You Know You Play Too Much Final Fantasy When...

When you accidentally call Jehovah's witnesses Jenova's witnesses... I have actually done that...
you know you've been playing too much final fantasy when whenever you and your friends walk somewhere, you walk single file.
You know you play too much FF when you achieve something and you start singing the victory fanfare theme which causes you to throw your arms up and down in the air then doing a pose.
when you break the 100hour clock barrier on FF9 for the 4th time in 1 save. When you start drawing a massive final fantasy map on your wall
When you create a Youtube account just for ur favorite final character...

I just did and now i've become Yuna in Youtube, posting under her identity... I even gave her an entire new story of being based in Bayview City together with urs truly and working as a full-time street racer! :D
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You know you play too much final fantasy when you have sex while playing final fantasy.

It's been done.
When a tire of yuor car blows up, and ur friend say: " why dont u go change the tire?" and u answer: Don't worry, car, activate flying mode! :P
+ When you change the names of all your contacts on your phone to final Fantasy characters just to see "Auron calling" etc.

+ You celebrate EVERY known character's birthday. With a cake and all.

+ Whenever you're walking into a "dangerous situation" you start humming boss battle themes or boss dungeon music.

+ Even though you have a huge deadline approaching, you can put it off by doing sidequests and other stuff because, come on, no one will actually chase you or anything.

+ You always check to make sure things are actually dead. After all, the more menacing a boss is, the greater chance they won't actually stay dead.

+ You wear the same clothes every day until you get a new job.

+ You know your life will not be complete until you meet a man named Cid.

and when you spend time writing lists like these. xD
you know you play FF too much when ...

you secretly pretend your a FF character at school/work.

you Attempted to make a life size keyblade and failed.

you have more then 1 dream about FF:P