What's your mood?

Mood: Exstactic
Reason:My site (www.blahblahblah.com) is turning out great!

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Mood: Tired, and frustrated

Reason: School tomorrow, tons of homework, lots of things to do before going to bed. >.<
Mood: hopelessly miserable.
Reason: too complicated to explain. The gist of it being a broken heart, but that sounds so trivializing and cliched...
Mood: Excited, but kind ticked
Reason: Well I just got home from work, I finished all my homework at work actually so I only have a paper to write this week and thats it! I'm kinda ticked though since I bought a movie on ebay and it has been over a week and it was supposed to be here by last friday
Mood: Nervous as hell!!
Reason: I have a job interview at a shop Ive been dreaming of my whole life. Fingers crossed I get it!!!
Mood: Frustrated
Reason: This morning I went all the way to school today and then I found out that my one class all we are doing is research in the library, and my frist class we got exams back and that was it. I wasted my whole morning for nothing!
mood:fed up
Reason:still getting over my cold, iv not gone out in 2 days im looking pasty & pi$$ed off, but theres nothing to do. I never thought id ever utter the words 'i can't wait to go back to work' *sigh*
Mood: Bored and sore!
Reason: There's nothing to do. My neck is very sore today as well, it is more sore than it was this morning and it sucks. I can't move my head properly because of it.
currently, im unhappy. i still have 6 weeks left of football (american) and practice is really starting to wear me out. anyone got a time machine so i can go to the future?
Mood: Worried
Reason: I've got 2 bills that are due tomorrow and I don't really have the money to pay them, so I'm kinda hoping that I can wait till Monday on them
mood: Tired
Reason: Its 2:30am and i really need to go to bed now, it's such a good job i'm off work *phew*
Mood: Silly and in love
Reason: no reason, I just couldn't think of one. :D

Actual Mood: dry :dry:
Reason: Lots of stuff to do today including writing an essay, working on college applications, Hamlet, and Government testing.