[V1] What are you currently playing?

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At the moment I'm back onto my D.S. with two games:
Elite Beat Agents - Unadulterated awesome, even Ashley Simpson seems rockin' when played on this.
Pheonix Wright: And Justice For All - It's still fun, but the music isn't nearly as enjoyable as it was in the first, and there's still a few instances of the games' questionable logic...
I just started a new episode of Final Fantasy V. I've only ever played this game once and it was for the Snes when I played it. So now I'm hoping that I can play it alright for the PS
I'm going between Monster Hunter and Tales of the World for PSP. Having finished Halo 3, I'll go back to Bioshock and maybe play more of Viewtiful Joe for PS2. Haven't played DS or Wii for a while now.
Well, my Tales of the Abyss has been put on hold, as I decided to replay Chrono Trigger. I'd almost forgotten how great this game is.
im back tackling FFX, just got 99 dark matters and im ob my way to try (and fail) to beat dark bahamut
I'm right in the middle of a buncha games. I'll list a few of them...Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX, Wild Arms, Super Mario World, Final Fantasy XII, and a buncha other ones
Well, actually I'm holding off my Chrono Trigger replay for Earthbound. Equally great game by the way, I'm even making videos, although I've yet to obtain sound from my videos.
ive been playing a lot of madden 2008 online, and im trying to find a good MMORPG for ps2, any ideas?
I am currently playing Dead or Alive 4 for XBox 360. My friend let me borrow her 360 and some of her games so I've been playing it non stop! I wish I could play it online, it would be so much better to play against others.
Blue Dragon. Art design and battle system is great as well as some of the music being very reminiscent of Uematsu's earlier work on Final Fantasy. The games main downfall is how it is presented. Most of the voice acting is terrible and the dialogue is very cringeworthy that it feels like it is treating the player like an idiot. The battle and job system is good though and makes the game worth playing.
Desperately trying to occupy myself until Brawl comes out, I'm trying to juggle 5 games at once. Final Fantasy XII (Left off at Jahara), Disgaea (Left off before 1st Mid-Boss battle), Tales of the Abyss (Left off at Dath), Twilight Princess (Left off before third dungeon) and Earthbound (Left off at where you control Jeff). Need suggestions on what to finish first. Please and thank you.
I am now playing Fatal Frame, and I have to say playing it alone in the dark is scary as hell! I am so jumpy playing it and it's probably going to give me a nightmare. It's actually a more difficult game than I would have thought it would be though. It feels like I haven't been making any progress.
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