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  1. adamski-sin

    Chocobo TALES!

    was on my wi-fi t'other night right, and this guy was fightin me with this cool deck, it was like pure promo cards! he had this chocobo thingy that destroyed all my crystals and hurts 9 and this big bad-ass dragon thingwe! howd you get em? anyone know?
  2. adamski-sin

    8 FFXIII images getting a ps3...............................................the wii sucks eggs compared to those graphics...................... so does the 360.............. hey anyone know if they're making an xbox720 or something?.... theyre gonna need to to keep...
  3. adamski-sin

    Hi i'm new !!!! lick me

    maybe i do taste like ice cream... how would you know? im kinda a neopolitan flavour with 2 stripes of raspberry ripple running through the middle
  4. adamski-sin

    Hi i'm new !!!! lick me

    hi im a newbie and im on Aeris Gainsborough's computer so don't ban him for double accountin or anything like that coz he introduved me so :P btw i am generically insane
  5. adamski-sin

    Your closest calls

    mines gurd :P you know that giant gurdian thing? the one on top of gagazet on FFX? yeah well i was fighting that andi didnt know i was gonna fight it, id benn training in gagazet right, and forgot to save, so all my characters had like 500-1000hp not really enough so icast reflect on tidus with...
  6. adamski-sin

    Final Fantasy is NOT Star Wars

    Can i just point out that there are bound to be similarities between the 2 as they are both "fantasies" which involve alot of travel, its just that ones geekier than the other with wrinkly headed people. But basically FF and star wars are no more alike than king kong and indiana jones, they both...
  7. adamski-sin

    What ff game have played the most on

    lol FF9, coz i spent like a month trying to find one of those retarded chocobo areas, then gave up (still hav'nt found it but i gave up trying a loooong time ago
  8. adamski-sin

    FF Villians: Who would win in a fight?

    you're all forgetting about one ridiculously dangerous "part-time" bad girl, FF8, disc 2 ( I think) and there is a crazy, overly infatuated, blue and extremely annoying she-witch. Rinoa. Sure, shes only a bad guy for like 20 minutes but would anybody dare stand between her and squall?
  9. adamski-sin

    Summon Transformations!

    I personally don't see a problem with riding an icy goddess bareback at ridiculously high speeds
  10. adamski-sin

    Which FFVIII Character Are You?

    oh god... someone kill me,i'm the chickenwuss, although i wouldn't mind having his coal hoverboard, imagine the havoc i could cause with that "You're Zell. Although you may get angry to the point of busting a blood vessel in your forehead, you are sweet and considerate to those you love."
  11. adamski-sin

    Dirge of Cerberus Wolf pack chaos!....

    ok, listen to me!! i completed the game in just over 4 hours and got everything inculding the golden doll (does that actually have a purpose??) and i find that the best thing to do is have a medium cerberus, long rifle and no short barrel coz its a waste of time, jsut rely on the cerberus and...
  12. adamski-sin

    Do animals have souls?

    of course animals have souls!! what a stupid question, what else would we eat when were dead? (and dont say you dont eat when you die, coz thats even stupider, its like the 2nd best experience on eart) i mean we can't all eat philladelphia spreads when we die can we?
  13. adamski-sin

    It's Done!!! I Have beaten FFX, But I have A LOT to say about the ending...

    Yeah again, huge dissapointment with the whole final bosses thing butthey do kind of make up for it with all the optional bosses but i still think they should have given it about 600000 more health or added something odd like, you can't use any equpment items or you can only use yuna and tidus...