Who's the main character?

I think with FF6 it gave the player the choice to pick who they wanted as a main character if you wanted terra then she was if you wanted locke or whoever else then go for it mine personally was Locke the thi.....erm i mean...Treasure Hunter :P

And with FFX, Yuna can be seen as the main character but you see the lead character from someone else's view and oppinion's, think about it Tidus is telling you about HER journey 90% of the game but i s'pose you cna take it as Tidus' game with the whole jecht problem
I'm not going to get this thread offtopic, but how can you possibly say FFX is about Yuna when Tidus says about a jillion times "This is my story". Give me a brake.

I say it's Locke though. I know other people like to argue that others are the main characters but they're pretty much all just support. I think Locke's bit with Rachael is probably the biggest factor for him being the main character. Everyone else had past problems but they weren't focused on nearly as much as his.
i still think that Terra was the main character in the WoB and that Celes was the main character in the WoR, Locke just didnt seem that important to me - its always been about Terra and Celes - you learn a lot about their pasts - moreso than you do about Lockes even.
I've always thought of Terra as the main character since the whole story starts from her.
FFX definitely Tidus but FFVI is a different story here. 3 biggest options are Terra Locke and Celes. I think that none of them are the main character because you can choose to use whoever you want, basically meaning that there is no main character
I would say that there is no main character. If you look at the rest of the FF series, the main character is in the party at all times, except at critical times, example being VIII when the team splits up after the jailbreak. Due to FFVI's system that you can choose from any of the 14 characters and no-one always has to be in the party at all times, there is clearly no main character. That's my opinion anyway.
In reply to Juke who replied to me on page 3(a long time ago... but i've been away and now I'm back :P)

Anyway, your right, though when I typed that post I wasn't thinking about those three :P. Mog, Umaro and Gogo never really appealed to me and when I did unlock um I never really used them much until I reached Kefka and I was forced to split the party up :P

I like to beleive that Shadow is an important character to the main story regardless of the fact that you can choose to go on without him simply because his past is relevant and connects with some of the other characters.

But as everyone else has been saying (and like I already stated). I like to think that all of the main characters were the main characters and there wasn't just one :P
I would have to say that Terra is the main Protagonist in FFIV since most of the story revolves around her (although Celes is also involved in some of the storyplot)
Interesting opinion about Terra having a role in Final Fantasy 4.
anyway i thought they all had their part/theme in the game.
in my opinion, there were just random rolls in the game, all there for one purpose.
Really no main character, in my opinion
Main character? Easy, Terra. The whole plot revolved around her. Most FF games have main characters that are female, just the person you control most often is male. Examples: FF7 was Aeris though you controlled Cloud, FF8 was Rinoa though you controlled Squall, FF9 was Garnet/Dagger/whateveryounamedher though you had Zidane and finally FF10 was Yuna and you had Tidus.... Dunno about FF12, yet.
ok, someone please, explain to me, in pm if they perfer, why Celes is considered to be a main character?
ok, someone please, explain to me, in pm if they perfer, why Celes is considered to be a main character?

After the 'end of the world' or whatever, you control Celes for a long period of time.

I say Terra would be the main character, or at least the 'protagonist,' since the entire game pretty much revolves around her and her story, even if you aren't always in control of her.
After the 'end of the world' or whatever, you control Celes for a long period of time.

I say Terra would be the main character, or at least the 'protagonist,' since the entire game pretty much revolves around her and her story, even if you aren't always in control of her.

Thats not reason enough for me. To me the game couldve been done without her, replacing her on the stranded isle with another character
wouldve been just fine. I dont know about anyone else but pay attention to her role in the game, she doesnt associate much, look at her dialogue theres proof. Her ability *Runic*....Wow! one comment, it sucked!
Her character just didnt seem right to me