[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Not happy Jan

Freakin' wireless connection is not wireless!

I shouldn't have to disconnect my desktop EVERY time to bring it out to the kitchen to then connect it to the modem with an ethernet cable just to get a freakin' BAR!!!

Then technical support try to put me through to the other Technical support people TWICE and both times I get hung up on and then find out they don't work weekends!!!

I shouldn't have to disconnect my entire desktop three times in less then a year to rectify the freakin' problem!!! So angry!

I'm in the kitchen until further notice.
Mood: Decent

So, I'm outside now, leeching both the Internet connection as well as electrical power... All while working for my world's stupidest piece of work thus far- Project Work. Pointless as it is, I still work, because it involves my grades, which involves my life, which involves stupidity, hee.

Sigh. Beside my group, is some bunch of idiots. Now. I don't mind who they are, what they are... But if you're going to stay around, come on, don't go overboard, okay?

Their noise level is like fluctuating. At one point, it can be quiet, which is rare, at others, they are just screaming like nuts. Retards, actually. Why? Stupidity must be the answer.

Retards -__-

I'm not angry, just amused that those retards are that retarded... Maybe that's why they have got to be students at where my group is at... Cos' they're too retarded...

Tsk. I'm not one to scorn so acerbicly, but well, it gets really irritating if you've been putting up with it for more than an hour now.
Mood: Calm

Not as angry as I was before about the wireless screwing up. At least I can still access the internet, even if it is in the kitchen.

Seriously, all I wanted to do this weekend was relax and go online every now and then.

To have to try and fix something was not my idea of fun.

Just finished watching Couples Retreat because we couldn't find the Stepbrothers DVD anywhere. Man I wish I was on an island like in that movie right now. =0
Mood: DIsappointed

So far Im working 15 days in a row without a day off. It's starting to look like 21 days in a row if I can't finish to have a day off. Love my job, but sometimes I'd like a day off
Mood: Tired

Reason: Went out last night to a comedy club in town and had such a good day. We had three comedians for the space of three and a half hours and then had a disco for the next three hours. I didn't drink because I had work at half ten to half two. Didn't get back home until just before two in the morning and got up at half nine, so I was knackered. Still am now. But I'm in that mood of tired as in tired, but can't sleep tired. >_>
Mood: Good

Woke up at a reasonable hour though not early enough to go to Macca's for breaky and get a Might Muffin. =(

Going to Dreamworld today and White Water World to have a swim.

Not sure if I'm up for it but I'll regret not going when it comes Monday and I'm stuck back at work. >.<
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Mood - the fuck -__-

I'd literally just turned off my laptop when the fire alarm went off. At half 3 in the morning. My original plan, which was to lie in bed and listen to my ipod until it shut the fuck up, failed as A) the fire alarm was louder. B) Someome barged into my room and asked why the hell I wasn't outside.

Luckily, as they barged in, I'd already got dressed anyway. But anyhoo, turns out, some incredibly stupid person sprayed in their room - when we all got told that sets off the fire alarm. And if the fire alarm goes off after midnight, we can't go back inside until the fire brigade have been in and checked all the rooms. Hence waiting outside, in the freezing cold and the rain for a good 20 minutes.

Now I'm very very very cold, and wide awake. If I didn't have a cold before today... I do now.
Mood: Tired

Went out to White Water World today.

Had a good time though it was freezing waiting to get on the rides after we already had been in the water. The wind was so annoying!

We only went on a few rides. So many people were there today. It was one of the first hot days of Spring!
Mood: much better. Well Much better than Friday thank god. Friday was hell and I do not ever want to see something like that happen again. My throat has become better but it still hurts a tiny bit. Still going to take my vitamins of course.. I havent slept yet. I only slept a little last night and Now I am just staying up to get out of boredom. Reached Colonel grade I on Reach(why the fuck am I still going when I said Ill stop at Colonel?) I really need a break from Reach.. I just have been doing the challenges every day and every weekly one. But I have been plying some matchmaking on the side. Tomorrow Ill take out Halo Reach and play an rpg. Sadly IU freezes when I head further. So Maybe Magnacarta II will help.
I feel sick, and that sucks because we're going on vacation tomorrow. I hope I won't wake up with the feeling I have to throw up o_O

Also I'm really disappointed with one of my friends. Well, friends? not sure I can call her one anymore, she already acted weird when I invited her for a party, like she didn't fucking care at all, I had to ask everyhting, she didn't even make affords to talk to me, she ignored me on msn, she thought I couldn't see it, but I did. Because she came online on another email and when I came online it disappeared out of online list.
Later I already noticed (after the party, she didn't come) she didn't come online anymore, she didn't even wish me happy birthday, didn't post on a forum anymore when I posted again and today I noticed she deleted me from facebook and other social networks while she has my cousin and best friend still on. I'm really pissed because I have no fucking clue what I've done wrong. She suddenly started like this.
Mostly I'm disappointed with the fact she can't even fucking TALK ABOUT IT! That she solves it with this stupid, ridiculous behavior. Grow up girl.
JGHTDJ<HYHFDRTHB <- angry typing lol.
Mood: tired, nervous, giddy, tired.

Reason: Drunk friday, hungover all yewsterday, drank and just topped the hangover up last night, i didnt even get drunk, it just prongued the hangover, and the dude that got hold of the mic at midnight, needed fucking SHOOTING. Also, first day at work tomorrow, so I'l have to get on top pf all the red squiggly lines that litter everything I type :8F:
Mood: Tired

Reason: Didn't sleep well, had work this afternoon and then did my bungee jump this evening. I only recovered from the nasty side effects an hour and a half ago. I felt sick and my nerves were all over the place. Thought I was going to pass out, doing that wasn't something to be taken lightly. I couldn't even sit in the car without the window open. Glad it's over and done with now. Don't think I'll ever do it again. xD
Mood: Alright

The ACT testing is DONE, the week is DONE, and the first semester of school is DONE. Plus, we have no school tomorrow, so I'll be using that day to go shopping at the mall with my friend, and the day after that, I'll be going with my friend afterschool to the pumpkin patch to help sell some pumpkins, and then a quick stop at Starbucks. Plus, report cards come out this upcoming Thursday, so I'm expecting all of my grades will be just fine.
im sort of good not really cause the weekand went so fast cause i had thursdat friday and week........

Mood: Fairly content

Reason: I reconnected with a friend this morning, after about two years of silence. It feels like only yesterday that we spoke, and its nice to not be forgotten ♥

...although I'm still fairly irritated. I HATE half-term. Hate it. My expenses for the month are just mounting up and up and up, as well...especially now I have a US PSN account...
I feel sick, and that sucks because we're going on vacation tomorrow. I hope I won't wake up with the feeling I have to throw up o_O

Also I'm really disappointed with one of my friends. Well, friends? not sure I can call her one anymore, she already acted weird when I invited her for a party, like she didn't fucking care at all, I had to ask everyhting, she didn't even make affords to talk to me, she ignored me on msn, she thought I couldn't see it, but I did. Because she came online on another email and when I came online it disappeared out of online list.
Later I already noticed (after the party, she didn't come) she didn't come online anymore, she didn't even wish me happy birthday, didn't post on a forum anymore when I posted again and today I noticed she deleted me from facebook and other social networks while she has my cousin and best friend still on. I'm really pissed because I have no fucking clue what I've done wrong. She suddenly started like this.
Mostly I'm disappointed with the fact she can't even fucking TALK ABOUT IT! That she solves it with this stupid, ridiculous behavior. Grow up girl.
JGHTDJ<HYHFDRTHB <- angry typing lol.

I know youre talking about me.

Umm, no offence but after august 2009 you started ignoring me first. When i tried talking to you you made it clear you had no interest in anything to do with me whatsoever, so what was i supposed to do? make you talk to me?
no i didnt wish you a happy birthday, and no i didnt come to your party. you already made it clear i wasnt welcome. the only reason you invited me was because i was one of the few that you could invite, not because you wanted me to be there.
yes i deleted you. i did that over 2 months ago. the fact that you noticed it today only shows how much you cared, so stop pretending that you made a lot of effort, because you didnt. and maybe i didnt either, but at least i'm honest and MATURE enough to admit it. and i dont go around forums accusing you of shit, so maybe youre the one who needs to grow up sweetheart.

Sorry to the mods for this, but i had to say something. its done now.
Mood: Heartened

Tis' unusual how my mind works. Well, I guess it's just that my Adversity Quotient is rather high. In any case, I've just received another blow, I suppose -- academically that is.

I've just failed to meet the criteria for passing my final year examinations... Which is quite a horror, especially if you consider the fact that I would have to retake the entire year's worth education at the exact same level. I'll be sitting through with people I probably won't know, while all my friends leave me.

Not scary enough?

It doesn't help that there's a bit of a social stigma there too, just to make one feel somewhat bad. The teachers refers to these so-called 'retainers' rarely with a positive hint... But I guess that makes some sense.

To think I would become one of these 'retainers'? Now, wow. Cool.

Nay, not cool. But I'm just feeling heartened instead of depressed. Eager to make the coming year work out, to show life how I'm going to fuck it back for fucking me up. But idealistic as this may seem, I can only wonder about how much help is this going to do and pray that it will indeed work out as I would like it to.