[V2] Last Movie You've Seen

Iron Man 2

It was pretty good really, I haven't seen the first one so I wasn't expecting to like it very much. I really enjoyed it, I thought all the actors were brilliant - Gwyneth Paltrow in particular surprised me, and the special effects were pretty awesome too.

My only complaint would be that the main villain was really underused, the the last half hour of the movie seemed really rushed.

Iron man 2???

last movie i saw as Avatar and yes it was amazing and sad at the same time, I have to say, high ranking officers could be evil,like shepard in modern warfare 2.
I just saw a bit of "Master and Commander" on TV while I was eating dinner. I've seen the whole movie a while back and it was good, but I was very angry that they left it with a cliffhanger and never made a sequel. I thought the acting was very good though, I'm not a huge Russell Crowe fan but he did well, and Paul Bettany was great too as a disciple of Darwin who studied many new species on the Galapagos Islands. Overall I would give it an 8/10.
The newest Nightmare On Elm Street film. I saw it at the cinema as soon as it opened. For the most part this one follows the EXACT story as the original with a few minor changes to characters. Instead of the sick humour that had infected the later installments of the series, this film sticks to its horror roots.

I'm not personally a fan of the series as it scares me a bit too much, but all in all it was a good film and I would recommend any fan of horror to see it.

Movie: 13

Rating: M

Comments: I love this movie for the simple fact that it always makes me feel better about my life.

The girl in this movie ends up with such a shit life due to drugs and such at the age of 13 and it always calms me down when I watch it after a bad day.

It's sort of like a documentary the way it's filmed but it has actual actors in it.

Score: 10/10

Rating: R


I loved this movie. I wasn't expecting as much as violence as there was though. :hmmm: it was a really good film. Was very entertained. It made me laugh in some parts as well xD.

Hitgirl was the star in this movie though :ryan: she was totally badass.

They Live!

Rating: I honestly don't know. It was on tv.

Anyway it's about a homeless dude with a mullet who fights aliens with sunglasses and a shotgun. That alone should tell you that this film is B-movie camp at its best. George Nada is a recently-made-homeless man trying to survive outside the city. Finally finding a construction job, his otherwise mundane (and cliche) life is interrupted when he finds a box full of nifty sunglasses. Upon putting them on, he discovers two hidden details about the world.

Everything has a subliminal message on it, be they dollar bills that have "THIS IS YOUR GOD" on them, a billboard with a bikini model that reads "MARRY AND REPRODUCE", or even the backdrop of a news room (that reads "NO INDEPENDENT THOUGHT").

Also, the wealthiest people in the world are all aliens who have taken it over, and their reign has been easy until now. Now, George Nada knows the truth. He is here to kick ass and to chew bubblegum.

George Nada...is all out of bubblegum.

Can he stop the aliens on his own?

Rating: 10/10. Hilarious.


Watched it whilst very drunk so it was 100x better. I love Scarface, it's a great movie. :) I don't think this movie needs much explanation, does it? If you haven't seen it, then you're... silly! Because it is an amazing movie. :-) Great soundtrack, too.
Iron Man 2

I had high hopes for this, considering that the first film is one of my favorite movies ever, and I think it's safe to say that it didn't disappoint. Brilliant performances all around--especially Downey, Paltrow, Rockwell, and Rourke. They played their parts brilliantly. Samuel L Jackson and Scarlett Johanson were both great, too.

I was super pumped that they introduced War Machine and even touched a bit on Tony's alcoholism--both of which I had hoped they'd include in the sequel after I watched the first Iron Man. Overall, the story was pretty great. But here's hoping to seeing the Mandarin or something in the third film taking the role of the antagonist rather than another guy in a super robot suit.

I also love how you can really see the Marvel universe expanding beyond Iron Man in the movies. Whether it be in the form of the inclusion of characters like Black Widow and Nick Fury, dialogue about the intended formation of the Avengers, or even somewhat subtle references to other characters (keep an eye out for a Captain America reference when you watch it), it's awesome to see the Marvel Universe really come to life on the big screen.

Also: If you haven't seen it yet but are intending on it, be sure to stick around after the credits. We know how much Marvel loves to put those short scenes at the very end of their movies.

This is gonna sound weird but the last movie l watched was:

A Funny thing happened on the way to the Forum.......WTF

It was from the 70's and full of guys youve never seen, it may have been a Mel Brooks film
still it was prettty crazy it was more of musical.

l didnt plan to watch this movie it was on in the mourning and 3 hours late for work lol
lm glad l did though it made me LMAO
Movie: Norbit

Oh, I wanted to see this ever since it came out in the cinemas but they won't let me because I was too young. The whole movie was a bit cruel in humour sometimes (especially when the little kids brought out the wooden blue whale) but it was funny overall. I love that phrase "Howa YOU doin'?" and I like abusing it :wacky:
I already knew Eddie Murphy plays the two main characters but I never would've guessed he was the Chinese guy too!

Iron Man 2.

I can't really say much else about it that hasn't been said already, other than the fact hat I too loved it. Between this, X-Men 2, and Spider-Man 2, Marvel's #2 movies seem to have built up a reputation for doing quite well.

Now all we have to hope is that in 2012, Iron Man 3 doesn't fall victim to the curse that previous #3s have in Marvel...

Movie: 2012

Rating: M

Comments: Meh. It wasn't that great in my opinion.

It seemed to drag on forever and just bored me.

Yeah it was a bit scary seeing what the planet could do, but the actors weren
that great and just annoyed me.

Not the best movie.

Score: 4/10
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief

I found it pretty decent. Obviously it wasn't the best movie in terms of acting and some of it (well most of it actually) seemed quite rushed. But considering that it is just meant to be good ol' family entertainment, it was pretty damn good.

The fact that some of the scenes seemed rushed actually had a positive effect too because it meant that there was plenty of time to squeeze in adventure/action parts. That's the main thing that I liked actually, they were able to squeeze a hell of a lot into 2 hours (a hell of a lot more than the average movie that's for sure).

Considering the Harry Potter films are just about finished, I think the Percy Jackson series will provide a solid replacement for the family fantasy/adventure genre.

The Terminal


It's about a guy from Russia who wants to enter America but can't because there is a war in his country, he can't enter until the war ends but can't go back to his country as well. The man has to wait and passes the time on the airport.
It was a long movie, it took 2 and a half hours but it didn't bore me one second.
It had some funny moments and it wasn't too predictable.
Movie: Lost In Translation

I naturally like Japan, so I was pretty interested to see more of Tokyo and a brief insight into a Japanese life. The main story is quite philosophic and I applaud the actors for performing so realistically, especially the girl (who's name I've forgotten) who I thought was awful in Nanny Diaries, she did a decent job this time. It was pretty funny in most cases, but there were a few times when it didn't feel right... Anyway, there's a good message in the movie and I would reccommend it to any young or old adult.

Powder (1995)

Fucking epic. A pregnant women steps in a puddle during a lighting storm (in the city mind you) and lighting strikes her. Well you all know that what happens to the mother happens to the child, right? Long story short, the kids beyond Genious. Is able to defribrillate a person wth his BARE HANDS, and is by far the most compelxe of people ever to have walked the earth. It's an amazing film about a person whose beyond his years in terms of humanity, and I mean this as in he's like the evolutionized form of humans 1000's yrs from now. If you really enjoy movies that make you think about us as a species, or just enjoy brilliant stories, watch it. It will not dissapoint.

Clash of the Titans.
This movie was ok. About a 6. Visual effects were great as was the story line. Another son of Zeus here to save the day(wait haven't we heard that one before, hmm). It was basically the story of Hercules with a few changes.

The battle scenes were awesome. Although(Spoiler) The main battle that the whole movie was leading up to never happened. And how do you kill a God by just throwing a sword at him!? They did a great job making the story original, although there is the Hercules factor, but I'll overlook that one.
They did go out of their way to make sure that you understood why everything was happening and the history that led up to it.
Overall i was a bit disappointed. Can't say whether i would recommend it.

I knew even before I rented it that this movie got a lot of shit. I was expecting a moving story, but... to be honest, I was extremely disappointed. I couldn't even understand what some of the actors were trying to say, and some of the acting was so terrible and predictable that I couldn't really enjoy the movie.

Movie: The Spy Next Door

I wanted to go to a different movie but I was one year too young -__- other movies were boring so I just chose a spontanous one.
I like Jackie Chan anyway, he kicks ass, literally. But he's the ONLY good actor in the whole movie. The movie is only for children, because of the humour and a typical storyline. I didn't like some bits and I'm getting sick of Russian bad guys, that's getting old. I really hate that thirteen year-old. I also hate the mother. I hate Miley Cyrus' dad who did a very sorry performance.

4/10 (4 for Jackie Chan)