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  1. J

    Aeris vs. Aerith

    OK, well the evidence points to her official name being Aerith. Still, it sounds nothing like Earth, so I'll asume the evidence is circumstantial. Regardless, she'll always be Aeris to me--and to most of us--because that's how it was in the game. I'm sorry, but if you tell me your name is Bob...
  2. J

    Bahamut + Ending

    Ah, well, I'm not much of a Star Wars fan, so I guess I missed the similarities. Too true. I think it lent some light as to why Gabranth would have sold out his own brother for the sake of the Empire--duty. Which, by the way, lends to my point about Vayne attacking Larsa. Too true. You could...
  3. J

    Sephiroth, Pure evil or Misguided?

    You don't see those as misguided choices? I don't see his connection to Jenova as a conscious choice, any more than you or I make a conscious choice to feel a connection with our parents or guardians. He sees Jenova as his true mother, and I'm sure it was as much of an emotional response as...
  4. J

    Aeris vs. Aerith

    How do you figure? Care to link me? Different developers, friend. It's how they spelled it in the game, for starters. Second, it's the Kanji translation. Well, the Kanji translation could have been /th/ or /s/, but the point is that it doesn't make sense for it to be /th/. No. No more...
  5. J

    Each Final Fantasy its own Franchise?

    I guess I should make this a poll. Figures, my first thread ever in this place is a poll... Anyway, I think we've all noticed a shift in Square's thought process regarding the series, haven't we? They used to take the stance of no game spawns a sequal, yet now we have X-2, a handful of upcoming...
  6. J

    Bahamut + Ending

    Wow. I am behind in this mofo! VengefulRonin, thanks for the in-depth reply. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. But this is for you: See, I didn't have a problem with the shape of it. I really enjoyed that it was very unique, and very large. I remember being initially disappointed that...
  7. J

    First Impressions (XII)

    What more did you want? Ashe was on a quest, Basch was sworn to protect her; Vaan wanted revenge for his fallen brother, Penelo wanted to make sure he'd be alright; Balthier and Fran wanted riches, tagging along for Ashe's quest would certainly bring much of that; Vaan wanted to be a sky pirate...
  8. J

    Aeris vs. Aerith

    Earisu, according to the developers, is a Japanese translation of the English word "earth", not an anagram for "I Earth" Thanks for the linguistics lesson. But that does not shed any light onto why her name is Aeris. She wasn't intended to be called Aerith! What in the world makes you think...
  9. J

    First Impressions (XII)

    There was plenty of reason for them to work together. And Balthier makes it clear that he wants treasure. He even takes Ashe's ring as payment for his services. And remember, it's just a video game. There isn't the time (or the need) to give them all these intricate reasons as to why they...
  10. J

    Meaning of names.

    I agree with the Laura Croft mention, as well, and don't know how nobody else sees it. She's dressed almost exactly like her.
  11. J

    Aeris vs. Aerith

    Considering that there were no voice-overs in Final Fantasy 7, I don't know how you can be so sure that this is the way it is pronounced in the Japanese version... Regardless, the game that the rest of the friggin world played featured a girl named Aeris, not Aerith. You can call her what you...
  12. J

    Best President

    The whole problem with that POV is Rufus' decision to go with military might rather than money and influence cost him everything. Rufus' tenure as President amounted to nothing, while his father built the company from the ground up. President Shinra was by far the better president. No question...
  13. J

    Final Fantasy VII Remake

    The problem with a remake, though, is that they wouldn't just leave it alone. We'd have new, better graphics, but also probably an entirely different fighting system, and plot points that would tie it into AC (ugh). I say leave it alone, because they would change too much.
  14. J

    Meaning of names.

    That's some pretty cool stuff. I think 90% of it is BS and we're reading too much into it, but it's still cool to see the coincidences.
  15. J

    I just thought of something

    OK, I just checked the game script. These words are from Cloud himself: "I never was in SOLDIER. I made up the stories about what happened to me five years ago, about being in SOLDIER. I left my village looking for glory, but never made it in to SOLDIER...I was so ashamed of being so weak; then...
  16. J

    Aeris vs. Aerith

    It's Aeris. That's how it is in Final Fantasy 7. I don't know where they changed it, or why, but the name in the game of which she is from, the spelling is "Aeris." To me, "Aerith" is just annoying. I think it's very snobbish to say it any other way than it was in the game.
  17. J

    Bahamut + Ending

    If you don't mind, I'm just going to hit the same points you did. I'll add a couple of my own, too. What I Thought of Bahamut: I thought it looked wicked, but the way they were all talking about it, I was expecting a MONSTER. I guess they at least stayed consistant, with all the old monsters...
  18. J

    Has any anyone noticed something?

    I'm really glad there weren't any romances in this one between the castmates. There was some romantic backstory, though, between Ashe and Rossler. Otherwise, this was a story of an oppressive empire on the brink of an unwinable war. There was no time for romance. But I'm agreeing with those of...
  19. J

    Bring Aerith Back

    No it wouldn't. You have to let sleeping dogs lie. 99.9% of Aries' appeal (Why is everyone calling her Arieth? She was Aries in the American version of the game) is that she's dead. The story would have been half as powerful if not for her death. It was important. Let it go.
  20. J

    Final Fantasy VII Remake

    I don't see a reason for one. If they want to make a sequal, that's fine. But otherwise, no remakes, please. Leave the original e.