Vincent Vs Cloud who is more powerful

Vincent Vs Cloud, who is stronger

  • Vincent

    Votes: 48 39.3%
  • Cloud

    Votes: 74 60.7%

  • Total voters
in gaming standards i would say cloud because he can not miss an attack. omnislash deals a lot of damage which is always dependable, whereas vin has unreliable limit, random attacks and most of his forms deal elem dam which can heal enemies, not to mention that he cant heal himself until he dies. in outer gaming i would say vin because in ac hes the one who saves cloud, but he did try to shoot bahanut with a pistol...
cloud would eat vincent as much as i like vince cloud would win, omnislash vs chaos k lvl 99 cloud with omnislash and right gear it would slaughter chaos but dont get me wrong vince is powerful but cloud would win
Dumpeople it's Vincent, his the best guy that I know who will kick Cloud but in about 6 turns
Number of times Clouds killed Sephiroth - 3 (Nibelhelm, End of FF7, End of AC)
Number of times vincents Killed Sephiroth - 0

I rest my case
not necisarally cloud would win for sure, but counting sephy kills doesn't solve this, i mean it would be diffrent if good guys dont always win if it was rl then sephiroth would have been a lot harder to kill becuase for insatance super nova destroyes an entire solar system and lands in the sun wich buffer's the sun up to a larger size and tempature, now cloud a normal mortal (well somwhat since he has been exposed to mako) is stronger faster and better skilled then the normal person but he still couldn't live super nova, my point is that it doesn't matter how many times he killed sephiroth taht doesn't mean he can kill vin but......... you are right cloud would beat vin :P
For me Cloud sure.
Must here says about the AC
but forget CLoud wasnt normal
only in the end he show his power

Vicent is more cool
but not more stronger
After doing some rethinking and re-evaluating both Vincent and Cloud I must say this...How can you say that Cloud is actually stronger than Vincent? Vincent saved his butt in the Sleeping Forest during that fight with SHM in AC. Cloud can't transform into different types of beasts that could probably maul you to death if provoked. I honestly think Vincent is a hell of a lot stronger than Cloud. Cloud was infused with mako, sure, but Vincent had insane experiments done on him that changed him into what he is now. Vincent could take out Cloud in one swipe with his claws. Now, don't get me wrong. I love Cloud, he's awesome and he's really strong, but Vincent would annihilate him.
It's hard to measure their strengths against each other.

Since Vincent is the host of a demon and manages to destroy Omega, you could say he's stronger.

But on the other hand, Cloud defeats Sephiroth who I think is suppose to be considered eternal.

Emotionally, they both conquer their insecurities. It could really go either way.
i dnt no.. vincent may b immortal and all, but hes not as strong as cloud i dnt think. eveybodys always underestimating what cloud can do, even tho hes already whipped sephies but what, 3 times now? even when he is WAY outmatched. if he can take on sephy, he could totally take vincent. dnt get me wrong, vincents totally badass but i think clouds stronger
this is an easy answer at least for me seeing as the stat differences in the game are exponential... and the truth is.. vincent is close to useless in the game, his attack is lackluster, his magic is laughable and his defence is mediocre.. what balances his uselessness is his limit break that triples every one of his stats for a short period of time. seeing as clouds attack is one of the highest in the game as well as his vitality and his magic being pretty good and not to mention the beast of an attack called the omnislash he`s like i said easily better.. study the stats guys..
After reading a couple of polls thought id make a new poll of Vincent Vs Cloud... since everyone thinks cloud is tough..
i think Vincent would whope cloud's ass anytime anyday. vincent is faster and hard to attack plus he uses a gun so he can just jump around very fast while attacking,,, just as he did when he saved cloud in FF7 Advent children... plus if u play Dirge of cerberus than ull know what im talking about,,, Cloud fights Rosso and didnt beat her while vincent destroys her...

Thats not true what you said about vincent destroying rosso, rosso the crimson doesnt die due to vincent, and who knows if she died all you saw was her destroying a piece of the building and her falling with it. You never actually see her die, its just made to seem that way.
this is an easy answer at least for me seeing as the stat differences in the game are exponential... and the truth is.. vincent is close to useless in the game, his attack is lackluster, his magic is laughable and his defence is mediocre.. what balances his uselessness is his limit break that triples every one of his stats for a short period of time. seeing as clouds attack is one of the highest in the game as well as his vitality and his magic being pretty good and not to mention the beast of an attack called the omnislash he`s like i said easily better.. study the stats guys..

Except when it comes to versus threads like these, stats usually mean nothing. It's about feats. And Chaos Vincent is a planet-buster, Cloud is not. I rest my case.
Cloud would just omnislash his behind, Vincents limits were pretty poor at best >>

(discounting DoC)
Yeah, as much of a fangirl as I am, even I know that Cloud was much stronger than Vincent in the original game. His limits were annoying and his stats never seemed to go up quick enough, even at the higher levels. Am I pissed off? mmmmmyes>_<
*had about twenty minutes and skipped to the last page*

Okay...well, it depends on whether we're talking about Base Vincent or Chaos Vincent. Cloud could easily take out Base Vincent, mainly because guns haven't proven themselves to be very effective weapons to use against people like Cloud and Zack. Especially in a one-on-one duel, knocking Vincent's bullets right out of the sky would be a simple task for him. I don't imagine it would be horribly difficult for Cloud to close the distance between the two of them, either. Once that happens, Vincent is just screwed, considering he doesn't have a way of defending himself in melee other than hand-to-hand combat, which I doubt will get him very far against a sword, let alone a sword as big as he is.

Not to mention Cloud's Limit Breaks. Even if Vincent somehow manages to keep his distance and wear Cloud down without letting up on his assault once, Cloud will just pull out one of his "last resort" techniques like Blade Beam, Climhazzard, Meteorain, or the game-breaking Omnislash. Those are essentially his finishing moves, and I doubt Base Vincent would have a chance against a raging Omnislash. Not even his Gallian Beast form looks like it would have a shot if Cloud unleashed his Omnislash.

Chaos Vincent, however, is a different story entirely. Cloud wouldn't have a chance in hell against Chaos Vincent. How, pray tell, would Cloud win against an opponent he can't even keep track of, let alone mount a defense against? Chaos Vincent was seen warping around the battlefield at speeds faster than the human eye can trace, all the while clashing with Omega Weiss and firing off huge blasts of energy. Cloud just doesn't have any time to defend himself against that. He'd be dead before he knew what happened. Even under the assumption that he somehow manages to get off an Omnislash before dying, Chaos Vincent could easily avoid it.

Then there's the fact that Chaos Vincent not only competed against Omega Weiss, but defeated him. Let's keep in mind, here, that Base Weiss (before getting the power of Omega WEAPON) defeated both Azul and Rosso in their most powerful forms at the same time. Rosso gave Cloud trouble (though I'm fairly certain he would've won that battle had it continued) and Azul isn't a slouch when it comes to combat, either. Well, Weiss completely dominated both of them when he wasn't even at his strongest. That means that Chaos Vincent is even stronger.

Cloud loses. Chaos Vincent is winnar.

Don't get me wrong, here. Cloud is no pushover, but Chaos Vincent is just on a whole other level. Like LordofInfinity said, Chaos Vincent is a planet-busting, Weiss-defeating powerhouse who is probably very close in power to Sephiroth himself, if not equal to him (and we all know how Sephiroth vs. Cloud turns out).
I'm gonna have to go with Cloud. Don't get me wrong I think Vincent is a great fighter myself, I feel Cloud would traditionally be stronger. It's only natural the main character would be seen as stronger.
Well if we mean pure power, let's talk unarmed for starters. Vincent uses a gun, when you are a gun user, you probably don't have a very strong punch, when you are used to swinging a sword, especially such a big sword which probably weighs 70 pounds or something, and you can swing it as if it were a twig, you gotta be mega-strong. Cloud's got power leaking from his ears.

But even when armed, Cloud could prbably use a Limit-Break, or simply deflect Vincent's bullets with his huge-ass sword. However, if Vincent IS in Chaos, Cloud better run away as quickly as possible, unless he wants to suffer a shameful 5 second death. The things that Oathkeeper earlier brought up about the feats accomplished by Chaos being way greater than Cloud, couldn't be more true.

I love them both, their awesome chars, and both as cool (insert clever simile here,)

But one thing, I'd like to add, if Cloud could also go Chaos to even things out. (Even though it's canonically incorrect) Cloud would slash Vincent into a fine dust... In a few seconds.
Personally, I think they may be evenly matched. Vincent has Chaos which is 1337 and Cloud is all hopped up on Lifestream Steroids. If it came down to it, I think they would probably kill eachother at the same time.