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  1. Raine

    Most awesome character

    amarant ftw, true in so many cases :D
  2. Raine

    Most Useless Character?

    i was originally going to choose garnet because she's just plain shocking, mostly because she was a summoner more than a healer. Then i remembered how annoying quina was and how variable its damage was. kakashi why did you only use amarant as a ninja? he is so much more, you can use him for...
  3. Raine


    i go him first go using zidane, amarant, freya and steiner at level 83, 87, 77 and 75 repectedly
  4. Raine

    How is this even possible?

    why anyone want to beat the game in less than twelve hours, let alone four hours? i wouldnt find it fun anymore if you had to finish the game in a time limit, one of the reasons why i didnt like majora's mask (yes i am ashamed>.>)
  5. Raine

    The ULTIMATE Question!

    i like to think of them as male and female, but they just look so ridiculous :P Completely retarded
  6. Raine

    How Many Of You Actually Bought Save The Queen?

    hades makes tin armour from ore and a hammer which you get from the stellazio quest if i recall correctly.
  7. Raine

    The ULTIMATE Question!

    quina looks a lot like someone i know called john, bar the tongue. acts like him, speaks like him, eats like him so i just renamed quina as john and assumed he was a male from then on :P
  8. Raine

    Who Beat Omega?

    first time it took me about an hour (so long >.>) then i realised that i could just use the end with selphie to get an easy win >.> First time was with selphie, irvine and squall of course.
  9. Raine

    Hardest Boss

    weapons were teh easy, ruby went down in less than 10 min and emerald about the same. dont think anything was too difficult except for the proud clod, i found that one annoying with all of its attacks and stuff...
  10. Raine

    Heard an FF7 rumour Today?

    I very highly doubt it moonchild, that would be just plain down right nasty >.>
  11. Raine

    FF Panties

    seifer: swatting panties?
  12. Raine

    Heard an FF7 rumour Today?

    but areis is so cool. Ive also heard that you cant max the enemy skill materia. I havent tried this because it seemed too boring, but has anyone tried?
  13. Raine

    Hey all :B

    lol my avatar isnt that great >_< i gotta get my sig up
  14. Raine

    Vincent Vs Cloud who is more powerful

    what if vin had a really big attachable bayonet :P
  15. Raine

    Hey all :B

    lol yeah avatar is alright, prefer my sig :P sounds fun and thanks for the greeting :D
  16. Raine

    Heard an FF7 rumour Today?

    i heard you can save aeris by going on the golden saucer date with another character, after doing it with yuffie, tifa and barret (yup the big black guy with the big ass gun) she still dies >.>
  17. Raine

    Hey all :B

    hey, youre a nooby too XD
  18. Raine

    Vincent Vs Cloud who is more powerful

    in gaming standards i would say cloud because he can not miss an attack. omnislash deals a lot of damage which is always dependable, whereas vin has unreliable limit, random attacks and most of his forms deal elem dam which can heal enemies, not to mention that he cant heal himself until he...
  19. Raine

    Is it true i can get the masamune?

    friend of mine told me you can use the masamune in battle to deal a one of 9999 damage to someone, haven't tried it personally, jydging by most of the preceding posts it wont work because key items dont like to be used in battle, but its just something that i found interesting to hear
  20. Raine

    Where are you going when you die?

    Heaven or hell it makes no difference, you end up the same anyway. And if I die I'll just come back, final attack phoenix ftw :P