[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Down

Woo, settle in crappy times.

Just generally feeling like shit. Upset I suppose. Work's really on my mind, and the fact they won't do anything. It's just not as easy to just switch jobs like that.

Other stuff on my mind, too. Kinda wondering if it's worth it to be honest... Tossing and turning isn't gonna make it any better - thinking about it when I'm trying to go to bed, but it's not like I can just shut off my mind either.

Wish I could sometimes.

Kinda feel like I'm just waiting on a word right now, really bothers me. Lol, let me re-word that. Kinda waiting for that "okay, it's your turn now." lol. Pathetic to be honest.

Just started learning kickboxing and it's really fun. I haven't really been working out these days, and sweating feels good.
Mood: Alright

Reason: I had a great weekend, apart from the tan lines I got from my beret... hopefully they'll even out soon.
On the other hand, I'm meant to be packing to go on holiday but I haven't done any of it. I leave in 2 days and I can't be bothered right now. It doesn't feel like we're going away soon, I'm usually looking forward to holidays a lot more than I am looking forward to this one. I guess I don't want to go away for so long with just my parents, I'd much rather go with some friends.
Mood: Productive

Reason: About to step up training this week to a level in which might be a bit hard on me, but I'm willing to do it.

I plan to get my 2 mile run timed and hopefully break the 12 minute 20 second mark (this is going uphill mind you). I also want to get to the 7 mile mark in this heat on my endurance day. If I can just get a working mp3 player, I'd be freakin set.

I plan on doing 300 push ups today even if my chest caves in, and on top of 500 sit ups, which to me it's harder and harder to notice a difference around my lower abs.

We shall see though.. Progress is good.
Mood: Elated & hopeful

Reasons: - I graduated from high school. Unfortunately, not a lot of people can say that they survived all fours years of high school on a smooth consistent road.
- I'm officially a college freshman at the university of my dreams.
- Tomorrow I'm going to start orientation at aforementioned college of my dreams
- There's a sense of growing independence that's waiting to just pop out of me. I'm ready to break away from my parents, little by little, until September rolls around.
Mood: Good. Still dint get the tv but there is still hope. I guess I am just here browsing the forums ike usual. God damn prom tommorow so I need to get ready fr that. Suit etc etc. Its still shit without the damn tv.
Mood: Tired but happy

Yet another night of shit-sleep :hmph: I don't have any idea why either :hmmm: Like i'm tired but it just doesn't work that way does it?

i'm happy I guess 'cause i'll be getting some games that i've been wanting for a while now and I can finally get them. x]

Just listening to some music might be on the PSN in a bit.

I could try to take a nap idunno :hmmm:
Mood: Annoyed

Reason: Simply put - hayfever's persisting. I felt absolutely unwell in my lessons as well. Thank goodness we don't actually do anything tremendously important, otherwise I would have gone home sick or something.

I'm slightly better now. As rain is actually falling - that's probably done me some favours. It's not as unbearably warm anymore. Hopefully I can now sleep easier - and get better in the morning.
Pissed off...

First of all, I hate this weather, it was 33 degrees today and I can't stand it. I've got headache because of that and feel like jumping into a cold bath.
Second, my laptop. It's so freaking slow and freezes a lot, I need to buy a new expensive one for my new education but we can't afford it.
Bored............Got nothing to do..........Just woke up feeling bored as well, came here to cheer myself up,but nothings happening here.........anything I could do??????????
Mood: Lazy & fat

Reason: It raiiiiiiined last night ;D, and has rained a fair bit fo today as well, though it appears to be brightening up now :hmph: I slept like a logggg last night, I'm sure I have the weather to thank for that, problem is now I feel liek I could sleep for a weeeeek and cant be arsed doing anything. I've just gamed and read for abit

I ate like a pig over the weekend as well, so now I'm just scoffing loads of salad (with loads of dressing and cheese <_< ) because Ive got a right podge on :rage:

I think I'l spend the evening doing fuck all, might just finish my book and play abit more Dragon Quest
Mood: Un-focused

I dont even know what that means?

But it describes my attitude ATM.......I ordered some nice Swords today!
Um........hopefully after going to work tomorrow I will feel better......
Mood: in pain.
Reason. i had an amazing day yesterday, wakeboarding, swimming, and playing soccer. But we played soccer with our bare feet and the ball had so much air in it that it was basically a rolling rock. So at the time my foot didnt really feel to bad, i got home and it kinda hurt. Then i woke up 20minutes ago and i cant even walk on it! owww
Mood: :rage: Seems the tv wont be ready for 2 weeks so I might just buy a damn new Tv or just use the one upstairs. Its not as big but I guess it will work. :gasp:

Prom at night :rage:
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Mood: Good

Reason: There's meant to be a play being performed tonight - so I may go soon if I feel like it. It's a Shakespeare play - forgot which one, either Merchant of Venice or The Tempest. Seeing as many of my friends are turning up, I may go as well. I'm not a big fan of Shakespeare's plays - but seeing as the weather is actually pretty good at the moment and I have nothing else to do, why not?
Mood: Fine


Well, I drank some "sleeping" tea to help me fall asleep-- it didn't really help but, I stayed asleep so, I got a decent quality amount of sleep :ryan: for once.

Its been raining over here thank godness. I actually like the rain 'cause its sooo rare! XD.

Went to the store and got RE5 :D (about time)

so, i'm doin' fine.
Mood: A mixture of happy, sad, and scared.

Happy, because me and one of my friends where mowing grass yesterday,and got 10$ each. 0_0

Sad, because I finished Mother 3, the saddest game ever.

Scared, because my intrest in Mother 3 led me to watch some videos about Mother 2, and Giygas scares the **** out of me. XD
Mood: Tired

Reason: Just am, really. However, I've been up for only twelve hours and not really done anything too productive today. I really don't want to go to bed after this film's finished. I want to stay up and go on the PS3 with some Lego Harry Potter for a while and hopefully, get a bit further. Then I'll go bed and try not to wake up too late again. xD
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Mood: dizzy. Prom was awesome. Had drinks walked downtown danced and everything. Music was fucking blasting so loud my stomach was pumping. The quiet time was when we were in the lobby with the cofee :ryan: Ugh overall it was great! :awesome: My head is fucking killing me though
Mood: worried & scared

Today I visited the dentist and they discovered that I have periodontitis.