[V5] What are you currently listening to?

Float On - Modest Mouse

It is a very nice song, musically it is nothing special but I like the lyrics. It's just a song about how sometimes things work out when you don't expect them to, and sometimes great things come out of bad things. Like I said nothing amazing, but I think it's good

Float On - Modest Mouse

It is a very nice song, musically it is nothing special but I like the lyrics. It's just a song about how sometimes things work out when you don't expect them to, and sometimes great things come out of bad things. Like I said nothing amazing, but I think it's good

:inlove: I love Modest Mouse. The Moon & Antartica, We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank, and the No One's First And You're Next EP are their best albums.

Monarchy of Roses by Red Hot Chili Peppers

I got into RHCP a long time ago because I used to hear there songs all the time on the radio and I like a lot of their music. They released a new album a few days and this song has to be my absolute favorite off the album (along with a few others :gasp:) it's got a bit of a funky feel to it compared to a lot of their older stuff, but it's really catchy and I love it.

Happy Ending - Mika

Mother had this on this morning...here I am two hours later, still listening to it. It's stuck right and proper in my head, and it's highly aggravating. But that said, Mika is one of those more "popular" singers that I don't actually mind so much, in moderation. Some of his songs are at least catchy...like this one :hmph:

Center of Attention - Mayday Parade

Gotta admit, without Jason in the band, they somewhat have become boring, but damn Mayday can still pull it off. Derek can really pull off them vocals, and them lyrics are great - and it's evident in this song. Just love it, and that's that. :jay:

Steel Lancers - The Land That No One Knew

I made my own soundtracks with my favorite tracks that I like. Steel Lancers is the latest soundtrack I made this past week. A 3 Disc soundtrack, 70 songs, some that are extended versions. I made this soundtrack to dedicate Final Fantasy 14 which I will be playing soon.

The Land That No One Knew is about the scene when Leon Trevion plans ahead to confront the Divium army's leader Deus Messor after from his recovery of his wounds from the Forest of Death.

Beastie Boys Rhymin and Stealin'

I like the raw guitar riff and the in your face pirate attitude. I can almost see Jack Sparrow robbing someone or stealing someones boat when I listen to this.
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John Murphy - Surface of the Sun

This musical piece. What can I say? It's epic and it's moving and it gets me right here. (Yes, I'm pointing to somewhere in the dark cave of my heart.) It's from the film Sunshine, which is one of my top five favorite movies of all time, and it's played during the finale of the film. It works perfectly for it, the music swelling at just the right time... Sublime. I know that it's been used in trailers and other films since then, but for my money, it's synonymous with Sunshine and that's where I'll always remember it from.
Silent Dream - Rhapsody of Fire

I don't listen to RoF quite so much as I used to, mostly because to get the full effect from their albums you have to listen to the whole thing from start to finish, and I've been in the mood for various things recently. Although this is a nice standalone and relatively soft (at least by their standards) song that "makes sense" by itself.

Not in Love - Crystal Castles

believe it or not, but I found out about this song purely by watching a TV show that I'm just sooo addicted to(lol Degrassi :wacky:). But when I heard this song, I just knew it was one I'd become a fan of instantly, and now I'm very tempted to download CC's albums. :lew: This song just has a mixed feel to it. Makes me want to dance, and also makes me think bout stuff. Never had that happen to me. xD

Silent Dream - Rhapsody of Fire

I don't listen to RoF quite so much as I used to, mostly because to get the full effect from their albums you have to listen to the whole thing from start to finish, and I've been in the mood for various things recently. Although this is a nice standalone and relatively soft (at least by their standards) song that "makes sense" by itself.

I love this song. :jay:

Beck - Beautiful Way

I know that I'm going to date myself with this information, but I don't care. I first heard this song when I was 12 and it came packaged with Windows 98 on the new computer that I was given. Yes, Windows 98 kids. I was blown away by the song then, and I still enjoy it now. It's a laid back little tune, so dig it ladies and gents.
Frontier Village ~ Dali from Final Fantasy IX, disk 1.

9/10. This is one of my favourite tracks from the game. The instruments sound so natural and serene. Every note and instrument fits together perfectly - it's simply beautiful. :)

Found this little gem by accident when I was listening to Freddie Joachim's faster and nonetheless equally ethereal remix. I was just like, "Hey let me see what the original is all about." So it's got a slower lazier tempo but it still has that hazy sort of feeling: kinda like you smoked some kush and you're just floating along on a cloud of maijuana-streaked smoke. Yup. Totally reminds me of my bf for some weird reason, only difference between this are the added "clicks" as I like to call it--kinda sounds like someone took a castanette and just had a field day clicking it away and all he did was loop it and layer it over the track. Anyway I prefer the remix which is saying something because Toro y Moi's music has a way of pulling me in and never letting e go in its snaky indie-acid-trip haziness of deep ambient California beats. The guy's in a league of his own.

8.5/10 just 'cause it's incomparable to Freddie Joachim's little remixed ode to Toro y Moi. Sorry dude.

Regina Spektor - Hero

I love her music, its too bad most of my family doesn't, she's so inspirational, I can't believe when I first heard her, it was so long ago; I was eleven; I still love her old stuff but she gets better with time.
Savior - Black Veil Brides

I might not really like the whole deal with the characters that the band members portray or whatever, but I do actually like some of their songs. From "We Stitch These Wounds", Black Veil Brides actually improved heaps, and this song is proof of it. Andy Sixx's screams have gotten better, but they still suck ass. :hmph: However, I really do like this song. :ryan:

Lover Dearest - Marianas Trench

I think this song is actually about a heroine addiction that the lead singer was suffering from, but I like how they left the lyrics up for you to take them how you want to.

Sad song if you carefully listen to it, but I really, really love the lyrics. I always find myself listening to the song and repeating it a few times, it's definitely not a once in a while song.

Oh, I'm not sick of you yet, is that as good as it gets?
It hurts me to say that it hurts me to stay, and it might be alright if you go...
It hurts me to say that I want you to stay, but it might be alright if you go, so leave me...

The bitter in you and the quitter in me, is bigger than the both of us...

It's My Life - Bon Jovi

This is one of those songs that I absolutely MUST sing along to, whenever I hear it. For some reason, it never fails to put me in a good mood, being one of the few songs (along with Living on a Prayer, and the rest are by Queen) with the power to do so. Can't go wrong with classic rock :ryan:

I am currently listening to Ellie Goulding's album. I have become almost obsessed with a couple of the songs, and I just love her sound.

Starry Eyed, Lights, Your Biggest Mistake, & Guns and Horses.

Right now, Starry Eyed.