[V2] Last Movie You've Seen

Movie: Shark Tale

Rating: G

Comments: It was okay.

It was pretty funny, though not that great.

I think these sort of movies have been a bit overdone. First there was Nemo, then The Reef and then Shark Tale. (Don't know if that's the order or not.) But there's not so many ways you can make these sort of movies that different in my opinion. >.<

Score: 6/10
Last movie i saw was Donnie Brasco,i didnt really enjoy it,Al pacino is freakin old now and in the film he was a detective,but i learned something of this film,Italians still hate the japanese very much of what they did to them in world war 2 cuz the Italians lost most of their grand family back then.
Movie: The Neverending Story

Rating: PG

Comments: I loved this movie as a child and grew up never getting tired of it. >.<

It's a bit old but still a classic.

It's pretty much about a little boy who found a book called, 'The Neverending Story' and as he reads it the book comes to life and it seems it's up to the reader to decide the ending of the story.

Score: 10/10
Movie: The Hangover

Rating: R

Comments: Once again I laughed my ass off. XD

I love Alan! He's so funny and I love his 'I don't care what you think about me' attitude. He just does what he wants and doesn't care if he looks like a retard.

Oh and I love how he says, 'Retard'. XD That bit cracked me up.

The part I love the most is when he says, 'I've found babies before.' XD

It's DEFINITELY a must see.

Score: 10/10
This is looking bad me posting after my own posts. Why does no one watch movies anymore. =0


Movie: Alice in Wonderland

Rating: PG

Comments: Good movie.

I enjoyed it. I was a bit confused at first but it all made sense in the end.

Loved the cat and the Hare. XD

Johnny Depp was good as the Mad Hatter. He felt a tad bit off but still funny. =P

Good movie and I would see it again.

Score: 10/10
^i just came back here so dont worry,this thread will move on^

Last movie i saw is Mission cleopatra,its from france and i watched it in french,its the exact history but comedy,the people get super powers by drinking a magic potion,and it also weird that the bad guy is cesar,hes the bad guy but doesnt die,at the end,cleopatra decides to have sex with him in her bed at the end.wtf that was weird.And theres darth vader music when the romans come lol and an italian song?? and its from france??? lol
Apocalypse Now
It was the redux version so it's about an hour too long, there's some nice use of music in it too, though I think you could put 'The End' in almost any movie and it would be superb. It was okay, the journey up the river showing what it was like to fight in vietnam, although it didn't have a lot to say about the war, except for that ridiculous bit with the French. In which you get smashed in the face with the moral, Vietnam is their country etc etc, it was amazingly unsubtle, it almost succeeded in breaking the fourth wall. I also don't think that it did a good job of showing how bad human nature can be.
Movie: Cheaper By The Dozen 2

Rating: PG

Comments: Probably my favourite of the two movies.

This one has the father of Jim from American Pie.

The Baker family go on a holiday to the Lake and it turns out this guy he once new in College (who has eight kids) owns pretty much the whole lake and is rather successful.

They pretty much get competitive and try to see who's family is better for this competition in the end. XD

Pretty funny movie.

Score: 10/10
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

I went to go see this with Damon yesterday and I was very glad I did. I love Chris Colombus, he made the first two Harry Potter films brilliant and I was quite excited to see this. It's nice to see new faces on the acting scene. The scenes in Vegas particularly had me in stitches
when they're stoned from the cakes they eat.
The interaction between Percy and Poseidon was so lovely, too! I hear it's a series of books, so I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the other films.

went to see alice in wonderland 3D it was amazing I loved every secound of the film and I seriously didn't realise how many famous people were involved with this film until I sat through the credits. I really enjoyed the fact that it was not a duplicate of the books and that it was a spin off on a new story. 10/10 all the way with this film
Mean Girls

I had the urge to download this movie yesterday and I've only just watched it. I'd forgotten how wonderfully brilliant it is, the writing is really clever, and it's so hilarious. Back when Lindsey Lohan was a good actress.

My favourite moment has to be when Gretchen totally snaps and screams that they should all "stab Caesar!" It never fails to make me lol.
Last movie i watched in theatres was The Crazies. It was an ok movie. I don't generally enjoy watching horror films but it wasn't too bad. It was like any other apocalyptic movie type but it wasn't bad at all. Definitely recommend a watch.

Last movie i've seen at home was Observe and Report. Its got Seth Rogen in it and i thought it was sooooooo funny! It was so cheap to buy too and i've watched it like 6 times since i got it 2 days ago. Can't stop laughing throughout the movie. Worth a watch.
Movie: Shrek

Rating: PG

Comments: Always been a favourite.

I especially love the soundtrack.

Pretty much about an ogre whos land is taken over by fairytale creatures and in order to get the Prince to remove them, he has to go on a quest for the Prince and save a princess from a castle.

The donkey of course is my favourite character. XD He's just so funny. >.<

Shrek and Fiona went so nicely together too. <3 I love happy endings. >.<

Score: 10/10
Alice in Wonderland I like how it kept the spirit of the original books even though it was a sequel

Although, it felt more like the "Looking Glass Wars" Trilogy than actual mind screw like the original books
i Watched Marley and Me earlier and i am not ashamed to admit that i cried at the end of the film, lately i have been impressed by certain films i expected this film to be average but i really enjoyed i and will definitely watch it again!
Mine was Kill Bill bout 2 hours ago XD Havent watched that movie in years and its one of my favs. Cant believe its 7 years old!!!! I went to see it with an ex the week it was released. Was kinda "our" film ... I love Taratino and Thurman. Plus my love for old samurai movies and Bruce Lee tops it off nicely.

Movie: Swan Princess 3

Rating: G
Comments: I really preferred the first one, as most people do. The first ones are always better. >.<

Though this one wasn't too bad.

It was basically about yet another evil person trying to take over the kingdom and of course someone gets kidnapped and Derek has to save them. XD

Score: 8/10
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Movie: Zack and Miri
Comments: A VERY graphic movie, to start off. Even with the subject matter (
Their objective is to make a porn to raise money to get them out of debt.
), I didn't expect that. But it has a very good romantic-comedy story embedded within it. Honestly, it made me cry a bit at the end. xD
Rating: R/Unrated
Score: 9/10

Movie: Zombieland
Comments: epically funny movie. Woody Harellson is hysterical as Tallahassee, whose only mission in Zombieland is to find a Twinkie. Very gory and graphic, but not too scary. Made me jump at points when zombies showed up unexpectedly, but still good.
Rating: R
Score: 10/10
I went to see I Love You Philip Morris last night.
It was about average. Not a great film, but watchable. I liked the little reference to Bruce Almighty that Jim Carey's character made at one point. I'm not sure how accurate the whole film is, but I find it hard to believe that
Steven Russell faked his own death by AIDS.
Had a fest of John Travolta movies, it was very enjoyable from start to finish. :ryan:

The Punisher was first, that had some very good action, and John Travolta is of course a very good villain in it, and it's got a good plot to it (sorry, not going to comment on any one movie too much, have to disconnect from Internet in a few minutes...). Rating: 9/10

Broken Arrow was second, which again has good action in it and Travolta being very prominent throughout it, in it just about as much, if not a little more than that Christian Slater guy (not really a fan of the actor, but John Travolta kept me watching and enjoying the film. xD).

Again, Travolta is an excellent villain in the movie (I want to see him in more movies as a good guy, that doesn't end up getting killed every time, though. DX), this movie gets a rating of 9.5 out of 10 from me.

Last but certainly not least; The Boy in the Plastic Bubble. He was a lot younger in this, but still had that same personality pretty much. =P This had a very interesting and enjoyable story to it, I really enjoyed watching this last night, an excellent movie that that John Travolta, as always, does great in. Rating: 10/10.