Interpol- "PDA" 9.5/10
Well, I had a nice long thing written up about this song, but I just got the white screen of death when I tried to post it, so being forced to reword it regardless, I'll just say that melody/music part = 10/10 and favorite; lyrics don't do as much for me and seem a bit disjointed, but I do still like the "We have 200 couches" part XD Also love the random bass drop in each verse and the long outro where it gets more complex and emotional. All around great song, definitely want to hear more from them.
Well, I had a nice long thing written up about this song, but I just got the white screen of death when I tried to post it, so being forced to reword it regardless, I'll just say that melody/music part = 10/10 and favorite; lyrics don't do as much for me and seem a bit disjointed, but I do still like the "We have 200 couches" part XD Also love the random bass drop in each verse and the long outro where it gets more complex and emotional. All around great song, definitely want to hear more from them.