[V3] What's Your Mood?

Cali I thought you had cheese?

Mood:relaxed........chillin.......takin it easy.

Its 10.45 as I right this and things a just great work tomorrow which is fine and I get see my GF, and she is fine;)......what else?.....nothin much just watchinsome DVD's.

Its all good.

Brace :jtc: It's hurts, but it's orange :awesome:

Made my first posts since the holiday... Planning to finish work (that tutor has set for me) then sleep.

Ahh, the joys of summer holidays. :ryan:

called in sick to work 2day. Woke up with the worst burning pain in my stomach ive had in a while. Thank fuck the hospital is less than a week away.
Really ive just sat about the house listening to music and talking to people. Cant complain as it beats work anyday but id rather get rid of the stomach pain tbh -.-
Mood: Fine

Reason: In a relatively good mood. It's the third time this week I've woken up at 12, dunno whether to be happy or sad about this. Meh, I'll go with happy since I get more time in the day to do whatever I want. Not been doing too much so far, just want to have a day of relaxation tbh. Might resume my FFX playthrough ... or start it again. Not too sure what to do, but I'll decide later on. xD
Mood: Cranky

I didn't get much sleep last night and that is because this pounding headache constantly waking me up. I haven't done anything last night so I am thinking this is just a normal headache. I really want to sleep again but my head is really driving me crazy right now. :(
Mood: Tired and in pain but still good.

Reason: I'm absolutely knackered because I was out last night and all day today. Went bowling last night and I twisted my knee right near the end of our second round :rage: now I can't really walk properly, I look like an idiot.
I was out today as well which didn't really help my knee, but it was all fun, did some shopping as I don't have to save as much money since I'm selling a load on ebay :ohoho:
But yeah... I'm happy but tired :ryan:
Mood: Blah!

Reason: I'm a bit bitchy right now for personal reasons, particularly towards my inconsiderate sister who thinks it's ok to borrow money off me, then change her mind about going out and then change it again. Ugh, I hate her. I know I shouldn't really be annoyed right now because it may be a little thing. But I despise inconsiderate people. They're the worst kind of people. >_>
Mood: Bored and Tired

Like I said previously, I only got a few hours of sleep and I've been bored ALL DAY LONG. I haven't been able to take a nap(like I want)so I've had to watch t.v. and use my laptop--which is boring too.

I'm in desperate need of some fun or a nice nap.
Mood: Ragetastic and wet. Oh, and did I mention rage?

Well. It's 15 to 5 and my day is already shit. :mokken: I was late for babysitting because I was trying to wait for my laundry to finish, which resulted in my grandpa waking up and screaming at me to get my ass out of the house. I did so, leaving my laundry so I don't have towels with me to shower. I forgot my keys to the house, so I had to go home for those anyways, although of course my laundry wasn't done yet. That would be good luck. So I get my keys, go back out to my car, and my dog scratches my legs to pieces for leaving her in the car. Stung a bit. -__- I also hit the side of my car on a piece of fucking marble outside of my house. MARBLE FOR FUCKS SAKE :rage: wtf was marble doing outside of my house anyways?

So. I get to where I'm babysitting, and open my bag, which has my laptop, ps2, makeup, clothes to wear, and assorted other random shit like books, notebooks, and pens in the bottom of it. MOST of that doesn't exactly mix well with shampoo, now does it? Well, my shampoo opened on the ride over, and drenched my books, notebooks, and makeup. The PS2 and laptop escaped without any gooey (although lovely smelling) stuff on them, thank god, but stiiiiiiiiill. What could be worse today? :lew:

Oh, I just spent the last ten minutes washing that shit out of my bag as well. Let's just say that washing a duffel bag that likes to close in on itself when it's half full of water is a bad idea if you want to stay dry... or keep the bathroom dry.

My cousin's also playing singstar. And singing James Blunt and Jesse McCartney. I think my ears just like.... blew up.

Tl;dr: shampoo + bag + water + cousin singing = bad.


up thru the night spewing my guts into the bog. Seems im alright if i eat something though ive only had toast but the second i have something to drink im sprinting through to the toilet hoping i make it in time.
Hospital soon though, and they better get this shit sorted, I remember when i was young i was never ill now im pukey joe :hmph:
^ I was the same, never got anything other than a cold (and the migraines, but well, other than that I was never ill ever ever) I seem to be better when I eat as well. Though, the weight seems to be dropping off me, I'm not sure if that's down to cutting out alcohol, or if it's just a glorious side effect

Mood: Better

Reason: Couldn't sleep for shit, but when I did, I slept well. I've just woke up feeling alot brighter today, there's still belly ache, but it's not the usual, this is, 'need a poo' kinda pain, the guts are abit bad, but tbh, that's nothing compared to the last couple of weeks, I'm reckonin' it's just a side effect of these pills, like the headache, which also seems to have fucked off today. I think I'm over the worst at least

Just doing abit of letter box stalking today, might have a wander into Ashton once the posty has been, not that he's gunna bring my Muse ticket today, but I'm hanging around just in case

Gunna have a scout around for some plain white pumps to customise
Bored, tired, annoyed

Cant sleep at all these past two weeks >.<

Oh and i have to go to a birthday tonight which is absolutely fabulous except not. Really not in the mood for 'the in-laws'.

Ohai i'm sort of back ^^
Mood: Fine

Reason: In a far better mood than last night. On the other hand, I've got a bit of a sore throat and I'm not sure if that's because of the yelling and arguing last night. Or maybe I'm just drinking enough. Yeah, that has to be it. My mood will be significantly better as the day progresses since I'm off toniiiiiight. Most certainly can't wait to go since I can get away from here for a bit. Going to waste the day by foruming, gaming and writing.

Mood: Despondent!

I cant feel good while my GF is feeling ill........the hell is a guy to do?
I cant do anything to help, not even Blitzball will make this go away.......meh.....
Mood: Good. Just got up right now. Pretty early to be honest. Everything is fine and Apparently I hve to go do some english writing thing on the 17th for school, Jeez I guess I really have to. Meh it doesnt really matter. I am sure its nothing worse than any english I did lst year.
Mood: :hmph:

Reason: I have spent 6 hours sorting my laptop out today and system restored it 5 times, just to find out that the reason it kept crashing was MSN.
I had to uninstall it and now it's ebuddy which I hate, or nothing.
I hate computers :sad:
Mood: Irritated

Reason: I hate my immune system. I've spent the whole day with a crappy nose and a enough handkerchiefs to cover the whole floor. I thought it was hayfever or something and I took tablets for it, but it's done nothing. If it turns out to be a cold, then God, how embarrassing would that be? Getting a cold in August? Still, it's not like we have warm weather here at all anyway....

Phone lines went down for half the day as well, and the modem also decided to fuck up today as well until the late afternoon. Then I realised that MSN wasn't working for me either until now. Everyone's out to get me today. :mokken:
Tired. I haven't been feeling right for the past 3 days. My whole body is sore and I just want to keep sleeping for hours on end.

I wonder when it's going to stop so I can get on with daily life. :rage: