[V4] What Are You Currently Listening To?

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Greetings From Asbury Park, N.J. - Bruce Springsteen

His debut album and though he's not yet the finished article, you can see all the potential that Springsteen would later fulfil here. It's a very good album, unfairly forgotten (along with his second album) in his discography.
Pussycat Dolls - Jai Ho

It's a pretty sensational song, I've never seen Slumdog Millionaire but I'd go watch it just to listen to this song, it's pure bollywood-come-Pussycat Dolls. It's vocally perfect which makes a change in pop music 8D
Bring 'Em Out ~ by Hawk Nelson

I love Hawk Nelson's music. I have their 3 most recent albums and this song is one that you can play at a party, or just have going whenever like cruisin' in the car out and about. Also heard it on the movie "College" that just came out in January. Sweet song.
Loose fit - Happy Mondays
It's a calm relaxing song from Pills n Thrills and Bellyaches. It's got a nice slow tempo, and Bez is listed as an additional artist for 'vibes' which means that there were no cassanets to be played.
Landing in London (featuring Bob Seger) - 3 Doors Down

Great song but it would have been better if maybe Seger had a verse himself. Still, I love it.
^ No clue what that song is. >.>

Power of Love - Huey Lewis & The News

I'm on a Huey Lewis bender recently. Ever since Busta and I watched American Psycho, I've been downloading and listening to his songs. He's got a couple good songs but this is definitely one of the better ones.
Dreams Come True - S.E.S

Unfortunately I don't really know of too many bands around today that can be compared with S.E.S but a lot of girl bands around in the 80's and 90's seem like poor versions that never really compared in my opinion. Not to say that these sounded like every other girl band out there as they definitely had a distinct sound and despite being a cover version I think this song is by far their best, and perhaps there's some biased involved since i had this version first but I think this is the superior of the two. It was kind of an accident coming across this song but I'm glad that I did as I listen to it almost daily now.
Decibel - ACDC

ACDC are awesome, I just like the way they kept their original style of music on their newest CD, it's not as good as some of their other CD's but that's because they're out of their prime. This song just sums AC/DC's style up from the vocals to the music itself, it's just a great song if you're a fan of ACDC 8D
Other Too Endless - Polly Scattergood

It's iTunes free single of the week, and it's pretty fantastic. She's got a quirky voice, and the song is pretty good. Far better than the last free single of the week >_>
Well Ive been listening to Yuna Ito for a bit of time now. But I decided to listen to my favorite Love song. Ti Amo. Ti amo is such a beautiful Italian song but you have got to understand it lol. So yeah I listen to this withy my gf. She loves it and she keeps singing it everyday. Well shes in Italy now and so will I soon. 10 out of 10.
Love Game - Lady GaGa

It's a catchy song, not as catchy as Just Dance or Poker Face, but it's definitely up there. I think the lyrics are hilarious "I wanna take a ride on your disco stick" :wacky:
Muse - Plug in Baby.

I've recently ventured outside of my usual bands and thought i would try out some new ones that you guys seem to talk about all the time. I must say i really like this song. It's got a good beat to it and they guys voice is just amazing. Really glad i decided to try out some new bands.
Tanpopo - Tanpopo

For some reason when I hear this I don't instantly notice or loath the obvious cheese that goes with it, nor the do I understand the fact that most people who've heard the song consider it to be extremely "dull". To me there aren't many better pop songs around and it's one of only about ten songs on my iTunes with a five star rating (out of a good thirty one thousand). The five and a half minutes never fall to fly by for me and it's a song that I could listen to at pretty much any time.
Storms - Fleetwood Mac

I can't stop listening to this song lately. It's so sad, but it's a really beautiful song. It's a really powerful song, Stevie Nicks means every word that she sings.
The Girl in the Dirty Shirt - Oasis
One of the better non-released songs from Be Here Now, it has a catchy beat and the drumming and keyboards really compliment each other well, with a good electric guitar that's quite different from the rest of the song at times.
C/C (Cinderella/Complex) - High King

When I first heard this I thought it was awful, I mean really really awful, and in all honesty even when I hear it now I still thinks it's bad; yet for osme reason I just can't help but like it. For a while I wa sure that I didn't and abandoned all hope on the song but for some reason decided to give it another try a few months later and found that, despite how bad it clearly is I could somehow listen to and enjoy it. Definitely one song I'm not proud to admit to liking.
Flobots - We are winning

Not a bad band, sometimes a bit to socialist, but honestly this song alone is very inspiring. I assume I am slow to getting around this group, and I assume it has been over played by the kids. So I'll throw down the lyrics.


rival gangsters sit down to plan an after-school program
a religious fanatic posts footage of an interfaith service project
a group of teenage boys watches a video of a father playing catch with his son
an adult film star paints thumbnail portraits of elderly couples, fully clothed and smiling
a record executive records a demo of his apology
a policeman makes reverse 911 calls instructing residents to take to the streets
a patriot reports for duty
she’s wearing an orange jumpsuit and holding a picket sign
she’s ashamed of her birthplace
but retreat is not an option

women and children

tune in
stand and be counted
in the belly of the vulture
watch your back
theres no civilians
women children
consider this a distant early warning
the fires imminent
pollution gathering dust particles
funneling through smokestacks
disinformation tube fed
check the label
delete the virus

alert the masses

butterfly wing crosswinds send black hawks toward hurricane survivors
roses sprout from empty lots and sidewalk cracks
pacifist guerrillas move undetected through concrete jungles
new forms are beginning to take shape
once-occupied minds are activating
people are waking up
the insurgency is alive and well

rise of the flobots
portrait of the new american insurgent
rattle and shake the foundation of the world order
assembly line consent
direct loved ones to the trenches
suit up
forge rubble into fortresses
broken porcelain
rusted platinum
burn bloodstains from decompressed diamonds
hammer the battlecry into braille-studded armor

we are building up a new world
do not sit idly by
do not remain neutral
do not rely on this broadcast alone
we are only as strong as our signal
there is a war going on for your mind
if you are thinking you are winning
resistance is victory
defeat is impossible
your weapons are already in hand
reach within you and find the means by which to gain your freedom
fight with tools
your fate and that of everyone you know depends on it
The Skies Above by the Black Mages. A truly brilliant take on To Zanarkand. I'm hooked on it. But every so often, I just have to listen to the original piece from the FFX soundtrack just to hear it in its purest form. Or something. Haha.

I love all three Black Mages albums though, so I'll be trying to tear myself from this one track soon and listen to the rest.
Chocolate Rain ~ by Zay Tanzay (I think that's his name)

It was referenced on an episode of The Office a while back and I can't get the song outta my head. I have it as my alarm on my cell phone now to wake me up in the morning.
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