[V2] Last Movie You've Seen

Black Swan for the second time. It's a great movie and there's a reason why it was heavily featured at the Oscars. It's sort of like a female Fight Club but it's hard to explain without giving away too many spoilers.

Natalie Portman does an absolutely amazing job, and Mila Kunis compliments her but doesn't try to outdo her thankfully.

The story is a trip from beginning to end. There are some slow parts but they're all part of the story and the build up towards the end.

Overall it's a fine film and I'll be looking forward to anything Darren Aronofsky has to feature in the future.

Dear John

This movie reminded me a lot of The Notebook, but the setting is primarily modern-day. Amanda Seyfried and Channing Tatum are pretty fun to watch. I like how they made the movie more realistic by making the people in their lives have real problems like Autism and what I think was OCD. It made it more modern because in most romances there are no imperfections, everything is usually perfectly perfect...but sometimes its having those similar problems in our lives that brings us even closer together. I'm a sucker for romance movies though, usually. The letter writing I think shows real dedication to someone, especially if you do it everyday. It takes up a lot of your time and so you wouldn't do it for someone you don't particularly care about. This was a really lovely movie, beginning to end.
Stan Hellsing

One of those movies made by someone's brother's, cousin's, best friend's roommate that worked on Scary Movie. This movie is completely fucking retarded. However, it did what it was made to do, it made me laugh. So, while I can admit it's retarded, I laughed at it and had a good time. Therefore, I'm happy with it. It also has hot wimin and tits. Chances are, Men will love this move, and Women will hate it. :elmo:
Final Destination 2 and 3.

I had seen the first one a few years back and kept forgetting the other ones in the series until I saw a 4th one came out not too long ago.

The movies are pretty predictable and definitely a far-stretch from anything that could happen in real life in my opinion, but they are interesting to see how spoofy they can get and how the characters try to cheat death over and over in the movie.

I'd probably give the overall series a 6/10.
Rush Hour 2.

So what do you get with medium budget, comedic actors, and second-rate story? A good movie with lots of laughs. Rush Hour 2 had this and more. Jackie Chan is byfar one of my favorite actors in the martial arts genre, but he also throws his natural talent as an on-screen actor to spice it up a bit. As for the story of the movie itself, it was a bit "meh"-ish, but still entertaining. :ryan:
Watch Liar Liar today with Jim Carey.

I haven't seen this movie since I was in 6th grade way back in like 1998. I remember it because I think it was the first movie I ever saw that I heard the word "Sex" in it. haha yeah a curious 12 year old I was, and I paid attention then.

Great movie, love old school Jim Carey movies like that. They don't make good movies like that anymore.
Final Destination 2 and 3.

I had seen the first one a few years back and kept forgetting the other ones in the series until I saw a 4th one came out not too long ago.

The movies are pretty predictable and definitely a far-stretch from anything that could happen in real life in my opinion, but they are interesting to see how spoofy they can get and how the characters try to cheat death over and over in the movie.

I'd probably give the overall series a 6/10.

... I love those movies. The 4th was pretty shit, but I loved number 2. XD And 3 was fun for choosing the deaths. That fucking tanning bed scene. :ffs:

Anyways. Last movie I saw was Push.. and I adore it. It's a bit hard to follow if you miss anything, but I've seen it multiple times and I adore it. I want another one since they didn't explore a lot of the powers in it though... some powers aren't used at all in the movie, but are mentioned in the accompanying comic thing =/ Sequel please ;__;
Let Me In

This was very well done. Finally a decent vampire movie (though I liked the 3rd Twilight). Both young actors were very believable. It does get kind of disturbing on some parts, but they didn't go over the top.
Bear with me...I have seen a lot of movies. xD

No Strings Attached

I have to say it was pretty funny and pretty good. I felt there was too much crude language, but oh well. That seems to be "in" these days. Other than that, I very much enjoyed the story. Lots of funnies, good acting, great actors/actresses.

Emma's character (weird how this name suddenly picked up after 08 XD) and Adam's character was great, I love their interaction and surprisingly, it was believable "drama" if that's what you want to call it. >.>


The Chronicles of Narnia: Dawn Treader 8/10
Not as good as the first film, but pretty friggin' cool and incredibly sad. Made me tear up at the end! T.T I recommend seeing it!

Season of the Witch (New) 8/10
As much as I don't like Nick's acting, he was great in this movie. The movie was awesome too, it got a little slow while in the forest, but it was needed. I recommend seeing it.

Resident Evil: After Life 9/10
I didn't give a perfect score because I needed more action. It wasn't as great as the other films, but in this one, it was still fantastic and Alice still whooped a$$ even without her powers XD

Apocalypto 10/10
AWESOME! Always loved the film, so I watched it again the other night. Remembered how awesome it was and how cool Jaguar Paw was XD

Black Swan 10/10
GO AND WATCH IT! I can't say more, it was just really awesome and scary. And the music was just beautiful and very scary. I had to buy the soundtrack xD

Push 9.6/10
I watched it when it came out and then eighty-two million times after and ending up buying the film. I really enjoyed the film, very good. And everyone's acting was great too and the powers they had...awesome! If you haven't seen it, you should check it out. :)

Tron: Legacy 3/10
It was...terrible. >.<

I know I've seen WAY more than that, but I can't remember it all.....
The last movies i show is Edward Scissorhands for the second time.

Johnny Deep is a really good actor in this movie. This movie almost made me cry the first. Even if the movie is old i give this movie a 10/10. It had a lot of funny stuff and serious stuff too
Big Momma's House: Like Father, Like Son

Well, this is definitely better than the abysmal atrocity that was the second film. It's not to say it was completely bad, but it got on my nerves. This new one almost matched the spark that the original had. The fact that Trent was in this film made it slightly better than it would've been if he hadn't been included in the first place. Martin Lawrence is still great in his role. There are many funny scenes. Bit of a predictable ending, but I guess that's to be expected.

exit through the gift shop
i'm not usually a fan of documentaries, but there are times when a certain one appeals to me. i do however really like street art, although i don't follow the world closely. i think banksy is an incredibly clever and talented artist.
i'm not sure what to make of how i feel about the film. it was interesting, but not at all what i expected. it gives an interesting look at how the world of street art developed in the space of about 10 years, from an insiders (but at the same time, outsiders) point of view. i think it has an excellent ending that asks the audience to make up their own mind on everything, rather than being told, and it's made all the better by the fact banksy has used mr. brainwash's own footage against him for his own purpose.
The Last Exorcism. 4/10.

The film was woeful, it started off quite well with the priest faking that people are never possessed and that he's looking to reveal exorcisms as a fraud. Then it turns out that she has mental issues and isn't really "possessed", only pretending it. Then that's where it goes completely shit and starts banging on about demonic pregnancies and people being decapitated for some unknown reason.
Battle: Los Angeles

<3. This was awesome. It took it awhile to really get going...but when it did it was really good. There was loads of action...and I think the aliens were really cool. The movie reminded me a lot of War of the Worlds...minus Tom Cruise :jtc:

Naturally, since this is an action film...don't expect this massive, intertwined plot from this, because you are not going to get it. The effects are what will really get you..and they did a really excellent job with them, in my opinion.

The acting was alright too. I was so surprised to see Michelle Rodriguez in it..and she played her part pretty well. Everyone else did okay.

So if you are looking for a fun flick to see, go see this. I think it was pretty good :monster:
Starring The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)

He just got out of jail and will revenge his brother who got murdered..he is after the ones who did it or were involved..

One of those involved is afraid of being killed so he hires an asassin..the asassin has mental issues and does yoga and couldnt use his legs at a young age...He has major scars but he overcame his disability...
He has a hot hot girlfriend that supports him in his "job" but never participates just accept and thinks its sexy wht he does....

The cop is a drugaddict etc...

Sooo cliché ! and so much humour in it ,BUT The Rock is freeking persuasive and believable! You feel the tension and thrill through the whole movie! For me they did an magnificent job with th e serious undertone..and cliche aspects and shit jacked from other movies..

Also a life lesson learned or preached in the movie..

All in all action packed 8/10
My Father The Hero

Ohhh this movie is so old, but I still <3 it. They used to play this all the time when I was younger. Katherine Heigl was so YOUNG in this movie...which reminds me of how old I'm getting :hmmm: ....however :monster: this movie is still a classic to me. A daughter and her father go for a tropical vacation and she gets caught up in some drama with the rest of the island by fabricating lies about her father to impress this guy she likes. This movie is funny, cute, and endearing.
Piranha 3D-Most disgusting,gore filled,piece of dog poo Ive ever seen -.- so hate my folks for making me watch it

I suggest no one ever rents this EVER!

the original Piranha dident suck that badly i feel the people who made this were lazy and unmotivated =/
i don't think i can recommend this film enough. it's very, very underrated not just globally, but even in british cinema and for me it's a very british feeling film. the look, sound, music, cinematography, story and acting are all typical of a british film. it has a very satisfying ending, with a hint of a bittersweet feeling
(since peter never gets that conversation with david, or even to see him again and preest dies)
i would seriously love to be involved in a film like this in any way.
Paul - 15/10

This is the new one where two guys on an RV road trip encounter an alien, and it is absolutely fucking hilarious, I saw it over an hour ago and my mouth still hurts from laughing :rofl: Lots of great comedy, great acting, and hardcore scifi fans will especially love all the old sci-fi movie references. Epic movie, I would definitely watch it again and I would definitely watch a sequel or other movie based on the same characters. Go watch it nao!!!!!:yay:

I haven't laughed to a movie like I have tonight since Talladega Nights and maybe long before that. The movie was surprisingly really good. The whole movie has awesome jokes in it and will keep you laughing and laughing...maybe the least funniest part is the spider part, but beside that its really good.

It was pretty original besides Metroman being a cooler Superman. If you haven't seen it yet, I recommend you get the DVD. Its not a waste! xD
