[V5] What are you currently listening to?

Moment of Surrender - U2


I love this song, especially when I turn it up really loud, maximum bass... it vibrates through my chair most pleasant like. Though, that's nothing in comparison to hearing it live it was like an orgasm from the feet up. It was most immense. I love this song :8F:
Journey - Lights

I love love love LOVE Journey! They're one of my absolute favorite classic rock bands of all time. This song is for California and I just love how summer-y sounds. It makes me so happy and really makes me think of the sunny state.

So, that's why I love it so much.
B.o.B. Feat. Hayley Williams - Airplanes

A very good song. It's become one of my favourite songs at this moment of time. I'm not usually big on rap, but B.o.B. is pretty good to listen to. The chorus is the most memorable part just like another song. I like how Hayley Williams has been put into it. It's a odd pairing, but they make the song pretty good.

Evan's Blue - My Damsel
This is a really epic hard rock song from an amazing band! This song always gets me so pumped when I hear it. The lyrics are so amazing! I just love it so much!
Evan's Blue - The Pursuit

Another great song by a great hard rock band. This song holds a lot of meaning to me. It just pulls at me for some reason. I love the battling instruments in the background, they really show the battle in the meaning of the song.

Very good song.
Sa Bir by Dir en grey

It's a very haunting sound, the sort of song that if you have a weak constitution, could certainly keep you up at night. But I've accustomed myself over a period of five years or so to their ever evolving sound. It's very Middle-Eastern inspired, very slow moving, and almost darkly sensual. In an odd way, every time I listen to this, I'm reminded of Malice Mizer although that band sounds nothing like D.e.g, yeah I dunno. Anyway, I love this band, I really respect them, and Kyo's an amazingly beautiful vocalist. Very versatile sound, you've got to love that.

Bonus performance of these guys, yay!!!
They have so much damn energy!

Headstrong- Trapt

This song ftw :ryan:

I dunno, there's something about this song that gets me pumped xD. I quite enjoy listening to this song makes me energized xD.

It's got that beat and they way the lead sings is just awesome ♥

I haven't actually heard many others of their songs but, Trapt is a good group IMO =]

The chorus is great too =D

Just an fantastic song ^^
Sunday Girl - Blondie

Such a fun little song, I love the vocal layering on this song. Such a catchy chorus too. I find myself listening to it on repeat this morning. It's such a happy song, it matches my mood at the moment xD
Steady, As She Goes -- The Raconteurs.

Loooved this song when it came out and I still love it now.
It's so catchy and happy and cute and just yeah I love it. Plus the video is like a throwback to the racing scene from Little Rascals. It's like I'm 8 all over again.
Flobots - Mayday!!

Pretty decent band, propaganda rap is always a good thing.

Rating - 8/10

Signs of a better world
Causes we understand
Failures we expected to occur
And bring redemption for our sins
Safety from the crowds
In the shadows on the run
We write our own cider house
Rules to keep alive
Rituals that prove their worth
Search for systems we can trust
Rhythms we can lock into
Makoto -- Time (Kyoto Massive Remix)

Purest modern jazz at some of it's finest. The fact that it's underground, making it virtually unknown, also adds to its charm.

10/10 for it's awesome replay value as an instrumental track.
Rusted Root - Send Me On My Way
Just a great, uplifting song of the 90s that always seems to make me feel so happy! It reminds me of such innocent happiness of my childhood. I use to jump up and down to this song anytime I heard it. It's just amazing to hear such a sweet summer-y song such as this one.

It's such a fun song.
"The night comes to me just like a blanket made of stars and takes me in it's arms
And day brings the summer, rolls over, and leaves me bathed in all your charms."

Sweet Bird by Neon Heights

Well something to that effect anyway. So hot British accent + female vocals + crazy distorted synth effects + haunting vocal backdrop overlay + and chill drumming = orgasmic, languid, very mellow chillout nu-jazz. Awesome for a summer day or a chilly night on a Summer month, just waiting for the sky to turn to light. It's a great track.

I am currently listening to Skillet - Hero and am loving every second of it to be quite honest I just love the band in general, but fail to see why Itunes persists in classing it as christian rock?
Two steps from hell- The legend of Aramis

I love it! film music is my fave genre and this is just amazing. These artists mostly make trailer music. I found these guys after I heard the music from harry potter 7 trailer.
But I love the heroic music and the choir thrown in together.
tunnel of love - bruce springsteen (the whole album 'cause i cant just listen to one song from it).

as cheesy as it can be at times i think this album is fantastic. i remember my parents used to play this album a lot when i was younger, i doubt i couldve appreciated the album then, but i appreciate it now and not just because i remember it from when i was a wee nipper. i genuinely enjoy the music and especially springsteen's voice. its very raw and to the point and (imo) is a manly man's view of love. i think he has some fantastic songs, though i didnt give his most recent album much of a chance, though i'm craving more acoustic stuff now so i might have a listen :hmmm: