiscovery

I bought this game last week, and I am enjoying it thus far. Even though I am already near the end, I can still go to the other towns, so that's already a plus for me. I just wish there was more to do in it. :(
Believe it or not:

CoD: Modern Warfare 3

But McFleurry Livicakes, I hear you protest, you said you wouldn't go anywhere near the franchise ever again and that you like nothing more than to whinge whenever it's even mentioned! Why are you playing it all of a sudden? Doesn't that make you sound a bit hypocritical and foolish?

Shut up. :hmph:

Truth is, it's not I bought it or anything, and neither was it the first thing I wanted to play on the friend's Xbox 360, but he detected how frustrated I've been all week, with the workload and being sick and all, so he suggested to me that I shoot some Russians to get it all out. And I said yes, and went charging into the very last level of the campaign for some reason, probably because you start off with that kickass armour at the beginning with a machine gun that can pretty much take anyone down. Then I began playing through some of the more random missions, such as the Hamburg one, and that London one that had the controversial
scene at the end. It was actually halfway decent.
Okay so, rememebr all those games I listed before that I was playing?
Well, they have all been put on hold for the time being.
I am not playing:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.
This game is amazing so far and I have the biggest crush on the villain. I've never felt so gay in my entire life but I regret nothing! xD! I want to say more about it, but I suspect there might be people playing it and well, I don't wanna spoil anything for anyone not to mention that I am not done yet. o_o
With Zelda...I am never done.

Oh and while I am away form my room, I play:
Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2.
This a bit of an old game for the Nintendo DS but I fucking love it. I adore pretending I am a surgeon. xD Anyways, it's one of those games that you need to perform operations on people, some of them have weird diseases and yeah. It's like Amateur Surgeon.
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
My copy came in the other day and I ran off to the shoppies to snatch it up, took it straight home from work and popped it in and instantly fell in love with it! The art style is really pretty, it's a wii game so obviously the graphics aren't fucking fantastic but they're quite good for a game on that little underpowered console. If you can appreciate that then you'll appreciate the graphics and how they look like a painting.

I'm having a lot of trouble with the controls, I am not sure why, whether it's the motion plus fucking up or me just being a retard but it's really getting on my nerves, I'm dying all the time coz my swords strokes wont work how i want them to :rage:

I am loving the characters so far, and I love every location I've been to (only two) this game feels much more alive than the older Zelda games which I am really appreciating. They've added some random things in as well like allowing link to go to the loo or using a bed. He can also answer other characters questions with multiple choices.

The bird rather than the horse is cool too, it's a lot of fun soaring through the sky though because I am retarded and cant work the controls out I am finding it a little hard to keep the thing going in a straight line.

Anyway, really loving it so far, it seems like it's going to have a nice in-depth story to it. :grin:
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

I'm actually really enjoying the campaign, much more so than I did the campaign on Black Ops. Possibly because the BO campaign actually required a lot more thinking on my part... I actually prefer games where it's clear what's going on in the storyline, so I can relax instead of having to actually figure out what the hell is going on :wacky:
I would have finished the storyline ages ago if I hadn't got sidetracked by playing the multiplayer... which I don't think is anywhere near as good as Black Ops. It's easier to kill people but also easier to die, and I'm not as good as I was at blops. And it's so laggy!
Ah well. I've just ordered AC:Revelations and as soon as that arrives CoD won't get a sniff for a few weeks at least :wacky:
I am currently playing three different games.

Saints Row the Third is great for it's mindless fun. As Jim best put it "it looks like GTA with silly gimmicks". Which is entirely true and completely fun. It's kept all the lighthearted fun I got out of previous GTA games in it before I lost interest in them due to how serious they were. I have yet to touch Whored Mode (Hoard Mode) and am still enjoying it a lot.

Skyrim has enough praise already. Look in one of the many threads or the shoutbox.

The Sims 3: Pets
is a game I just got today. I've made my people and am just waiting for Kirababes to get home to start actually playing.
Biological Socks

I bought it a while ago on a pal's recommendation and played it for an hour. It was not bad and I meant to keep playing but kept getting sidetracked until I forgot I had it. I eventually picked it back up and am enjoying it currently. The aiming system is weird and stuff randomly doesn't work which is irritating, but it is still good. The Big Daddy/Little Sister thing is either very cool, or very very wrong, I am not sure yet
A variety of games really. Skyrim, Uncharted 3 and Halo CEA. On Skyrim, I just finished the story line before. The game is just so amazing, and I will continue to keep playing to do side quests and all that. Elder Scrolls is not exactly a story type of game though. In Halo CEA I am just playing the multiplayer, and some campaign. I think I am on the 6th level, because Skyrim stole all my halo play time. On Uncharted 3, I made the first legacy in multiplayer.. and have done 7 chapters on crushing.
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

My copy came in the mail today so I started playing it. It's much, much better than the first Uncharted. The original was plagued with wave after wave of enemies that beat your ass when you weren't paying attention, and a shoddy camera when shooting. You also died really fast. While the challenge is nice, I don't like getting killed all the time. I died a lot. The second has improved these things so they're no longer a problem. I easily got the survivor trophy for killing 75 enemies without dying, when I couldn't do 50 in the first. The story is interesting as well, the humor is good, and the characters make the game even better. I'll hopefully have this game finished by Wednesday :grin: Also played the multiplayer, which was pretty fun for a bit. I did a lot better than I expected and got to rank 12 in 3 games.
Skyward Sword, and it is fab!

The game is beautifully presented. It's colourful and graphically simplistic. It has a sort-of watercolour style, using the pallet from Wind Waker, but the proportions from Twilight Princess.

The controls are amazing! I was so skeptical when I heard about Wiimotion, but it really does work and it has such as positive effect on the dynamics! I don't think I'll be able to play a Zelda game in the same way again!

The music is typically Zelda-esque. Certain tracks sound very similar to those in Wind Waker, but it still suits the game very well. Even though both my mum and dad have commented on how odd the character's sounds are (gasps and utterances are used instead of speech), I love the way they're used to portray emotion. Voice actors would not allow the gamer to interpret the characters or the dialogue, and being given the opportunity to interpret each personality is part of Zelda's beauty.
What am I NOT playing? :hmph:

I've got files on Disgaea 4, Skyrim and Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3, but I'm barely getting the time for them. Disgaea I'm on chapter 3 - been Item World grinding, I might move on somewhen - Skyrim I'm just running around screaming "KAMEHAMEHAAAAA!" as I dual-wield spells attacking Whiterun Guards, bandits, and local wildlife. Gundam 3 I'm just playing to vent my anger at my situation. xD

I also have a copy of Tales of the Abyss, which...is disappointing, but fun as well. I think I'd like it more if not for the voice cast - I detest Yuri Lowenthal, and whilst the cast is fantastic, I hear them in everything, and it's getting boring - and the fact that, when compared to Symphonia, it's very mediocre indeed. Lloyd Irving is definetely a better protagonist in terms of both personality and moveset to Luke, who feels very clunky by comparison, and whilst I think I'm getting to like the cast more overall - I adore Anise already - the exceptions in Symphonia tip the scales in its favour for me, and whilst Dist is an excellent random villain, none of the God Generals compare to the Grand Cardinals or Seraphim in Symphonia, and villains make a game for me. So does the OST, and nothing really sticks out. Still, it's been a while since I played a new Tales game, and I'm enjoying it...with the 3D off. It hurts my eyes with it on. A lot.

Also playing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time V...sorry, Skyward Sword. It's getting so hard to tell these days. Same predictable pattern, same under-developed characters, same effeminate male as a stand-in for Ganondorf (although I'll admit Ghirahim's first fight did leave an impression on me...but Vaati was better) same unjustified and unreasonable high scores in magazines and on websites, same...everything. It's Zelda. It's identical to Twilight Princess, only with more Wind Waker-esque graphics...this isn't a bad thing, but it is hardly enough to differentiate it. Like Pokemon, it's reached where this is neither good nor bad, because NOTHING CHANGES. Oh, asides the controls. Sword combat? Good when it requires strategy, otherwise tiresome. Flight controls? AWFUL. This is nothing outstanding or exceptional. It's like a painting of a painting of a painting. The formula has long since lost its shine. It's depressing to see so much praise. I wonder when people will get sick of playing the same game over and over...myself included, I really shouldn't have bought this, and I don't feel very compelled to finish it, because I've already finished it half a dozen times before. The only thing that has changed is the title. Not to say it isn't fun, it just meets the minimum standard, and that just isn't enough anymore. Poor attempt, Nintendo. Try something new for a change.
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Skyrim and that's about it. Was worth the wait. The only thing I hate about it (and apparently everyone else is having this problem) is that the lag can get downright insufferable. Before I got Skyrim, my PS3 froze on me maybe once. Now, it pretty much freezes every other day. Bummers. Still a good game though.
Gran Turismo 5.
The concept of this game is very hard to explain. It is an are pee gee. Your character, mine is called Steve, is a guy who sits in a metal box type thing that propels him around a kind of flat tarmac thing on the ground, though it is not always tarmac.
It is quite good and so am I. On a more serious note I can tell this will be a very hard game to platinum. The races are quite easy, but some of the license challanges will be very difficult to get gold medals for.
Ah yeds.
The games I am playing the most at the moment are Final Fantasy XIII, Fable II, Dance Central, and Assassin's Creed II. I'm very focused on FFXIII right now though, despite having played it before on a different hard drive. :)
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