What's your mood?

Mood: Depressed

Reason: A few things on my mind that I am upset about... *sighs*
Mood: Dead
Reason: I have the flu now. I'm on some hardcore meds and I'm so tired and weak I can barely make it from room to room
Mood: Miffed, frustrated and don't know what to do with myself.

Reason: Can't have the girl I want. Can't see friends because they are at work and/or at school. Don't have work for a week and my bloody 'thing' won't behave (Tis like puberty all over again). Also, lack of moneys and I'm not in the mood for Halloween.

Fuckin' Barrel of laughs isn't it. :wacky:

Mood: Impatient and Anxious
I need to go and speak to someone in person about something, but she's gone away for a few days and didn't say when she'll be back.
Mood: Miffed, frustrated and don't know what to do with myself.

Reason: Can't have the girl I want. Can't see friends because they are at work and/or at school. Don't have work for a week and my bloody 'thing' won't behave (Tis like puberty all over again). Also, lack of moneys and I'm not in the mood for Halloween.


Mood; Tired & frustrated

Reason: Its 2:40am. There's no point me going to bed because I just lay there awake anyhoo.........grrrrr.
Mood: so-so
Reason: had a wonderful night last night, feel a lot better and my fever actually went down. still feel like crap though, but at least I feel a little better.
Mood: Anxious still.
Reason: Looks like I'm off to Cardiff next weekend. Hopefully things'll go well.

But I fear that I'm about to be bludgeoned by the "Friend Zone" sign >_<
Mood: Annoyed

Reason: I have to work from 2PM to 9PM on a fucking Sunday. >=/ Oh well, at least I'm getting paid time and a half. I do need the money. I hope I get out early. o_o
Mood: Joyous
Reason: Because I get a discount at work today so I'm getting a ton of chinese food for tonight which will probably last me a few days
Mood: Worried and meh.
Reason: My boyfriends feeling down and miserable and I cant be arsed with a 6 hour shift.
Bored, fed up, restless, grouchy

I have been off work too long now and sitting around at home is getting the better of me, I want to go out and do something but I can't find the motivation and all that I can do is wander around the shops then come back home OH JOY. Iv gotten way to used to long lie ins and thats gunna kill me when i do go back to work (4 weeks to go.......)
Mood: tired
Reason: I haven't been sleeping very well at all. I've been laying in bed for hours trying to fall asleep, and when I do I have very bad dreams so it feels like I've been barely sleeping at all.
Mood: Very pissed off.
Reason: The server is too busy at the moment. Please try again later.

I'm also tired too, but I'm always tired since I suffer from sleep apnea and insomnia, much like the person above me.
Truly, I immediately detested that message when I first joined. Continues to get on my nerves, but I let it go. There's not much else to do about it. Though, my current mood... content. I'm procrastinating from studying for an exam, but I'm okay with that. I probably shouldn't be, but I am. ^^
Mood: Excited
Reason: I have this really good book right now I find it really hard to put it down. I was reading it so much it was giving me a headach. I'm just so glad I found another book that I really enjoy because I haven't been so into a book since the last Harry Potter.
Brink of insanity

All 3 of my Exs are out to drive me crazy.
Their plans are working VERY well.
I'm gonna kill them.
Still bored & ffed off

Why oh why cant it be weekend yet?! And why do I always get a big spot before a party when there are going to be exes there. IM 24 DAMMIT I SHOULDN'T GET SPOTS AT MY AGE!!!!!!!!!!!
You can get spots at any age, it just depends on your diet and how good your skin is.

Mood: Worn out and further depressed

Same reason as before except now the law essay is overdue and my ex has a new boyfriend, woo. Great day otherwise. :monster: