What did you name Zidane?

I named him after myself, and the rest of the characters after friends. That is what I tend to do in all games which offers you to change the names of the characters.
I have never changed a name on a ff char. i think that if the game developers wanted them to be Corey, or Bob, or Steve they would have done so. May sound silly but i would feel bad about changing their names, almost like doing it without there permission. :(
I named him after myself, and the rest of the characters after friends. That is what I tend to do in all games which offers you to change the names of the characters.

I used to do the same thing however I lost interest in that very quickly now I just leave them wiht their original names unless someone I know bears an uncanny resemblance personality wise to one of the characters
I always leave the names of my characters alone. I learned my lesson after changing the names of all my Final Fantasy VII characters during my first playthrough.

Later on, as I was trying to have a discussion with someone on the game, I wasn't able to follow anything he said because I didn't know the actual names of the characters. haha

So yeah, I stick with the default names now.
I only changed Zidane's name to Dave, and Vivi's name to Black Mage Evilwizardington, after the 8-Bit Theatre character :D
Didn't change a thing; never have in Final Fantasy Games except for Ramuh in Final Fantasy IX
Changed his name to Old Man River... it was an in-joke me and my friend had...
I Changed them like most PPL Me as Main Character and Col - Vivi Garnet is Kayley i think and Stenier is Rob but i cant remember since me and a friend play it and he names 2 and i name 2 mine are always Garnet and Zidane :P
When I was younger and vain I put my name in there. But when I replay them I don't anymore. IX was good with that in at least you got to name everybody. They only let you name two in VIII and only Tidus in X which threw me off a bit. If you name one, you should be able to name them all. But with voice acting so much stronger now, I think those days are just about done.

Anyway, like many others I just left his name, usually.
I stopped changing they're names a long time ago.....i never changed Zidane's name before, it sounded cool enough for me.....
Well, I kept his name as Zidane. But I was tempted, at times, to simply name him : Pervert, Perv, or Horny. Ha ha, he was a cute little guy. " Oo soo soft. " xD
Kept his name as Zidane, I never change the names I don't really see the point of it... maybe it's just me tho :P
When I first played the game (that was a long time ago xD), I just removed the "E" in his name, therefore renaming him "Zidan".
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When I was younger I used to rename him as Zack, but now I just leave him as Zidane.