[V4] What Are You Currently Listening To?

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Untouchable - Girls Aloud

The album version really is superior to the single version. It's far longer, but it doesn't feel long, like, it doesn't drag on. One of their better songs, and it showcases all five girls vocals for once, even if Nadine and Kimberly are underused in this song. It's great to here more of Nicola though =D
21st Century Breakdown - Greenday

The first song off their new album which is released May 15th (I think), it's quite a nifty song, they haven't strayed too much off their original style and apparently they have influences on their new album from the likes of the Beatles etc. I don't think it's going to be the best song they release but it's still decent.
Mannish Boy - The Band and Muddy Waters
With the exception of Stevie Ray Vaughan, no white people play the blues as well as The Band. Them with Muddy Waters is just epic, the riff is fantastic, the drumming is basic is brilliant and Muddy Waters just has the most fantastic voice ever.
Butterfly ~ by Crazy Town

A blast from the past. Hadn't heard this song for a buncha years back when I was in Middle School and would go to the community pool and they'd have this song blastin' over the radio speakers there. haha Not a bad song actually.
Anberline - The Feel Good Drag

Song is amazing. It somewhat reminds me of Breaking Benjamin, only better. I love the vocals, he's a really good singer imo. And the lyrics, to me are fantastic and the beat is also great! :gasp:

"Your lips, your lies, your lust
Like the devil's in your hands"

I love that bit :gasp:
Incubus- Aqueous Transmission

One of my all time favorites. A song you can just relax, drink and reflect to in those quiet hours. I absolutely love it. The flow of that song is simply amazing and makes you feel as if you're "floating down a river" just as the song suggests. Great, great stuff
Silver Springs - Fleetwood Mac

I have no idea why this was cut from the Rumours album, it's a really lovely song, and it matches the style of the rest of the album. It's really emotional, and is one of the best songs to come out of the Nicks-Buckingham breakup.
The Offspring - Spare Me The Details

My girlfriend, my dumb donut,
Went out to a party just the other night,
But 3 hours later and 7 shots of jager,
She was in the bedroom with another guy...

I effing love this song. XD The lyrics are so damn true in this situation and right to the point! It sounds great and makes heaps of sense. Sure the theme of the song may not be the best but you can just picture a bunch of drunk guys sitting in a bar because of this reason and then the song comes on.

*Can picture them all singing along with it in reference to their hoe ex's.* XD

and well, I'm not the one who acted like a hoe.
Why must I be the one who has to know?
I'm not the one who messed up big time,
So spare me the details, if you don't mind.

*Loves The Offspring*

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Cutting Crew - I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight

OMG I love this song. XD It was the best when they put it in the Hot Rod movie. XD The song comes on when Rod sees the girl of his dreams. Everything is in slow motion lol.

The seriousness of the song is taken away a little but it's freakin' great in that scene I must say. XD

Slipknot - Psychosocial

I used to hate this band with a passion but then they changed their sound up a bit and I like it now. This song... I couldn't stand it when it first came out. But when the chorus came up it just turned amazing. Not one of my fav songs but it definately is a great song to listen to for any kind of RP inspiration or anything.
Toxicity - System of a Down
I like the slower, softer SOAD more than the others. And this starts off quite slow and then builds up, and gets faster and heavier. It's a nice song and I quite like it, one of the songs I like most on the album.
like a rolling stone - bob dylan

probadly my favourite song of his. Its a good 6 minutes long, so catchy the lyrics are brilliant. I think the fact that the song seems to tell a story is what makes it better.
Trust You. Yuna Ito This song is just so good because Yuna Ito is just so awesome. This song is a good song to listen to when your sad. It should make you happy. Go check it out on youtube. Just type in trust you Yuna Ito. I just Love Miss Ito shes just so awesome. I Love You I trust you!!! 10 out of 10.
take back the city- (dont know who it's by)

its an ok song and i listen to it regularly. also like these type of songs where you can and relax to the soothing sound of it.
Boom Boom Pow - Black Eyed Peas

I love it! It's really catchy and I love the lyrics, some of them are so silly that they're awesome "I'm so 3000 and 9, you're so 2000 and late" as an example. It's just one of those songs that I can listen to again and again without getting bored xD
Toxicity - System of a Down
I like the slower, softer SOAD more than the others. And this starts off quite slow and then builds up, and gets faster and heavier. It's a nice song and I quite like it, one of the songs I like most on the album.

I listened to that song for the first time in ages last night!

It was always one of my favourites from System of a Down, along with Chop Suey. XD

Metallica - The Unforgiven III

I think this is my most favourite song of their new album Death Magnetic.

Me and Steve had it playing simultaneously last night. Me on my computer and his on the T.V and it shook the whole house! XD
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Silver Springs - Fleetwood Mac

I know, I've listened to it a lot lately, but it just gets more compelling on each listen. It's a really under-rated song, and really really beautiful, and packed full of emotions. I could listen to this song on repeat all day and still be captivated by it, it's truly emotional and inspiring. I've said it before, and I'll always say it, no idea why it was left off the original Rumours album, no idea at all. I can understand why Stevie Nicks got so pissed off over it being excluded.
Truth Yuna Ito. This song is really beautiful. In fact like every song of hers is beautiful. Well I just love this one. I listen to it when Im sad and it really gets me going. Her voice just fills me with happiness. I always think about good things when I listen to this song.
Bulls on parade - RATM
It's a classic Rage against the machine song. Loud and angry, with good lyrics throughout most of the song. Brilliant chorus lines as usual, and of course Tom Morello is a genius <3. I think my favourite part is the ending, BULLS ON PARADE, ftw amirite?
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