What's your mood?

Stressed. I got a shit-load of papers to do before graduation and the end of April when Finals hit, that I'm flippin' on which one to start first.

On top of that I have to present them in front of the classes, so it's a double-whammy.
Mood: Ugh
Reason: I dunno, another waste of a day, and I feel crappy. =/
Mood: Excited
Reason: I'm going to look at my new dog tomorrow to see if I'll like him! And to see if he'll get along with my other dogs
Mood: Pumped
Reason: Well, NYC was amazing and there are too many memories to reminisce over, and in less than 48 hours, I'm off on a road trip to Florida. I've almost finished packing, so all I have to do is blow through one more day of school and it's time to paaaahtay~
kjhds\ljhIDSAS ¬_¬

Trying to study for exams and all, and my mum expects me to 'clear out' my room before tomorrow... whatever THAT is meant to mean. And my siblings keep getting in my way and messing things up, I don't see how I can be expected to clear things out... To be honest I would rather get good results in the important exams that are coming up in a month, the ones that decide whether I'll get into uni/get a job/etc., than have a tidy room (for now, until certain people mess it up again)... but that's just me. =/

Mood: Pretty good

Reason: Had an epic amount of sleep, just woke up, that probaly means I won't sleep tonight but meh at least iv had a good sleep for once
Mood: Humored

Reason: Just read a work'mates' Bebo page. I can't stop laughing cos he is such a tit :wacky:

I'm clearly a nice person
Mood: fearful, mad

Reason: Because im about to fail my senior year if I dont get this damn project done, tis deperessing