[V2] Last Movie You've Seen

Movie: 40 year old Virgin

Rating: M

Comments: This is one of those comedies that I can watch again and again. XD

'No I don't want your Giant Box of Porn Andy!' XD

I love the actors in it. They all do a really awesome job. <3

It's basically about a 40 year old man who still has yet to lose his V plates and when his workmates find out, they are confident that they will get him laid. XD

Though for the most part he just ends up in really awkward situations and doesn't get that far. >.<

Steve Carrell is pretty much awesome in nearly all his movies in my opinion.

Score: 10/10
Iron Man 2

I really like how they upped the cockiness of Tony Stark and Downey Jr. was fantastic at that role. I also thought the guy who played Hammer was good as well. You could tell that he was trying to be Stark but failed miserably and there was subtly in his performance. I also enjoyed Rourke who played Whiplash but other than that, the other performances weren't anything to write home about.

At some points, it was so badass that my head nearly exploded. The action was well paced IMO. But at the end of the day it was just a popcorn movie and I probably won't remember it in a few weeks.
Movie: Role Models

Rating: M

Comments: Pretty funny movie. XD

I laughed the whole way though. Seann William Scott is one of my favourite actors. He just has this look on his face all the time. >.<

Pretty much two guys have to pair up with a kid for a month in order to avoid going to jail after they land themselves in a bit of a messy situation.

Great movie.

Score: 10/10
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Movie: The Wog Boy

Rating: M

Comments: Funny movie.

Basically about a doll bludger Wog who gets famous for doing nothing.

He accidentally backs into a government car with his car and that's where it all starts. XD

It's good for a laugh and it has Steve Curry in it too!

Score: 10/10
A Good Woman

Probably going to add this to my list of favorite movies. It was amazing. I must say that it probably would have been a better experience as a play, but still, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The actors and actresses played their parts perfectly, and not to mention the actresses featured in it. Scarlett Johansson and Helen Hunt. :gasp: They were amazing in this.

Kill Switch


It sucked, do yourself a favor and don't watch it :P My dad and I agreed on switching to another channel after 20 minutes. It started out okay but when the action happened everything went downhill, the first fight scene was okay but the second one was so lame. They've shown some moments 6 times from different angels and you couldn't just follow the action because the camera angles switched so fast. You only saw Seagal's face and then it horribly switched to action from a stunt double.
^^ I think I watched that and yes it did suck. XD


Movie: The Secret Garden

Rating: G

Comments: I love this movie.

It's so nice. I love how you can see Mary changing throughout the movie.

She starts off as a depressed and lonely little girl who becomes an orphan after an earthquake in India.

She is sent to live with her uncle and it is there that she discovers the Secret Garden, befriends Dickon and finds out she has a cousin whom she also befriends.

She learns to smile and of course lives happily ever after.

Score: 10/10
Hostel 2


This movie is about 3 girls who are on a trip to Rome, they get to know the female model from art class and decide to travel with her to a hostel. Then it turns out that their stay there won;t be as fun as they planned.
God, this movie ended an half an hour ago and I still feel sick. It was just disturbing. 0.o Especially when I read afterwards it was based on a true story. This is really not my type of movie but still I wanted to know how it ended. I tried to predict how it would go but the story turned out to be totally different, that was a good thing.
Robin Hood
It wasn't as bad as I was expecting, it was pretty enjoyable even. Russell Crowe was Russell Crowe, and he needs to learn how to stick to one accent because used at least four different ones in it. Mark Strong was fantastic as Godfrey (which is to be expected; he's Mark Strong).
I didn't know beforehand that it was supposed to be an origins film, so for a lot of it I was feeling as if they'd stripped most of what made the legend such a legend until towards the end when King John declared Robin an outlaw.
Ridley Scott should also learn his English geography, because the French landed on the South cost, burned Lincoln before Peterborough and then went up to Darlington before travelling to York.

Rating- PG

This movie is a classic, never fails to make me laugh. My favorite character would either be Darth Helmet or Barf.

"We're combing the desert"

Score- 9/10
We got Whip It in the mail and I just got done watching it. I gotta say, I was pretty impressed. The movie was almost two hours long, but it felt shorter. There were very few dull moments in the movie.

Rating: 10/10 (eh, why not?)
The Hurt Locker

Amazing film, no wonder it won so many damn Oscars! Its well filmed and the actors chosen are fantastic. Good cast with Guy Pearce, Ralph Fiennes and Jeremy Renner. Worth a watch for fans of war films and anyone who wants a good action, suspence movie.

Movie: The Wog Boy 2

Rating: M

Comments: This was just as good as the first one in my opinion. XD

Based in Greece this time around.

The only thing that upset me a bit is that obviously the main characters have aged since the first movie. It just didn't feel as ALIVE!!!

'Born to be alive!' XD The main song in both movies. >.<

But other than that it was awesome. =)

Can't wait to get my own copy.

Score: 10/10
Land of the Lost.

Oh gawd this movie was just so baddd. Its just shit. It is so lost that you dont know what the fuck is going on. Yep dinosaurs to monkeys that touch boobs and a scientist who puts his hands down his pants when he gives up. Gosh its so gay. It has rating 8 and over? are you serious LOL I think they better change that. Anyway 3 out of 10. Horrible movie is horribly Lost.
Prince of Persia
It wasn't much, which was what I expected. Gemma Arterton is as predictable as ever, and once again I found myself wanting her character to die. Annoyingly, I didn't mind Jake Gyllenhaal as much as usual; he played a bit more than just his usual pretty boy thing.
It was a well choreographed film, which it really needed to be to be successful. The script was definitely not up to scratch though, it felt like they'd only written about four drafts of it.
Oddly, its left me wanting a sequel, because I want to see what they do with the Dahaka.

Its a movie with computer graphics,its pretty sad and pretty funny,the old man lost his wife so now his life has changed,he met a kid,a dog and some sort of bird..i think the movie shows how old man face loneliness in real life.Lots of stuff were exaggerated,such as dogs driving planes,wtf.
Clockwork Orange
I have heard many good things about this film. Most people saying it's pretty fucked up. I think the things they do are fucked up, but the movie itself, no. It had a pre-1984 vibe to it and I really enjoyed that aspect. I also enjoy how it'd toy with your mind from time to time. It's an extremely good film if your looking for something pretty off the radar.
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Coyote Ugly

It's one of my personal favourite films and I'm so glad I've watched it because it's lifted my mood. Basically, a young songwriter moves to New York to hit the big time by getting one of her songs with a famous artist. Along the way, she starts working at this bar called Coyote Ugly and even meets this Australian guy, who becomes her love interest. It's a funny and lovely film, it's one that I've watched so many times already.

Robin Hood

Some parts were pretty good. But as a whole it was quite boring actually. The setting was really well done though. It looked much like how I imagined England to look in those days and the acting didn't stand out as particularly bad. But yeah I got pretty bored of it at one stage and it really didn't need to be two and a half hours long. It wasn't so bad as to make me hate it though.
