Who do you plan on using as your main fighter?

i plan on using cloud or tidus...if zack for some reason comes in the game or whatever im playing as him definately
Um... probably Tidus. Then Cloud... THEN Squall. I don't really know the other characters as well, unfortunatly. Hopefully, with this game, I can!
I'll probably use them all equally, I always do so in fighting games (or at least I try).
But the first ones I want to try are : Cloud, Squall, Ultimecia, Dark Cloud.

Though, I am not sure when I'll be able to get this game (if ever) because I don't have a PSP. But I bought a NDS not long time ago. So I hope PSP is next.
Probably Shantotto... her magic moves look really good if you learn them properly.

Oh, but you have to unlock her, so until then I'll be playing as Cloud.
Onion Knight for me. :vikki:

I can't wait to give Zidane a bash too though. cloud's ok... but he's awkward and Sephiroth is too pwnage. Onion Knight is the shiznit tbph.
In almost all Final Fantasy games, I usually find myself interested with the antagonists more since they usually have more dimension and a much more interesting personality and motives. I only have a few number of protagonists who I like and only one happens to be in the Dissidia : Zidane.
(I actually liked Terra for the first half of the game, but for the last half, I am disgusted with her:gonk:)
I gonna make an short List:
First i gonna play as Tidus !!! That's for sure
2.Cloud (DEMO)
5.Sephiroth (DEMO)
I like Firion, Zidane as well, but i won't list them ;)
I will be using Sephiroth as my main fighter, although that the Onion Knight is a good character too. They both sooth for me.
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Cosmos: Terra, Shantotto and Bartz. Terra and Shantotto's magic looks really fun (Sooo happy they included Terra's blonde and green hair) and I like how Bartz mixes everyone's moves togerther

Chaos: Ultimecia and The Emperor. I really, really like Ultimecia's fighting style in this game and her limit break is INSANE! The Emperor's trap fighting style is really unique and it seems fun to try out.
Cecil, definitely. By far my favorite character on the game. Good times reminiscing to FFIV from the sixth grade. I wish Crono was a playable character.
Who's your main?

The title says it all. Who's your best character?

I mostly use Warrior of Light because he's my only max level guy.
Wow... WoL? I don't quite get that guy, aye... To me, my first opinion would be that he's a well-rounded character to use, but I used him yesterday, and it seems he's someone that just has long reach for BRV attacks and a short-medium reach on his HP attacks. I'll be working on WoL next, so please give me some tips =)

My main is Zidane. He's at Level 100, with nearly all abilities mastered. Full accessory slots, and I'm working on getting him the best equipment I can. I've been trying to make combos, and strategies for him, but I haven't got the best memory, and I can't be bothered writing things down xD

I use him in his Alternative Costume - the darker one which looks better in my opinion - and I seldom fail to execute an EX Mode (Limit Break). Anyone under Level 80 shouldn't face me on Zidane xD Not seriously at least =)
I plan on using Terra and than Onion Knight and Buntz. They seem like very great characters! But, I plan on playing with Ex-Death in Arcade if possible. :)
My main is Terra Branford. In the jap version She was my level 100 and believe me was she reaLLY POWERFUL. she owned anyone and anything. As for my main it is Terra xD. She is strong beautiful and is kinda hard to master. I love her brave stealing attacks and hp attacks. Ill trap you all with tornado.
Cecil! He's, if not my favorite Final Fantasy character, my favorite Final Fantasy hero. I also love how he plays and I'm very use to him. The other characters I plan on possibly playing with are Terra, Kefka, Cloud, and Golbez