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  1. Demonata

    Demon's One Stop Shop

    Marshy, I messed you about the image link. :3 ================= Dearest Confusious, I'm working on your icon now. :) I'll have it to you in a wee bit, sorry if it's rude to do the request below yours, I just didn't notice yours till after I started the one below yours. I'm just not use to...
  2. Demonata

    Demon's One Stop Shop

    Okie, sorry Asabella darling, I've not been in the best of health this week. :3 I hope you like this. I redid the whole thing, kept the same text, and changed up the textures, placement and stuff I used. :D Tell me what ya think, I'm open to changing it of course. :)
  3. Demonata

    Demon's One Stop Shop

    I hope this is good I tried to use the other photo you gave me but the coloring didn't fit well with the coloring I did up there. :3 I could always give it another go if you'd like. :D I hope you like it!
  4. Demonata

    D's Attempt At Pretty Things

    Thanks guys, for all the comments. I appreciate the time you took out of your life to comment on my gallery. Except you of course Jess. ;p It's your duty, being my bestie friend and all. XD So here's another update, I hope you like this as much as you did that up there. It's all a bit...
  5. Demonata

    National Novel Writing Month

    Jess.... you're a wee bit insane. I'm doing the NANO :D I'll fail epically and never look at myself again, but I'm doing. :P
  6. Demonata

    I'm going lesbian!

    I want to be dominate. I have a feeling that I can be in well control. I get to beat up Damon, so you know it's going to be fun. We'll need paper bags too... to solve that little problem earlier that Jess mentioned... the people we don't exactly find worthy get bags. XD
  7. Demonata

    I'm going lesbian!

    Evil Lesbians :ryan: That sounds like a role play kinda thing. :awesome: Ok then, I guess Damon is officially a female. *waves* bye bye willie, welcome to perfection. :D
  8. Demonata

    I'm going lesbian!

    I'm ugly, we all know it, AGREE DAMNIT! :vikki: Why is Damon in this mess? :ness: I thought this was lesbians... hullo... he's kinda not a female... I think.
  9. Demonata

    I'm going lesbian!

    JESS YOU'RE MY LESBIAN LOVER NOW DEAL. I want a giant orgy. This is going to be amazing, we need feathers, chocolate, hand cuffs, duct tape.... Did you know there are places in New York where you can join the party and have lunch by tossing it at one another and eating it off their bodies...
  10. Demonata

    Chinese Cat Girl

    Hell in school? Here she would be praised. People would find her cool if she attend school here. On top of that she's got so much publicity she'll probably be perfectly fine. :3 Is she an attractive girl?
  11. Demonata

    Myths about eating disorders

    My friend is 20, is about 6 foot tall, and ways 100 pounds. HEr mother freaks out because she thinks her daughter has a eating disorder. She eats more food then I do in a day and gains nothing. She's that ideal girl. Everyone stares at her as if she's anorexic though, and I've had people ask...
  12. Demonata

    Do you think people who do drugs are bad?

    Nah. I don't think people who do drugs are "bad". There are some bad people who do other things to make them bad and also to drugs. I've got a few pot smoker friends, and some friends who do other drugs. I'm not going to force jesus on them and tell them to repent or go die. They're not bad...
  13. Demonata

    Sex Ed promotes promiscuity?

    I think it depends on the child being taught. My father asked me to explain how things work and such to my sister that is 13 years old. I don't know if it's the way I explained it or if she just reacted that way, but she decided then that she didn't care much for the idea of sex. More because...
  14. Demonata

    Man 112 marries girl 17

    Hey, power to him. He comes from a different culture and background, firstly, so you can't assume what he is doing is wrong. She might want to marry him to, can we assume? Isn't the way of humans, basically, to have children and keep our own family lines going? He's just doing that. XD I...
  15. Demonata


    Huh... I only short write (what's the technical term for it? I swear I know it...) on MSN, and that's usually to make smilies pop up. I text in full grammatically correct sentences and such. I type out be right back, I think of better and creative ways of telling people I'm laughing, ie...
  16. Demonata

    Christmas Wishlist 2009 and discussion thread.

    I want a new vehicle. :( My truck last year, the breaks keep going out when it gets all nasty cold and gross outside. -_- I almost killed an old woman last year, which was not my intention I assure you. So maybe, a car that works? So I don't die? And um... a bath tub. I haven't taken a bath...
  17. Demonata

    [V3] What's Your Mood?

    MOOD : Bleh REASONING : I just got out of a two hour long exam for Psychology that should have lasted a hour tops. I got stuck on the multiple choice, and I also had to write a small little exxsay bout Freud and his nice little theory of Penis Envy for girls and the obsession for the mother...
  18. Demonata

    Do you give blood?

    I gave blood once, it was a five hour experience in total. The woman poked me four times, finally getting it in. And when she finally did, she forgot to take it out, got side tracked I guess, and when it came time to save me from fainting and taking the needle out of me they couldn't get the...
  19. Demonata

    Are you an Organ Donor?

    My dad loves to tell the story that if you are infact an organ donor, and they see this after you've been in a really bad accident, and the percentage of you living is below 50%, they're going to allow you to die so they can take your organs. >.> I don't know if I should believe him or laugh...
  20. Demonata

    D's Attempt At Pretty Things

    Attempts Galore! Yep, opinions, thoughts? Go for it. :D