[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Busy but can't be bothered

Reason: Hwk but I've got ages to do it in since I have no swimming~ :) Calmed down a bit since my dad told me the fat is needed for GROWTH >_> I suck at French and English blah blah blah Bit tired after 12 HOURS OF SLEEP
Great :griin:

Easy day at work. Got a good job for a change so the time flew by, i was home before i knew it. Its payday aswell and iv got a bit of money in my pocket and a good weekend ahead. Roll on friday :grin:
Mood: Hot

It's getting closer to Summer and it already feels like Summer. XD

I fell asleep really early last night. I had to work until about 8pm so I was so dead when I got home.

We watched Over the Hedge, but I fell asleep halfway through. I ended up leaving my internet and all my browsers and everything open all night. >_<

Thankfully it's Thursday. One more day before Friday and then it's all over again for another week.
Mood - Pretty happy

My internet's back up and running. It's really fast too, about bloody time, I'd say.

Although, my room was pristine this morning, now it looks like a BOMB has hit it or something. The test is to see whether it works tomorrow after everything gets moved back :wacky:
Mood: Angry

Reason: I've been pissed with the server not being found all week on my laptop at uni and then suddenly it comes back once in a while. Ugh, it's annoying and good at the same time, mainly because I've been tied up with uni lately and have actually done some writing with no more distractions.
Mood: Good

Eh there's nothing special happening tonight. I had an okay day at work. Nothing to really stress me out.

Finally paid off my account at work only to put more products back on it. XD

So there's another $60 to pay off.

It's nice and cool tonight. The storm cooled off the stinking hot day we had today, which is good. I just hate storms.

I don't mind the rain, but storms scare me. <_<
Mood: Awesome

Reason: ONE MORE SLEEP. Though, Im a bit miffed that the hair dresser cut too much off my hair a TRIM I said, not a proper fucking cut. She didn't get a tip ¬_¬ Anyway, I'm all organised now, just need to make sure I dont forget my case in the morning :rage: Just gunna spend the day chilling now, gunna get some soup on the go soon :hmmm: LAST DAY OF DIET WOOHOOOOO
^^ The hairdresser did that to me last time! I said a trim, just to get rid of the split ends, and the ends wouldn't have needed off as much as she took off as I get my hair trimmed regularly so I can grow it. <_< She made my fringe look stupid too, stupid cow.


Mood: Tired :gonk:

It's 11:30 and I'm just buggered. My friend talked my ear off for about two hours straight and I only just got off the phone. I felt bad for yawning the whole time but I was genuinely tired. >_<

I've got Hilltop Hoods Concert tomorrow night. If it's raining I will be so angry. $50 well spent. Not. <_< I don't like standing in the rain listening to some band that is 'Okay' and nothing more.

Grr and my mum is overreacting about my car accident too. I am not going to see her for another two months if she doesn't stop her whining. <_<

I'm not going to college today since I'm just gonna do all my Psychology homework for tomorrow and a bit of revising for Psychology and Law. Then I've got a party tonight so that's all sound, hopefully I won't end up drinking too much or I'll be dead come tomorrow >.>
Mood: Effin Fantastic

Reason: My fiance landed her 2nd job at a quite better pay and might even be full time with benefits come January. Which finally means we can look towards making improvements on the house, and she can help out with mortgage payments and paying off our collected debt.

MOOD : Bleh

REASONING : I just got out of a two hour long exam for Psychology that should have lasted a hour tops. I got stuck on the multiple choice, and I also had to write a small little exxsay bout Freud and his nice little theory of Penis Envy for girls and the obsession for the mother for boys. -_- So you know, drained, kinda grossed out, and it's not even close to the end of the day. -_-
Mood:Kinda sorta glad

I'm getting a haircut this weekend, i got tired of waiting for my hair to get longer to straighten it. That and i'm thinking about joining the police cadets, i never did want to follow my father's footsteps but if i don't try something i'm afraid i won't get anywhere in life.

The job i have isn't reliable since i only have work if they call me in and it sucks. So i have to find something quickly and rack up more experience.
Sad and excited

All because of One Piece <3. Love it to death. Please don't finish it. *spoilers*

OMGOMG Whitebeard's just been killed :sad2:, damn Squad's betrayal, and I rly can't wait till the next chapter cause there's no chapter next week. ARGH!?

Like, Hancock was totally OTT (Wha- MARRIGAGE?), Ace was totally rejecting Luffy to save him ): but he changed his mind, I love both of them (though Ace's probably gonna be executed *whines*)


Yesterday morning at school, I gathered my things from my locker, slammed it, then sat down right in front of it. I was asking myself what in the fuck I'm doing there, since I don't see myself graduating at all. I need help with school. I don't want to ask anyone though, and I can't remember why. Jesus, I feel like I'm fucking trapped. I don't know what to do and I'm confused and I feel like a huge fucking failure. This is bullshit. And every time I don't go to school, or neglect my homework, my dad yells at me. Yeah, thanks a lot dad, that'll help me stay fucking motivated. It's scary to think about my future as well. I don't even know if I'll have much of one. I want to be important, but that definitely won't be happening.
Ugh, I'm just.... tired.
Mood: Serene

Despite the Biology examination later, I'm rather calm about it, probably thanks to my preparedness. Then again, the mental reminders to what I need to know are all with me- my body... :D

That said, peaceful music's just compelling me into a calm state. That is, maybe, until I take the paper. Even then, after today, most of my examinations are cleared- thanks to the fact today would be the last of the tough papers.

Reason: IT'S FRIDAY! Got about half an hour before I have to set off, Im all organised, packed and ready, just need it to be 20 to 9 now so i can get on my way 8F Just gunna double check my handbag, make sure my cameras in there , pretty sure it is though, can't be too sure though!!

Mood: Worried

Just took my examinations today, and whilst estimating my scores since I finished the paper early, I probably counted the total mark erroneously. Which basically meant my earlier mark estimation have just got screwed up, and now, I do not know the rough gauge of my performance this time.

Or, it could mean that I screwed up the paper this time. Either way, I have no way of knowing, and am trying my best to kick it out of mind for the time being, since it's useless to even think of it especially when I do not have a photographic memory from which I can call back images of every single bloody page- there're 17 in total, by the way.


My eyes are starting to strain but I really cba going to sleep. Plus I just sat at the most boring party ever with my GF which was 2 hours of my life I'm never going to get back. I don't think I can blame the person who set it up since it was set up well, just no one seemed to want to be there >.>
Mood: Meh

Kinda bugged at the fact that i add people or they add me and we don't really talk on msn. I don't know if its me or something but i don't know maybe i'm thinking about it too much. Maybe i should just stop thinking about it and just blast more slipknot or something. Yeah i am thinking about it too much, if i did something they would've told me. Least i think they would, i don't see why they shouldn't after all i've been straight and honest with them the whole time.

I'm so sore i think i overdid with excercising today, my whole body hurts. I think i'm going to lay down for a bit. Its hurts to move..
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Mood: Good

Steve is out fixing up the paintwork on my new panel for my car and I didn't even have to ask. =D

He's finally going to see this car he wants at around 3pm today too and hopefully I can get this new computer today.

Seriously, the one I'm using now is being very moody. It only allows me to do certain things when it feels like it and it takes FOREVER to load anything now and I need it to be fast so I can do my freakin' job. :gonk:

Anyway, just waiting for Steve to finish painting and we're off to Harvey Norman.