[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Alright

Reason: I've got some work to do, but I can't be arsed. It's actually incredibly easy work but it'll take me a while so I can't be bothered right now. I've not really done much all day, was meant to be going out with some friends but it's been raining all day so we decided against it =/
I can't decide whether I like school or not, but I actually kind of want to get the day over with so I can go in tomorrow... I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow. Not for the work, though >_<
Mood: Lazy

Reason: I don't really want to do anything tomorrow. I've been stuck with this political essay that I have little idea of how to answer and that has just drained me of the will to do anymore work. I have a meeting with a university application adviser person tomorrow, so I hope that goes well.

My neck hurts a bit today as well. So that wasn't very pleasant... :hmmm:
Mood: Bleeeeehhhh

Reason: Just been really tired today. I think I'veover done it this last week, between being pissed last Friday, Muse Saturday, funeral Monday (including that marathon i ran coz I was late) pissed Weds, hungover allllllllll day Thurs, pissed Friday, hungover alllllll yesterday. I think I'm just a bit run down and might have to take it easy this week :rage:

I'l be bed boond soon
Mood: Happy and such

Two kittens opened their eyes, they look so adorable, hope the other two kittens will open their eyes tomorrow. I actually should go to bed now but I dont feel like doing that. Have to get up early the whole week and its gonna be long days...
Mood: So tired

Went out to the RSL last night and I am so tired now even though we came home early.

I really want to call in sick but I already had Friday off. =/

Lucky I get to leave at 4pm so it's not too bad.

I just know today is going to drag though. >.<
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: I haven't felt like this in forever, I'm in a fantastic mood. Saturday went smoothly and I got drunk, which was desperately needed after the shit day I had. I relaxed yesterday and been out in the rain to Lidl and McDonald's in this blasted rain. Despite getting wet, I'm pretty good. Weather could be better, but I guess you can't have everything. Going to waste the rest of the day relaxing and doing nothing much.
Mood: Tired and ready for bed

Had a nap when I came home from work but I need more sleep.

Just finished watching Season 1 of True Blood with Steve. I've watched it like 4 times now and I'm still not sick of it!

Gave the house a good tidy up tonight and made yummy spaghetti bolognaise for dinner too!
Mood: Mild

Surprisingly enough, today, I'm pretty calm, cool... Collected.

I received yet another term test back in school earlier. The first one, a small little Mathematics test, I passed. It's a borderline, on-the-dot sort of pass, but still a pass nevertheless. Even as the teacher took me and some others who failed out to encourage us to work harder, I actually feel pleased... Because I passed for the first time in a very long while- almost more than half a year now.

Then... The devastation sank in. Economics. There was a test on that subject some time back as well, and this one, I failed. While I might have already grown somewhat accustomed to the culture of failing papers after papers, I can never shake off that feeling of disappointment that comes with every fail grade I find myself receiving. This time was no exception.

It's really scary, to be honest, when you realize that your major examinations that will determine whether or not you get promoted to the next educational level is just a month away... And you just failed a test... Which possibly suggests that you are far from totally prepared.

There are already people who I didn't think would do as well, that are performing above (my) expectations. Which stresses me out greatly.

Yet, I probably could never maintain that level of stress. It is really high at the point. So much that if I didn't have any restraint, I'll definitely have bashed up the unfortunate person closest to me... Or maybe just hurl a whole string of vulgarities at whoever.

Sigh. What's left to do is to work. Work. Work.

Who ever said we could have a life in Junior College? Sigh.
Mood: So apparently it's gunna snow next week?

Yeah that's my mood today :mokken:

Reason: Fucking hate snow. It's only September, fuck off. My fabulous new boots are now gunna be my fucking sensible snow boots, and I didnt buy them to be sensible, I bought them coz I liked them and Ive been eyeballing them for the longest time. Decided I deserved them because I've been having a shit time -__-

And am hungry, so I'm away to scoff
Mood: yay. Well monday is always one of my days off and Halo Reach is coing out tomorrow :ohoho: So I expect to have it after college tomorrow so I can play it the whole day wednesday :awesome: Oh shit this reminds me I still have my even report to do :sad3: Well I have till the 23rd but I still cba :sad2:
Mood: Starving

It's only 7:30am and I feel like leftover spaghetti bolognaise from last night. XD

Quite weird.

I was up early for once for work this morning. Gotta get into work and do a few things before anyone else gets there.

Oh and we're keeping the car now. I am going insane with this, 'Keeping it - not keeping it - keeping it' business. >.<
Bit sad,

Just realised what my life is like and that i'm not completely satisfied with it.

thursday scared the crap out of me (got some bad news) but it also made me realise that i'm really happy with a friend like her.
Mood: Tired

Just finished watching Grown Ups and it's now 1am.

So tired.

Can't believe it's Wednesday already. This week has gone fast!

Can't wait till the weekend though. I have two birthday parties to attend. One is at our mates only 15 minutes away and then the other is actually the house behind us. So we can drink as much as we like and not have to worry about driving home!

And there is going to be a jumping castle!
Mood: A little annoyed

Reason: The guy I was supposed to have a meeting with today never turned up and failed to inform me until it was a bit too late. I was there during the lunch period impatiently waiting for about half an hour until I received an apologetic email saying that he had to dash off to see another group of people and had nearly forgotten to tell me. So now I'm re-scheduled for a meeting tomorrow during my free time.
Mood: Agitated

Reason: Dunno, could be the period, cutting out the junk food Ive lived off the last few weeks, or just general irritation with life. I'm just feeling really irritated and emotional :rage:
Mood: bah. Just got home 30 mins ago and I am still waiting for my Halo Reach :sad3: My friend and his mom are supposed to bring it later. I really hope I do not have to wait till tomorrow. Day off tomorrow anyway so It shouldnt matter. But damn I want it today :sad3:
Mood: Ouch+tired.

So l gt up to go to this mourning and the 1st thing that happens is......l pull mu freakin neck muscle.......not the best way to start the day! plus l didnt sleep well, so l got a day off work and now l just listenin to tunes.

Not so bad after all.
Mood: Anxious.

Reason: I have preliminary jury next week and a Chinese presentation (which my partner and I haven't even started :sad2:) due on Thursday. Needless to say, I have no idea how I'm going to handle this much stress. :hmmm:
Mood - Irritated / Anxious

I can't sleep for shit. I try, and all I can do is lie in bed and think a variety of "what if..." "how" and "when" questions. It's starting to REALLY tick me off, cause I'm ridiculously tired. -__- These next 8-12 days are going to be hell.

At least once this period of time is over, things will only get better.
Mood: Bit tense

Even though most of our problems are sorted out at home (not personal problems, just car problems and such) I still feel a little tense.

It's like I have all this weight sitting on my shoulders just waiting to jump off already.

But it's still there! I do have a few other things to sort out but they're not that bad. =0